Historical ACCOUNT OF THЕ LIFE and REIGN OF DAVID King of ISRAEL: Interspersed with Various CONJECTURES, DIGRESSIONS, In which (among other things) 1 By the Author of Revelation Examin'd with Candour. And be shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, LONDON: Printed for J. OSBORN, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-nofter Row. gift 3-14-1932 THE PREFACE. T HE praises bestowed upon DAVID by facred writers, and the calumnies heaped upon bim by some others of a different denomination, strongly, and, I think, naturally engaged my curiofity to fearch into bis history, in order to fatisfy myself in his real character. And as this Search engaged me in an exact and particular enquiry into all parts of bis life and conduct, I found them filled with a furprizing feries of rare incidents, and interesting events; and fuch as either supplied or fuggested a great variety of curious obfervations |