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النشر الإلكتروني

and according to the nature of the thing, was a was one of them,) exhausting Britain of momost scandalous, seditious and pernicious re- ney, carrying our countrymen abroad to be proach upon us, our government, and right killed in time of war, and ordering them to be thereto, tending to the engendering discord be- starved in time of peace; and after the examtween us and our people, and to occasion con- ple, as he says, of that abominable monster spiracy or sedition against us. Likeas it also Nero, who, beside his inhumanity to his pawas a most criminal reflection upon, and mis- rents, burnt with joy the city of Rome. And constructing of, the proceeding of us and our he further accuses the said king William of parliaments for settling the succession, con- prostituting the honour of the nation; and all trary to the very Oath of Abjuration that he the along he treats his government as a foreign said Mr. Dundas had taken, and clearly tend- yoke. But then he goes on to accuse and ing to move dislike between us and our subjects. slander us who now reigns, for continuing, conBut the said Mr. Dundas, not resting in this trary to law, as he alleges, king William's parhis wicked practice, hath, upon one or other of liament, though it was both warrantable, and the days of August last, further proceeded to approven by an express act of parliament; the making or publishing of a most scandalous, whence he proceeds to condemn the union of pernicious and seditious pamphlet, under the the two kingdoms as a fatal blow to our laws, title of The Faculty of Advocates Loyalty, in and the finishing subversion of our constitu' a Letter to us by one of the Dean of Facul- tion, in laying an embargo upon our trade, dity's Council.' Which pamphlet, and most vesting the Peers of their hereditary right, diinfamous libel, is a heap of lies, villanies and minishing the parliamentary representation of mischief; whereof his written copy, with the the Commons, and surrendering the whole printed copy printed by his order, and so pub. power and sovereignty of Scotland into the lished, is put in the clerk of court his hands, hands of a more powerful people, our old enethat he may see it; and a double also of the mies of England; and not stopping in his resame, held as here repeated, and given out to flecting upon and reproaching the Union, he him to answer: as, first, and in the first para goes on to reflect upon the proceedings of us graph thereof, where, abusing a very tender and the British parliament, by abrogating part and sacred principle and position of govern- of our laws, though infinitely better, as he says, ment, as to Non-Resistance, he stretches the than those of the English, and introducing the same most wickedly and maliciously to the English laws about treason, in place of ours, condemning of the late happy Revolution; and which he also falsely makes a breach of an arthen proceeding, he villanously reflects upon ticle in the treaty. And then, taking notice of the very first happy times of our reformation the appeals that lie from the lords of council from Popery, directly accusing both our noble and session to the British parliament, he roundregents and worthy reformers, and also the ly reproaches the whole House of Peers, as men English, then our friendly assistants, of rebel-who can scarce be presumed to know either lion and tyranny against the then queen Mary; law or equity; adding further another false inadding, that after her decease we submitted to sinuation, as if our representatives were, conthe next in blood; but then be plainly asserts, trary to the treaty of Union, ranked after all against our right and title, and the succession the counties and boroughs of England. Nor to the crown, as now settled by act of parlia- doth the kingdom of Ireland escape his unacment, that relation, kindred, and the rights of countable malice and reproach, when he calls blood, are so sacred, that no crime, nor noit a receptacle of English slaves, and a conpower on earth, could take them away: thereafter he goes on with his malicious strictures upon the times of the late king Charles 1, and upon things long since happily buried by severat acts of indemnity, and that not without most rude reflections on the English as cowards: and where, in a word, he makes the whole English nation either professed Jacobites, that is, enemies to us, or such villains, as he calls them, as to profess only loyalty in shew, when they are at the bottom abomiuable hypocrites, false friends, and traitors. Then he goes on to reflect again upon the late happy Revolution, which he reckons no better than a curse, and the late king William, of ever-glorious memory, no better than a Nebuchadnezzar; and that to him we were all made slaves; and thence he takes a new flight against the late king William's memory, whom he falsely accuses of alienating the bishop's rents to profane uses, of giving us ignorant and villainous judges, (though Mr. Dundas his own father, a person of probity and merit beyond exception,

quered province, unjustly preferred to Scotland. And further wickedly adds, to the manifest engendering of discord, and moving of dislike, that all overtures for the good of Scotland were refused. After all which he most absurdly concludes for the loyalty of the advocates, though they had received a medal of the Pretender, from no better arguments than his own pernicious and wicked reflections above remarked. By all which it is manifest, that the said Mr. James Dundas is guilty, art and part, of most seditious and pernicious practices; as also of a most wicked, villanous, seditious and pernicious pamphlet, and defamatory libel, contrary to the foresaid laws and acts of parliament. Which being found by a verdict of an assize, before our lords justice general, justice clerk, and commissioners of justiciary, he ought to be, by their sentence, severely punished with the pains of law, to the example and terror of others to do the like in time coming."

