صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, fee the Table of Contents, prefixed to the volume.



DDISON, his Account of Ld. Somers cenfured, 564, feq. ADRIAN VI. Pope, his Reception at Rome, 624. ENEAS, Arguments in fupport of his Arrival in Italy, 262. ETHER, in chemistry, its properties, 366. Procefs for preparing, 369. AFRICA, Trade to, importance of to England, 345: AGRICULTURE, Study of, why lefs cultivated than other Arts, 626. ALEXANDER the Great, how

educated, 10. ANACREON, his Ode on his Dream tranflated, 95. ANN, Queen, her Behaviour to the Czar, on the Affair of his Ambaffador's arreft, commened, 440. ANTIQUITY, refearches into, ufeful for promoting other kinds of Learning, 513APPETITES, no implanted ones, 265. ARITHMETIC, the foundation of its Rules too little attended to, Seldom acquired at public Schools, ibid. ARTS, why they ought to be publickly known, 349. ASSEMBLIES, the nocturnal ones of the primitive Chriftians, their Origin, 438. ATHENIANS, their Manners defcribed, both in their public and private Characters, 77. ATTERBURY, Bishop, not con


cerned in the publication of Clarendon's Hiftory, 235. ATTRACTION betwixt Wood and Water, Experiment on 633.


BAPTISM, its nature and end,

414. BEAUTY, moral and material,

their combination, 538. BEER, fuppofed to be inentioned in Scripture by Arong Drink, 478. BEGGING, Sentiments of Eraf. mus and Seneca upon it, 391, 392. BIOGRAPHY, its great utility, 385. Defects in pointed out, 386. BOLINGBROKE, Lord, his Character cenfured, 567. BOOK-MAKING, Inconveniences attending the Increafe of, 83. An Improvement in that Art, 85. BRITISH Troops, ought not to

ferve under foreign Commanders, and why, 167. BRUTUS, Junius, his Speech to the People of Rome, on occafion of the Death of Lucretia,

257. BURTON, Dr. his Account of the Authenticity of Lord Clarendon's character of Mr. Hamp den, 235.


с CADMUS fuppofed to have been a Jew, 518.


CAMBRIDGE, Richard Owen, Efq; purchafes Mr. Zolman's Library, 440. His laudable Difpofition with respect to the ufe of thofe Books, 441. CARACATURA, its Meaning explained, 318. Difputed, 319. Further contested, 605. No fuch Word, 605. CARICATURA, its Meaning af certained, 606. CAYLEY, Cornelius, his extraordinary Fanaticifm, 615. Introduced among the Methodis by Mr. Hervey, 616. His curious Library, 618. Turns Preacher, 619. CELTIC, the univerfal Language

of the poft-diluvian world, 516. CHANCES,Demonftration of fome Cafes in, 570. CHARACTERS, moral, not liked and disliked by Nature and Conftitution, but from Affociation and Habit, 267.

CHARITY, why Chriftians are fo

defective concerning it, 154. CHARITY HOUSES, for expofed

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and deferted Women, recommended, 598. CHARLES 1. his tyrannical difpofition evident from his own

Words, 240. Apology for him, 241, feq. His Guilt in regard to Glamorgan's Commillion extenuated, 561. CHEESE, the Antipathy of fome People to it, a phyfical Conjecture at the Caufe, 482. CHEMISTRY, its Theory too little known, 361. Its Importance in the Improvement of Hufbandry, 647CHORUS, in the antient Tragedy, its Impropriety and Abfurdity,

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CHURCHMEN, the principal Pro moters of Perfecution, 214. CICERO, Erafmus's Encomium on his Writings, 524. Little ef teemed by Montaigne, 525. Dificulty of tranflating him, ibid. His Tufculan Difputa tions, when, and on what Occafion, compofed, 526. Miferably tranflated, ibid. CIRCUMCISION, a patriarchal Inflitution, 330.

CLARENDON, Lord, Authenticity of his Hiftory proved by Vouchers, 233.

