صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


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That no Perfon be admitted into this Society, without the fuffrage of two thirds of the parties prefent, after the perfon defiring fuch admiflion, hath fubfcribed to the Rules contain'd in this Paper, and anfwer'd in the affirmative to the following Questions:

1. Whether he loves all Men, of what Profeffion or Religion foever?

2. Whether he thinks no perfon ought to be harm'd in his Body, Name, or Goods, for mere fpeculative Opinions, or his external way of Worship?

3. Whether he loves and feeks Truth for Truth's fake; and will endeavour impartially to find and receive it himself, and to communicate it to others?



That no Perfon be admitted occafionally, without a good teftimony from fome of the Society that knows him, and he answering in the affirmative to the above-mention'd Questions. IV. That

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That every Member in his course, if he please, be Moderator; (and the Course here meant, is that of their Sirnames, according to the Alphabet); whofe care must be to keep good Order, to propofe the Question to be debated, recite what may have been faid to it already, briefly deliver the sense of the question, and keep the parties close to it; or, if he pleafe, he may name one to be Moderator for him. The Question for the ensuing conference, to be always agreed, before the company departș,

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That no Perfon or Opinion be unhandfomely reflected on; but every Member behave himself with all the temper, judgment, modesty, and discretion he is master of


That every Member place himself to the left Hand of the Moderator, in order, as

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he happens to come in; and in his turn fpeak as plainly, diftinctly, and concisely as he can to the Queftion propos'd, directing his difcourfe to the Moderator.


That no more than one Perfon fpeak ar once; and none object, till it come to his turn to speak.

a new one.


That the Question having gone round; if the time will permit, and the company pleases, it may be difcourfed again in the fame order: and no weighty Question to be quitted, till a majority of two thirds be fatisfy'd, and are willing to proceed to That when a Controversy is not thought by two thirds of the company, likely to be ended in a convenient time; then thofe two thirds may difmifs it, and, if they please, another Question may be propos'd. That two thirds of the company may adjourn the ordinary subject in queftion, for good and fufficient reasons.

IX. That


That no Queftion be propos'd, that is
contrary to Religion, civil Government, or
good Manners; unless it be agreed to de-
bate fuch Question, meerly and only the
better to confute it.

We whofe Names are here under-
written, propofing to our felves an
improvement in useful Knowledge,
and the promoting of Truth and
Christian Charity, by our becom→
ing of this Society: do hereby de-
clare our approbation of, and con-
fent to the Rules before written,



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n. ftands for the Notes.


IR, its nature and properties, 194, & feq.
Albigenfes, had no Bishops, 121.

Animals, or Brutes, how divided, 211, 212.
their Senfes, 213. their way of nourish-
ment, 213, 214.

Ariftotle, his Rhetorick, 243. his Morals, 346. his Poli-
ticks, 348.

Army, attempts for eftablifhing by Law a ftanding Ar-

my, 61, 105, 140. the nation always averfe to it,

140, 141.

Articles of the Church of England, 111, & feq.
Ashley (Anthony, Lord) See Shaftsbury.

Atmosphere, its nature, and extent, 194, & feq.
Attraction of Bodys, 181, 182, 190. whether explica-
ble, 183.

Atwood (William) 238.

Audley (James Touchet, Lord) 90, his Character, 137.
Aylsbury (Robert Bruce, Earl of) 85, 9o. his Character,



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