Lives of the Twelve Apostles: To which is Prefixed a Life of John the BaptistAmerican Unitarian association, 1868 - 232 من الصفحات |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
afterwards Alpheus Andrew answer apostles apostleship appears authority baptized Bartholomew behold believe betrayed bishop Book of Acts brethren brother called character Christ our Lord Christian Church Council of Jerusalem death disciples divine doctrine doubt earth epistle Eusebius Evangelist faith Father favor follow Galilee Gentiles Gospel Gospel of John Greek hath heart heaven Hebrew Herod holy honor Irenæus Israel James the Less Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Jews John the Baptist Jordan Judæa Judas Iscariot kingdom lives Luke manifested martyr martyrdom Mary Master Matthew Messiah miracles mother mother of Jesus Nathanael passage Paul person Pharisees Philip preaching priests probably prophet publican rebuke received religion repentance resurrection Rome sacred SAINT saith Saviour says Scriptures sent Simon Peter son of Zebedee spirit suffered supper surname testimony thee Thomas thou hast throne tion told truth twelve unto words writings Zelotes