COADE, Mr. his Writings again

the Stuarts controverted, 237COIN, a chronological Table of Adulteration in, 33. Perni cious confequences of debafing, 34. Methods commonly prac ticed for adulterating, 35. Importance of maintaining the Standard of, ibid. Debafement of, by whom projected, 35. Pretences in favour of fuch Debasement, 37. Refu tation of thofe Pretences, 38. COLLEGE, of St. Mary's at Oxford, its Foundation, &c. 56. COMMERCE defined, 294. CONSTITUTION of England violated by the Death of Charles I. 553. CORNWALL, its Air rendered unfit for Vegetation by the Va pours of the Sea, 222. Harbours choaked up, 223. Its Coatts not fufficiently known, 225.


CROMWELL.Oliver, curious Dialogue between him and Lenthal, Fleetwood, &c. on fettling the Government, 20, feq. Form of his Inauguration, 26. His Character fcrutinized, 27. CRUELTY, natural Propensity to it in Mankind, 210. Its feveral Sources, 211. Why found more in Romish Ecclefiaftics


than in other people of a civilized Education, 213, CZAR, Peter, his Refentment of an Affront received by his Ambaffador in London, 439.

DAVID, his Sin in numbering the People animadverted on, 212. Conjecture on the Reason of his being filed the Man after God's own Heart, 213. DEATH, no juft Exemption from Cenfure, 557. DEMONIACS, two different Opinions concerning thofe fpoken of in the New Teftament, 105. The Afflictions under which they laboured, mere bodily dif tempers, ibid. Objections to this Opinion anfwered, 112. DEMOSTHENES, his oratorial Qualifications, 78. His Awe and Confufion when about to fpeak in the Prefence of Philip, 99 DENDRITES, how the arbufcular Delineations are formed on, 452.

DIOCESE of St. David's, a greater Number of Non-Academics ordained in, than in the other three Welch Diocefes, 531. DIONYSIUS of Halicarnaffus, a mere Writer of Romance, according to Mr. Hooke, 187. His Character according to Mr. Spelman, 256. DOCTRINE, none worthy of Regard in which the Founder appears interefted, 120. DOMESDAY BOOK, upon what

Account written, 459. DUCKET, Mr. his Evidence with regard to the Interpolations of Clarendon's Hiftory difputed, 234.

DUNGHILLS, beft Economy of, 631.

DURESTAL, Count de, his Life,

492. DUTCH, their judicious Regula

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EGYPTIANS derived their fcientific Knowlege from the Scythians, 516.

ENGLISH, their Right of feizing neutral Ships carrying the Property of their Enemies, proved, 542.

ENGLISH Language, by what Means loaded with Confonants, 335 Scheme for retrenching, 337. EPITAPH, an elegant Latin one on a Wife, 160, ERASMUS, ACCount of the feveral Authors of his Life, 386. Le Clerk's the beft, ibid. Birth and Education of Erafmus, 387, feq. Composes a Poem while travelling across the Alps, 390. HisThoughts of Begging, 391. His Character and Perfon defcribed, 395, feq. His Writings characterized, 397. ESTABLISHMENTS, religious, the only Thing that can prevent Religion from degenerating into Fanaticifm, 326. EVIL, the Origin of, from Liberty, not Neceffity, 355. EUROPE, its first Inhabitants afcertained, 514.


FEVER, inflammatory, its Symp
toms, 172.

FRANCE, the Aggreffor in the
prefent War, 545.




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HANBURY, Rev. Mr. his curious Nurfery of Trees and Plants, 535.

HAPPINESS, not easy to be conceived in any Situation of Life, 551. HARLOTS, penitent, ought to be treated with Decorum by their Benefactors, 512. HEBREW Language, a copious and rich one, 610. The contrary opinion, ibid. Its Origin from God, ibid. The contraFamous ry Opinion, 611.

