صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

1779 VIGILANT, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 18. Commander: Nicholas Malescot.

July 29

Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000.


Bonders: Nicholas Malescot, mariner, principal; James
Macduff and P[eter] Aldoph of Boston, sureties.
Owner: James Macduff.

Witness: Jno. Dall.

M. A., vii, 266, 267, 170, 282.

1776 VIPER, Schooner. Guns, 6, and 8 swivels; Men, 50. Commander: Benjamin Wormell.

Sept. 9

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: Benjamin Wormell, William Spooner, and
Stephen Bruce-all of Boston.

Owners: William Spooner, Stephen Bruce, and others.
Witnesses: John Avery, jr., William Baker.

M. A., VII, 276, 165, 223.

1778 VIPER, Schooner. Tons, 33; Guns, 14 swivels; Men, 30. Commander: Benjamin Chapman.

Apr. 14

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Benjamin Chapman, principal; Henry Rust and
Israel Hutchinson, of Salem, sureties.

Owners: Henry Rust and Israel Hutchinson.
Witness: D[aniel] Hopkins.

M. A., VII, 282, 284, 168, 259.

1778 VIPER, Schooner. Guns, 14 swivels; Men, 30. Commander: Joseph Pitman.

Sept. 30

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Joseph Pitman, mariner, principal; Henry
Rust and John Leach, of Salem, sureties.

Owners: Henry Rust and others.
Witnesses: John Dutch, Robert Leech.

M. A., vII, 274, 275, 169, 182.

1780 VIPER, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 120. Commander: William Williams.

May 9

Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000.

Bonders: William Williams, mariner, principal; John R.
Livingston and David Dickson, merchants of Boston,

Owners: John R. Livingston and David Dickson.
Witnesses: Maria Sheaffe (on Continental bond), Sarah
Sheaffe (on State bond), Charles Jarvis (on both).
M. A., VII, 285, 286, 139, 271, 171, 155.

1782 VIPER, Ship. Guns, 14; Men, 65.

Apr. 9

Commander: Jonathan Neall, of Salem.
C. C. 196, XVI, 5; Salem Gazette, July 4, 1782: "Capt.
Neil, in the privateer ship Viper, now on a cruise
from this port, lately took a vessel laden with salt,
which, after being ordered for this place, was retaken
by two letters of marque bound to Quebec. Mr. John
Bailey, Capt. Neil's prize master, and three of his
men, on their arrival at that place, determined on a
voyage to Europe rather than suffer a long and
loathsome imprisonment in Quebec. They accord-
ingly shipped themselves on board a snow bound to
London and two days after leaving the river St.
Lawrence, Mr. Bailey and his three men, joined by
another of the crew, attacked and subdued the Cap-
tain and the remainder of his men, five in number,
and thereby rendering themselves masters of the
vessel, altered her course and arrived in Marblehead
harbour on Tuesday last, being nine days after she
was taken." Felt, 11, 274.

1782 VIPER, Schooner. Guns, 2; Men, 25.
Commander: Benjamin Hilton, of Salem.
C. C. 196, XVI, 3.

July 23

1782 VIPER, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 25.
Sept. 30
Commander: Thomas Coburn, of Salem.
C. C. 196, XVI, I.

1779 VIRGIN, Brigantine. Guns, 16; Men, 30.
Commander: Isaac Green Pearson.

Jan. 28

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Isaac Green Pearson, mariner, principal; Lee &
Jones and Joseph Marquand, of Newburyport, sureties.
Owners: Lee & Jones.

Witness: James Tileston.

M. A., VII, 270, 271, 169, 425.

1780 VIRGIN, Brigantine. Guns, 8; Men, 25.

Dec. 20

Commander: Jonathan Coolidge, of Newburyport.
C. C. 196, XVI, 6.

1782 VIRGINIA, Ship. Guns, 10; Men, 25.

Feb. 12

Commander: William Claghorn, of Bedford.
Owners: Jonathan Nutting and others, of Boston.
C. C. 196, XVI, 7; M. A., 172, 98.

[blocks in formation]

1782 VOLUNTEER, Galley. Guns, 1; Men, 25. Commander: William Hart, of Boston. C. C. 196, XVI, 10; M. A., 172, 156.

May 13

1782 VOLUNTEER, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 20. July 18 Commander: Litchfield Luce, of Boston. C. C. 196, XVI, II.

1782 VULTURE, Brigantine. Guns, 4; Men, 12.

Jan. 29

Commander: Abraham Tappan, of Newburyport.
C. C. 196, XVI, 13.

1782 VULTURE, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 18.

Oct. 19

Commander: William Chaloner, of Machias.
C. C. 196, XVI, 12.

1775 WARREN, Schooner.

[blocks in formation]


Note. Afterwards commanded by William Burke. Washington's Fleet.

