The Works of John Locke, المجلد 1J. Johnson, 1801 |
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النتائج 1-5 من 27
الصفحة 58
... evident truth . " ( 6 My lord , I must confess I never thought , that the consideration of ourselves , and what we ... self in the most usual and familiar way , to let it the easier into men's minds , by common words and known ways ...
... evident truth . " ( 6 My lord , I must confess I never thought , that the consideration of ourselves , and what we ... self in the most usual and familiar way , to let it the easier into men's minds , by common words and known ways ...
الصفحة 103
... self - evident , nor yet proved . But this I am sure , as to myself , I do no where lay all foundation of certainty in clear and distinct ideas ; and therefore am still at a loss , why I was made one of the gentlemen of this new way of ...
... self - evident , nor yet proved . But this I am sure , as to myself , I do no where lay all foundation of certainty in clear and distinct ideas ; and therefore am still at a loss , why I was made one of the gentlemen of this new way of ...
الصفحة 160
... self - evident propositions and maxims : so that , if his lordship has ever read those parts of your Essay , he cannot doubt , but that you have ideas of those common principles of reason . 0 + It may be so , I replied , It 160 Mr ...
... self - evident propositions and maxims : so that , if his lordship has ever read those parts of your Essay , he cannot doubt , but that you have ideas of those common principles of reason . 0 + It may be so , I replied , It 160 Mr ...
الصفحة 303
... self - evident , nor allowed by me to be true , remains to be proved . So that your foundation failing , all your large superstruc ture built thereupon comes to nothing . But , my lord , before we go any farther , I crave leave humbly ...
... self - evident , nor allowed by me to be true , remains to be proved . So that your foundation failing , all your large superstruc ture built thereupon comes to nothing . But , my lord , before we go any farther , I crave leave humbly ...
الصفحة 347
... self - evident proposition ; and if that be it which your lordship makes me say here in the fore- going words , I agree to it , and would be glad to know whether your lordship differs in opinion from me in it . But this not answering ...
... self - evident proposition ; and if that be it which your lordship makes me say here in the fore- going words , I agree to it , and would be glad to know whether your lordship differs in opinion from me in it . But this not answering ...
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
agreement or disagreement Answ answer argument Aristotle article of faith author of Christianity bare essence believe bishop of Worcester body cerning certainty by ideas certainty by reason christian faith Christianity not mysterious clear and distinct common nature complain complex idea confess connexion controversy corporeal substance crave leave dangerous consequence defend demonstration disagreement of ideas discourse distinct apprehensions distinct ideas doctrine endeavoured existence farther grounds of certainty hath humbly conceive idea of substance immaterial inconsistent knowledge letter lord lordship adds lordship means lordship says material substance matter maxims method of certainty mind nature and person obscure and confused passage perceive perception place certainty pleased principles of reason proof proposition prove question quoted real essence resurrection scepticism self-evident sensation and reflection sense ship signify simple ideas soul subsist substratum suppose syllogism tainty tell thing thought tion Trinity true truth understand unitarians wherein