The last, not least in honour or applause, Then, blessing all," Go, children of my care! Or draw to silk Arachne's subtile line; 580 585 590 595 606 More she had spoke, but yawn'd-All nature nods: What mortal can resist the yawn of gods? Churches and chapels instantly it reach'd; (St. James's first, for leaden G- preach'd) 610 Then catch'd the schools; the hall scarce kept awake; The vapour mild o'er each committee crept; 615 And chiefless armies doz'd out the campaign; 620 O Muse! relate, (for you can tell alone, Wits have short memories, and dunces none,) Relate who first, who last, resign'd to rest; Whose heads she partly, whose completely blest; What charms could faction, what ambition lull, The venal quiet, and intrance the dull; [wrongTill drown'd was sense and shame, and right, and O sing, and hush the nations with thy song! In vain, in vain the all-composing hour 626 Resistless falls: the Muse obeys the pow'r. She comes! she comes! the sable throne behold 630 Before her, fancy's gilded clouds decay, 635 640 Physic of metaphysic begs defence, And metaphysic calls for aid on sense! 645 See mystery to mathematics fly! In vain they gaze, turn giddy, rave, and die. And unawares Morality expires. Nor public flame, nor private, dares to shine; 650 Thy hand, great Anarch! lets the curtain fall; 655 And universal darkness buries all. ОР PERSONS AND MATTERS Celebrated in THIS POEM AND NOTES. The Numerals shew the Book.---The Figures the Verse. AMBROSE Philips, i. 105. iii., De Foe, Daniel, i. 103. ii. 147. iv. 10. Benson, William, Esq. iii. 325. Gregorians and Gormogons, iv. Burgersdyck, iv. 198. Boeotians, iii. 50. Bruin and Bears, i. 101. 575. Holland, Philemon, i. 154. Hearne, Thomas, iii. 185, Horneck, Philip, iii. 152. Bear and Fiddle, i. 224. Cibber, Colley, Hero of the Poem, Cibber, jun. iii, 139, 326. Caxton, William, i. 149. Haywood, Eliza, ii. 157, &c. Curl, Edm. i. 40. ii. 3, 58, 167, Heywood, John, i. 93. Harpsfield, i. 153. John, King, i. 252. Cæsar in Egypt, i. 251. iii. 75. James I. iv. 176. Chi Ko-amti, Emperor of China, Jacob, Giles, iii. 149. Jansen, a Gamester, iv. 326. Crousaz, iv. 198. Codrus, ii. 144. Knight, Robert, iv. 561. Moore, James, ii. 50, &c. Mears, William, ii. 125. iii. 28. Newcastle, Duchess of, i. 141. Ogilvy, John, i. 141, 328. 81. Athenian, iv. 362. Prynn, William, i. 103. Roome, Edward, iii. 152. Settle, Elkanah, i. 90, 146. iii. 37. Tate, i. 105, 238. Theobald, or Tibbald, i. 133, 286. Vandals, iii. 86. Walpole, [late Sir Robert] praised Whitefield, ibid. Warner, Thomas, ii. 125. Philips, Ambrose, i. 105. iii. 326. Welsted, Leonard, ii. 207. iii. 170. Paridell, iv. 341. Quarles, Francis, i. 140. Querno, Camillo, ii. 15. Ralph, James, i. 216. iii. 165. Woolston, Thomas, iii. 212. Wormius, iii. 188. Wasse, iv. 237. Walker, hat-bearer to Bentley, OF THE SECOND VOLUME. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot Satires, Epistles, and Odes of Horace imitated Epilogue to the Satires The Dying Christian to his Soul Page 17 92 93 To Miss Blount, with Voiture's Works. 1717 1715 To Mr. John Moore, Author of the celebrated To Mr. T. Southern, on his Birth-day. 1742 . 107 Elegy to the Memory of an unfortunate Lady to a Play for Mr. Dennis's Benefit, 1733 131 Epilogue to Mr. Rowe's Jane Shore On a certain Lady at Court |