1776 WARREN, Sloop. Guns, 6; Men, 50.

[blocks in formation]

Bonders: John Phillips, mariner, Lemuel Williams, merchant, both of Dartmouth, and John Grannis, of Falmouth, Barnstable County.

Owners: Lemuel Williams and Leonard Jarvis, of Dart-

Witnesses: Benj[amin] Edes, Jno. Furnass.
M. A., VII, 326, 165, 414.

1776 WARREN, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 50.
Commander: William Coas.

Aug. 2

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: Joseph Foster, Winthrop Sargent and Epes
Sargent — all of Gloucester, and John Winthrop, jr., of
Boston, merchants, and William Coas, mariner of

Owners: Joseph Foster, Winthrop and Epes Sargent, and
John Winthrop, jr.

Witnesses: Jacob Allen, James Prentiss, William Win-

M. A., VII, 323, 165, 19, 23; Independent Chronicle,
Sept. 19, 1776: "Last Saturday was sent into Cape-
Ann by the Schooner Warren, Capt. William Coas,

a Ship of 400 Tons Burthen called the Picary [and on Monday] a Brig . . . from the Coast of Guinea . . bound for London with some Elephants Teeth and Gold Dust."

1776 WARREN, Sloop. Guns, 6; Men, 50.

[blocks in formation]

Bonders: Wyatt Barlow, principal; Walter Spooner and
Edw[ar]d Pope, sureties.

Owners: Lemuel Williams and Leonard Jarvis, of Dart-

Witnesses: Timothy Foster, William Hazen.
M. A., vII, 325, 165, 117.

1776 WARREN, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 60.
Commander: John Coulston.

Oct. 21


Oct. 28

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: John Colson [signed Coulston], mariner of
Gloucester, John Coffin Jones, of Newburyport, and
Stephen Bruce, of Boston, merchants.

Owners: John Coffin Jones, Stephen Bruce, and others.
Witnesses: Perez Morton, Benj[amin] Hichborn.

M. A., VII, 328, 165, 374.

WARREN, Schooner. Tons, 50; Guns, 6, and 10 swivels;
Men, 50.

Commander: Israel Thorndike.

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: Israel Thorndike, Josiah Batchelder, jr., and
Nathan Leech.

Owners: Josiah Batchelder, jr., & Co., of Beverly.
Witnesses: Joseph Thorndike, William Leech.

M. A., vii, 310, 165, 396.

1777 WARREN, Schooner.

Commander: Henry Thorndike.
Boston Gazette, Jan. 13, 1777.

1777 WARREN, Schooner. Guns, 10; Men, 55

Apr. 30

Commander: Nicholas Ogelbe.

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: Nicholas Ogilvie [signed Ogelbe], principal;
Josiah Batchelder, jr., and Eleazer Giles, sureties.
Owners: Josiah Batchelder, jr., & Co., of Beverly.
Witnesses: John Cuming, Joseph Hosmer.

M. A., VII, 332, 166, 374.

[blocks in formation]

1777 WARREN, Schooner. Guns, 10; Men, 50.

Commander: Silas Howell.

Sept. 3

Bond: Continental, $5000.


Bonders: Silas Howell and Winthrop Sargent, of Glou-
cester, and John Winthrop, jr., of Boston.

Owners: Winthrop Sargent, Epes Sargent, and others, of

Witnesses: Isaac Phillips, John Lowell.
M. A., VII, 320, 167, 198.

1777 WARREN, Schooner. Guns, 10; Men, 55.
Commander: John Revell.

Dec. 3

1775 Nov.

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500.

Bonders: John Revell, principal; Josiah Batchelder and
Ebenezer Porter, sureties.

Owner: Josiah Batchelder, of Beverly.

Witness: D[aniel] Hopkins.

M. A., VII, 329, 330, 168, 59.

WASHINGTON, Brigantine.

Commander: Sion Martindale.
Washington's Fleet.

1775 WASHINGTON, Armed vessel. Tons, 40.

Dec. II

Commander: Offin Boardman.

Bond: State, £5000.

Bonders: Offin Boardman, mariner, and Abner Greenleaf, merchant, both of Newburyport.

Owners: Not stated.

Witnesses: William Cooper, Perez Morton.

M. A., VII, 295.

1776 WASHINGTON, Armed vessel. Tons, 75.

[blocks in formation]

Bonders: Joseph Stockman, Stanton Prentice, and Eli-
phalet Flint.

Bound to "the Treasurer and Receiver general of the

Owners: Not stated.

Witnesses: Joseph Jackson, William Helme.

M. A., VII, 298.

1776 WASHINGTON, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 35. Commander: Nathaniel Odiorne.

Aug. 6

Bond: Continental, $5000.

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