R. Cosway BURK My all TChambars sculp Edward Goldney Gent. Widow?" 49 in Age 1760, Constitution 29. Love withou Dissimulation Past four a 'Clock, star-light & Morning Pondon New Yor› • Morn Ton 1200 MapleSurch Yout. FRIENDLY EPISTLE то тНЕ DEIST S, AND A RATIONAL PRAYER recommended to them, In order for their CONVERSION to the CHRISTIAN RELIGIO N. Humbly Dedicated TO HIS Most Excellent MAJESTY, KING GEORGE. By EDWARD GOLDNEY, Sen'. GENT. LONDON, Printed for the AUTHOR, and Sold by HIS SON, [Price 2s. 6d. unbound without the Copper-Plates.] |