Sir James Stewart, her majesty's Advocate,

produced an order, signed by lord Dartmouth, one of the secretaries of state, to prosecute.

Pleaded for the pannel, The prosecutor can only insist upon one of the libels, and the other two must be dropped; for the pannel cannot be obliged to answer to three libels upon the same fact at once, as that might produce three sentences against him, l. 1, s. 3, ff. De Accusat. ; J. 11, s. 2, eodem. The list of the assize is only given out with the first libel; and therefore if it be passed from, there can be no trial. If the other two are passed from, the additional list of witnesses given out with them must go for nothing. 2ndly, The libel holds the pamphlet as repeated, or a part of the libel; it ought therefore to have been given out with the summons and citation; for no part of a criminal libel can be left in the clerk's hands more than another.

composing a pamphlet, without publication, is no crime, more than the speaking in private where nobody hears. Writing, without publishing, can never occasion sedition. The act 131, parl. 8, Ja. 6, relates to open public speaking; the act 10, parl. 10, Ja. 6, to slanderous writings; by which such must be understood as occasion a misunderstanding between the king and his subjects. The act 1662 means the same, and has been only so understood. 2dly, Publication is not charged in the libel; all that it alleges is, that one copy was printed by the pannel's order: but printing one copy could never, in the eye of law, be publication; for the printing a single copy could never occasion disgust or discord between prince and people. The act 21 Rob. 1, and the act 1662, distinguish between printing and publishing. What is printed must therefore be dispersed, in order to conAs to the first branch of the libel, which stitute publication; but that is not alleged in charges seditious practices, the facts charged the libel; I. 1, ff. De edendo; 1. un. C. de faare not relevant; because, first, by no law is mosis libellis; 1. 5, s. 11, ff. ibid. All that is lithe receiving such a medal forbidden; conse- belled is the giving orders to print; but that is quently the argument for receiving it could not not publishing: and as what was printed never be a crime. As to the pretence, that the medal was de facto published, there was at most no asserts the prince of Wales's right to the crown, more than a conatus, which is not punishable; there is nothing on the medal which directly 1. 1, ff. Quod quisque juris; l. 10, par. 5; 1. asserts that right; so that even the corner of 5, par. 10, De famosis libellis; 1. 38, s. 2, De the medal could not be the ground of action: pœnis. So that the libel is not only founded and it is without precedent to punish for a pre- upon old obsolete laws, but they are stretched tended meaning when nothing is expressed. beyond measure. 3dly, The pannel offers to 2ndly, Supposing the medal asserted the Pre- prove, in exculpation, that his orders were litender's right, no law prohibits the keeping mited not to print, without a licence from the such medal, any more than the keeping or provost of Edinburgh; which shows he had no using a book that maintained that or any other design to raise sedition. 4thly, The pamphlet bad principle. The 134th act, Ja. 6, condemns may be understood in a good sense, as containBuchanan's Chronicle; yet those people who ing a view of the tenets of those who without kept it in their possession never were punished. any just reason carp at the present administraIn France, the having British coin, which as- tion, and a ridicule of such people. It is very serts our sovereign's having right to that king- common, in an ironical manner, to commend dom, was never reckoned punishable. 3dly, As certain articles and principles which are meant to the assertion, That the Pretender had the to be exposed; and we have satires written right of blood, or words to that purpose, in the against marriage, which were designed to refirst place, this is too general, and in crimina- commend it. The proposition laid down in this libus non licet vagari.' 2ndly, The using pamphlet, That our prince is absolute, must be such expression is not pleading against her ma-ironical; as it is plain from our history and jesty's right to the crown; for her majesty's acts of parliament, that he is not; and that the right is not incompatible with another's having supreme legislative power is lodged in the king what may be called the right of blood; for blood and parliament. alone gives no right to the crown; it gives a title, if the person that has it be not debarred by the want of other qualities, which our laws require. Thus many are nearer by blood to the succession than the House of Hanover; yet it is called before them, and they are excluded, because of their want of other qualities. Hence the saying, that the Pretender had the right of blood, was only saying, he was a near relation to the queen: but it did not import a denial of her majesty's just right to the crown; and therefore the argument for receiving the medal upon that ground, cannot be criminal, though the argument might be inconclusive.

