صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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GLORY be to thee, O Lord, all glory be to thee, for the sleep which thou hast graciously given me this night: A seasonable recruit to the wastings, and a kind intermission to the labours, of this poor weak and wearied body.

And now, that thou hast added to the number of my days. that this


and every day may be employed to


the perfecting of holiness in the fary, and sweetened with the comforts of health, of peace, and innocence, grant, O good Lord.

That the Angel of Peace, the holy guide of thy children, the faithful guard set by thee over their souls and bodies, may encamp round about me, and continually suggest to my mind such things as conduce to thy glory, and to my salvation, grant, O good Lord.

That all the sins, offences, and neglects of my days already gone, may, by thy mercy, be freely pardoned, and entirely done away, grant, O good Lord.

That it may please thee to bless the world with prosperity and peace,

but chiefly with such mercies, as


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