Question concerning the Vowelpoints flated, ibid. HENRY III. his Pedigree. 456. HERVEY, Author of the Meditations, a Methodist, 616. HIEROGLYPHICS, the feveral Species of, 329. HOME, Dr. Francis, obtains the Prize-medal for his Differtation on Agriculture, 625. View of that Work, ibid. HOOPING COUGH, Strandberg's

fhort Method of curing it, 143. HORACE, an agreeable Imitation

of one of his Odes, 407. A

Paffage in, happily applied to the King of Pruffia, 588. HOMEERG, his Experiment on the Veffels of Plants, 634. HOSPITAL of St. Crofs, an Account of, 50.


JACOB, his famous Prophecy explained and illustrated, 429

434: JAMAICA, the remarkable Expence of Law fuits in that Ifland, 132. An Eflimate of the annual Supplies from Great Britain and Ireland thither, 135. Eftimate of its Riches and Value, 137. IDOLATRY, neceffary to govern Mankind in the early Ages of the World, 532.

JEWS, never to become a Nation while they remain Jews, 116. A peculiar Circumftance in their Cafe, which muft eternally exclude their Claim to the general Right of Naturalization among us, 327. INOCULATION, Reasons for preferring, before any other artificial Mode of communicating the Small-pox, 87, feq. IRISH Language understood by the Mountaineers of Biscay,

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difpenfible to good Writing,

541. LATIMER, Bp. Extract from a merry Sermon of his concerning Money, 34LAW, the Neceffity of its being ftudied by Men of diftinguished Property, 488. Scheme for registering Keports of Cafes in,


LAW, the Jewish, the admirable Provifion made by it, for preventing Idolatry, 424. LEO X. Pope, Confpiracy against his Life, 623. His Death and Character, 624.

LETTERS, their Invention ascribed to God, 518.

LIFE, Tree of, fuppofed to be

the only real Panacea, 477. LONGEVITY, impoffible to be extended beyond the Pfalmift's Limits, 485. LOUISIANA defcribed, 297. LowTH, Dr. his excellent notions concerning religious Liberty, 415.

LUTHER, his character, 393. His unfavourable Idea of fovereign princes, ibid.

M MADDER, an important article of our Commerce, 621. Advantages derived from it by the Dutch, ibid. Encouragement offered for the Cultivation of it in England, 622. MADNESS, a fingular method of curing, 226. MAGDALEN, Mary, erroneously fuppofed to have been an Harlot, 510. Her memory infulted by calling penitent Proftitutes after her Name, 511. Ill Confequences thereof, 512. MAGDALEN-HOUSE, Scheme of, commended, 467. Inftitutions of the like Nature in other Countries defcribed, 471. Cautions to be obferved concerning them, 474.

MAGDALENS, penitent Profi. tutes fo called, in France and Italy, 472.

MAN, his Dignity in the Creation afferted, 128. MANNERS, a Contrariety between thofe of antient and modern' Times accounted for, 435. MARLBOROUGH, Duchefs of, her Character cenfured, 597. MEASURE, the Neceffity of having one established Standard of, elucidated, 41. MISSISSIPPI River, by whom difcovered, 297. MONTAIGNE, his Want of Regard for Cicero's Writings, a Reflexion on himself, 525. MORE, Sir Thomas, his elegant Speech on his Entrance on the Office of L. H. Chancellor, 67. Account of his Eutopia, 68. MOSES fuppofed to have received. the first Letters from God, 518. Mucus, its Diftin&tion from Pus, and the Neceffity of that Diftinction, 151.

MULES, their Addrefs in defcending the Precipices from Guayaquil to Quito, 289. MUSHROOM-STONE, what, 584.


NASCENT and evanefcent Quantities defined, 530. NEUTRAL Nations, how far they have a Right to protect the Property of our Enemies, 542, NON-NATURALS, an abfurd Term," 483. NORMAN Laws, rather borrowed from England, than ours from them, 450. NURSERY of Trees, &c. a remarkable one in Leicestershire, 535.

OCEAN, Atlantic, a large Tract of it of a white colour, 286. OLIVA, Abbe, fome Account of, 494.


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