As to the second branch of the libel, founded on the pamphlet: in the first place, the mere

* As to this, see vol. 12, p. 164.

Answered. To the first, The three libels are all precisely in the same words, and -are used for the purpose of giving citations on the discovery of more witnesses or new documents: but the conclusion is one. To the second, The pamphlet is referred to as a proof of the crime charged. To the third, The mere receiving a medal may not be criminal; but the pleading for receiving it in the manner libelled, shows a design to reflect on her majesty's right, especially as it was objected to on account of its being a medal of the Pretender. The argument for receiving it on that account, and because he had the right of blood, which was good, was plainly to impugn her majesty's right, as two rights to one crown are incompatible: and this was more than barely asserting the Pretender's

relation to the queen; for the pleading his right of blood, to reinforce the motto of the medal 'Reddite,' was equal to pleading for the restoration of the Pretender. And as this was

done publicly, it differs much from the keeping or using bad books, which may be connived at. And as to the keeping our money in France, it passes there as a coin in commerce.

As to the defences respecting the pamphlet, in the first place, writing is more than thinking. It is an ouvert act, and criminal of itself, by act 2, parl. 1662, and by act 10, parl. 10, James 6. 2ndly, The printing the pamphlet was the most direct method of publication that could be used. And as to the pretended caution, it might be affected; for if the pamphlet was in fact published, the author must answer for the consequences, especially as copies went abroad; which are presumed to have come, and must have come, from him or his asso. ciates. As to the meaning of the pamphlet, that is submitted: the perusal of it must satisfy every person, that it cannot bear the sham commentary now put upon it by the pannel's counsel. The laws libelled on are not obsolete, when a capital punishment is not insisted for ; and they were mitigated by the act 1703.

The Court found, "The pannel's pleading, at a meeting of the faculty of advocates, to receive into the collection of medals in the said faculty's library, the medal libelled upon, for this reason, that the Pretender had the right of blood, and that the said right was good, or words directly importing the same, and not by inference, and that though the receiving of the said medal had been objected against as injurious to the queen her right to the government, relevant to infer an arbitrary punishment. And, separatim, found, his giving in to the printer, and ordering him to print the paper, entitled, The Faculty of Advocates' Loyalty, in a Let'ter to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by one of the Dean of Faculty's Council,' libelled upon and read in court, a sufficient publication thereof, and relevant to infer an arbitrary punishment: and repelled the haill defences proponed for the pannel."

The Diet was afterwards deserted.
Act. Sir James Stewart, T. Kennedy.
Alt. Sir W. Pringle, sir J. Naesmyth.

Arnot, in his Abridgement of Scots Criminal Trials, has inserted the following, which may serve to illustrate the strange extravagance of the Jacobites, and the mildness with which it was punished.

Charles Lord Fraser * for High Treason, in proclaiming the late King James to be

Righteous and Lawful Sovereign of this
Realm, &c. [1693.]

It was charged against the prisoner, that, contrary to his allegiance, he, in the month of to the market-cross of Fraserburgh, stepped June or July 1692, went with his accomplices upon the cross, and, after three + several O Yes's, did three several times proclaim the late king James, and the pretended prince of Wales, dom, and successor to the same, and that they to be righteous and lawful king of this kingcursed all who would say the contrary: then they drank, and caused to be drank, king James's good health, and that of the prince of adherents; drank to his confusion; uttered reWales, and cursed king William and all his proachful speeches of him, calling him Burgar, that he was only prince of Orange: that, for and Burgar-master of the Hague, and saying tols from the cross on the occasion, and forced the greater solemnity, they fired guns and pisable healths: by all which the prisoner testified some of his majesty's subjects to drink treasonhis rebellion against his majesty's person and authority, and his treasonable intentions to depose the king, and did disown the king's title to the crown, and did all that in him lay to incite and treasons he ought to be punished with the people to take arms: for which contempts death, and the forfeiture of his estate.

indictment relevant to infer the pains libelled. After a prolix argument, the court found the

The following persons composed the Assize: lord Forrester, lord Bargeny, the master of Forbess, James Oswald of Singletoun, James Baird of Saughtonhall, Patrick Murray of Livingstone, Mr. George Scot of Giblestone, William Dick of Grange, sir Alexander Gilmour of Craigmillar, James Eleis of Southsyde, sir Robert Milne of Binnie, Hugh Wallace of Inglistoun, Alexander Nisbet of Craigintinnie, William Biggar of Woolmet, and sir William Binning of Wally foord.


