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النشر الإلكتروني

not peel them—boil them till tender, drain the water off, and put them on tin sheets in a stove for a few minutes to dry.


Wash and wipe them, and if they be large, cut them in two lengths; put them at the bottom of a stew pan, lay over some slices of boiled ham; and on that, one or two chickens cut up with pepper, salt, and a bundle of herbs; pour in some water, and stew them till done, then take out the herbs, serve the stew in a

deep dish—thicken the gravy, and pour over it.


Cut them across without peeling, in slices half an inch thick, broil them on a griddle, and serve them with butter in a boat.


Great care must be used in washing and picking it clean; drain it, and throw it into boiling water—a few minutes will boil it sufficiently: press out all the water, put it in a stew pan with a piece of butter, some pepper and salt—chop it continually with a spoon till it is quite dry: serve it with poached eggs or without, as you please.


Is dressed as the spinach; and if they be mixed in equal proportions, improve each other.


Get a fine head of cabbage, not too large; pour boiling water on, and cover it till you can turn the leaves back, which you must do carefully; take some of those in the middle of the head off, chop them fine, and mix them with rich forcemeat; put this in, and replace the leaves to confine the stuffing--tie it in a cloth, and boil it—serve it up whole, with a little melted butter in the dish.


Gather young squashes, peel, and cut them in two; take out the seeds, and boil them till tender; put them into a colander, drain off the water, and rub them with a wooden spoon through the colander; then put them into a stew pan, with a cup full of cream, a small piece of butter, some pepper and salt—stew them, stirring very frequently until dry. This is the most delicate way of preparing squashes.


The crooked neck of this squash is the best part. Cut it in slices an inch thick, take off the rind, and boil them with salt in the water; drain them well Before they are dished, and pour melted butter overserve them up very hot.

The large part, containing the seeds, must be sliced and pared—cut it in small pieces, and stew it till soft, with just water enough to cover it; pass it through sieve, and stew it again, adding some butter, pepper,

and salt; it must be dry, but not burnt. It is excellent when stewed with pork chops.


There are many varieties of these peas; the smaller kind are the most delicate. Have them young and newly gathered, shell and boil them tender; pour them in a colander to drain; put some lard in a frying pan; when it boils, mash the peas, and fry them in a cake of a light brown; put it in the dish with the crust uppermost garnish with thin bits of fried bacon. They are very nice when fried whole, so that each pea is distinct from the other; but they must be boiled less, and fried with great care. Plain boiling is a very

common way of dressing them.


Boil them separately, and mix them in the proportions you like; add butter, pepper, and salt, and either stew them, or fry them in a cake.


Scrape and wash the roots, put them into boiling water with salt; when done, drain them, and place them in the dish without cutting them up. They are a very excellent vegetable, but require nicety in cooking; exposure to the air, either in scraping, or after boiling, will make them black.


Half boil it, cut it up, and put it in a stew pan, with a very little water, and a spoonful of butter; stew

them dry, and serve them up. For change, you may, after stewing, cut them in scollop shells with grated bread, and bake them; or make them into cakes, and fry them. They are delicious in whatever way they can be dressed.

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Gather grown mushrooms, but such as are young enough to have red gills; cut off that part of the stem which grew in the earth—wash them carefully, and take the skin from the top; put them into a stew pan with some salt, but no water—stew them till tender, and thicken them with a spoonful of butter, mixed with one of brown flour; red wine may be added, but the flavour of the mushroom is too delicious to require aid from any thing.


Prepare them as above directed—broil them on a griddle, and when done, sprinkle pepper and salt on the gills, and put a little butter on them.


Put two cups full of rice in a bowl of water, rub it well with the hand, and pour off the water; do this until the water ceases to be discoloured; then put the rice into two and a half cups of cold water; add a tea-spoonful of salt, cover the pot close, and set it on a brisk fire; let it boil ten minutes, pour off the greater part of the water, and remove the pot to a bed of coals, where it must remain a quarter of an hour to soak and dry.

RICE JOURNEY, OR JOHNNY CAKE. Boil a pint of rice quite soft, with a tea-spoonful of salt; mix with it while hot a large spoonful of butter, and spread it on a dish to cool; when perfectly cold, add a pint of rice flour and half a pint of milkbeat them all together till well mingled. Take the middle part of the head of a barrel, make it quite clean, wet it, and put on the mixture about an inch thick, smooth with a spoon, and baste it with a little milk; set the board aslant before clear coals; when sufficiently baked, slip a thread under the cake and turn it: baste and bake that side in a similar manner, split it, and butter while hot. Small homony boiled and mixed with rice flour, is better than all rice; and if baked very thin, and afterwards toasted and buttered, it is nearly as good as cassada bread.



OBSERVATIONS ON PUDDINGS AND CAKES. The salt should always be washed from butter, when it is to be used in any thing that has sugar an ingredient, and also from that which is melted to grease any kind of mould for baking—otherwise, there will be a disagreeable salt taste on the outer side of the article baked. Raisins should be stoned and cut in two, and have some flour sifted over them—stir them gently in the flour, and take them out free from lumps; the small quantity that adheres to them, will

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