Thomas Pyper, weaver, saw lord Fraser come from the house of John Hay vintner, and go to the cross, and step upon it: he heard one in the company cry three O Yes's, and proclaim the late king James and the prince of Wales, and this was after some person had bid him proclaim, to whom he answered, what shall I proclaim, my lord?' After these proclamations, the witness heard king James's name mentioned, saw the people on the cross have drink with them, and heard the shooting of pistols. Adds, that lord Fraser was on the cross at the same time with the man who proclaimed king James.

John Wood saw lord Fraser and others go to the cross, saw his lordship on the cross, heard a *This family was raised to the peerage by servant belonging to the company cry three seCharles 1, A. D. 1633. The title became ex-veral O Yes's, and then proclaim the late king tinct by the prisoner's dying without issue; Douglass's Peerage, page 275.

+ Records of Justiciary, March 29, 1693.

lemnly enacted and declared, That assizes of error* are a grievance.'

James and the prince of Wales; and after the proclamation he beard two shots of a pistol. The witness carried wine to the company at the cross.

Henry Finlayson saw lord Fraser and others on the cross drinking healths; their servants told him it was the late king James, and prince of Wales's health: lord Fraser and another gentleman held drawn swords to the deponent's breast, and forced him to drink some healths.

John Hay, vintner, deposed, that lord Fraser went out of his house to the cross, and the deponent went there also, and heard his lordship drink king James's and the prince of Wales's health. He heard also the firing of pistols.

Alexander Robertson heard a noise at the cross, opened his window, and saw and heard a person cloathed in red cry three O Yes's, and proclaim king James as our righteous king. The deponent, at the same time, saw the prisoner on the cross, and heard the company drinking healths. He did not distinctly hear whose health, but heard the words, Burgar, 'the Hague, and Orange,' come from the company.

James Hardie, servant to John Hay vintner, saw lord Fraser, and several others, go to the cross, and the witness was employed to hold

some of their horses. He heard and saw a

footman make three O Yes's, off the cross, and begin a health to king James and the prince of Wales, and bid the ill man * take all that refused to pledge it.' He saw the prisoner, and others, drink the health, and heard some shots of a pistol.

James Scot saw lord Fraser, and others, at the cross; he saw and beard them drink king James's, and the prince of Wales's healths, and heard lord Fraser curse those present who refused the toast. He heard four shots.

The Lord Advocate protested for an assize of wilful error, if the jury should acquit the prisoner. The prisoner protested in the contrary; because the committee of estates which declared king James to have forfaulted the crown, and bestowed the same on William and Mary, so

* A fanatical term for the devil.

Seven peers and eight gentlemen of distinction who were summoned to be upon the jury, were fined a hundred merks each, for not obeying the citation. The jury, of which lord Bargeny was chancellor, all in one voice found it not proved that the prisoner either actually proclaimed, or caused proclaim, the late king James, and the pretended prince of Wales; but found it proved that he was present at the proclamation. Found, by a plurality of voices, that a proclamation was made at the and the prince of Wales; but not in terms of cross of Fraserburgh, of the late king James the indictment, viz. as being righteous and lawful king of this kingdom, and lawful suc'cessor therein.' The assize, all in one voice, found it not proved, that the prisoner and his accomplices cursed all those who would say to the contrary. They found it proved, that the prisoner drank king James's health, and that of the prince of Wales: but found his cursing king William, and drinking to his confusion, and uttering reproachful speeches of him and forcing people to drink treasonable healths, not proved. They found that pistols were fired, but did not find that it was by the prisoner's order. lar, Livingstone and Southsyde, desired it to be The Master of Forbess, the lairds of Craigmilmarked in the record, that they found the proclamation proved in terms of the libel. On the lord Fraser, fining him in 2001. sterling. 16th of May the court pronounced sentence on

Arnot says, in a Note, "In the reign of Geo. 1, Alexander Crawfurd was fined 50%. sterling, for drinking the health of king James 8, and to his happy restoration. Rec. of Just. 21st Feb. 1715. And a Highland minister was turned out of his meeting-house for three years, for not praying for king George by name, but for the supreme in authority who sits upon the

royal throne,' and this at a time when there was no statute for praying for the king by name, except that which ordained the clergy to pray for queen Anne, and the princess Sophia: nor any law for it, but a proclamation of the Lords of the Regency. Rec. of Just. 11th, 14th, 18th, 19th, 25th July 1715."

* As to this, see Vol. 11, p. 75. + As to assizers for noblemen, see Vol. 10, p. 1071.

448. The Trial of RICHARD NOBLE, Gent. for the Murder of JOHN SAYER, Esq. and of Mrs. MARY SAYER, for Petty Treason, and Mrs. MARY SALISBURY, for aiding and abetting the said Murder; at the Assizes held at Kingston-uponThames, in Surry, before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice Parker: 12 ANNE, A. D. 1713.

ON Thursday evening, March 12, Richard Noble, Mary Sayer, and Mary Salisbury, were arraigned for the murder of John Sayer, esq. upon their several indictments; and pleaded Not Guilty; and were told by the Court, to prepare for their trials next morning at six o'clock.

*This Mr. Noble was the son of Mr. Noble, who kept a well-frequented coffee-house at Bath, and had an estate of about 60l. per ann. gave his son a liberal education, and put him clerk to an attorney at the Devizes, in Wilts; when Noble was out of his clerkship, he took chambers in New-inn, London, and there practised as an attorney; he was introduced by a gentleman of honour, to transact Mr. and Mrs. Sayer's affairs, (for they had various disputes) the gentleman little thinking he would have made so ill an use of his recommendation: but Mr. Noble was a gay, amorous young fellow, about twenty-eight years of age, and what any woman would have liked, and he soon found out Mrs. Sayer's disposition, went off with her, and lived with her in various lodgings in a scandalous way. Former Edition.

"This evening lady Masham, Dr. Arbuthnot and I were contriving a lie for to-morrow, that Mr. Noble, who was hanged last Saturday, was recovered by his friends, and then seized again by the sheriff, and is now in a messenger's hands at the Black Swan in Holborn. We are all to send to our friends to know whether they have heard any thng of it, and so we hope it will spread. However we shall do our endea vours; nothing shall be wanting on our part, and leave the rest to fortune." Swift's Journal to Stella, March 31, 1713.

[blocks in formation]

Court. That must be proved by the oath of somebody, and that he was served with a subpoena to attend here. Upon which Mr. Lindsey, one of the attornies concerned for the prisoners (for they had many) deposed, that he filled up a subpoena for serving Mr. Bull, but did not serve it himself; that a messenger was sent at twelve o'clock, yesterday, to London, to serve it, but was not returned. Mr. Noble also alleged, That Mr. Page, the counsel, another material witness, was not come, and that he was served with a subpoena, and they looked for him every hour; and called Mr. Lindsey to prove this.

Mr. Lindsey deposed, he served Mr. Page with a subpoena last Sunday, and that he thought he would have been down at the trial,

The Court told Lindsey he should have taken care to have had his witnesses ready, and that there was no affidavit made of their being material witnesses; and reprimanded Lindsey for his neglect, and ordered the trial to go on.

The queen's counsel, Mr. Serj. Commyns, with Mr. Nott, set forth how heinous the crimes of the prisoners would appear to be, but what aggravated their crimes, was their endeavouring to procure witnesses to perjure themselves; and called*

Daniel Reeves, who being sworn, proved, that one James Hannon, an Irishman, (who

they had not been married long, before she quarrelled with him, and parted beds; then by "We had no success in our story, though I intercession of friends came together, and sent my man to several houses, to inquire among parted again. In short, she carried on a crithe footmen, without letting him into the secret; minal conversation with two or three others, but I doubt my colleagues did not contribute before she came acquainted with Mr. Noble. as they ought." Swift's Journal to Stella, April-Though Mrs. Sayer will appear so vicious 1, 1713.

This John Sayer, esq. was lord of the manor of Biddlesden, in Bucks, a gentleman of about 1000l. per ann. Married in 1699 Mary, daughter and co-heir to admiral Nevil, (whose relict married col. Salisbury) and had 3000l. to her fortune. Mr. Sayer, on the receipt of 1000l. was to settle 50%. per ann. pin-money, and for every 1000l. was to settle 100l. per ann. in trustees. She was a very agreeable, sensible woman, had some wit, but too much spirit;

and wicked in the ensuing trial, yet some few years after the murder of her husband, and the execution of her gallant, she married again an eminent physician in London. Former Edition.

* This trial is printed from what was published at that time, (1713) and though not so perfect as it would have been, if it had been taken in short-hand, yet it will receive considerable additions from the Case of Mr. Noble, by a barrister at law, and Mr. Noble's speeches, printed afterwards. Former Edition.

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