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النشر الإلكتروني

your health, than by entreating you to let me know, whether it is such as I wish it to be.

It will, I am persuaded, give you the highest satisfaction to learn, that our schools continue to go on exceedingly well, and that our young Haytians make much progress. The holy scriptures are now in the hands of all the scholars of our national as well as our private schools.

Six more schools, according to the British system, are going to be established in the interior, by monitors who have been deemed capable of undertaking the management of them.

1 am, with profound veneration and sincere esteem, &c. &c.


Departure of the Osage Mission.

The religious exercises preparatory to the departure of the Mission were held in the Middle Dutch Church, in this city, on Monday evening the 17th April. The exercises were as follows: Introductory Prayer by the Rev. R. B. E. M'Leod; Address and Charge to the Mission Family by the Rev. P. Milledoler, D. D. Corresponding Secretary of the Society; Address to the Board of Managers and Audience by the Rev. Mr. Chapman, one of the Missionaries; Address by the Rev. Mr. Vail, the Superintendent of the mission; Concluding Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Richards, of Newark.

On Tuesday evening the farewell meeting took place in the Brick Church. The Rev. Dr. Romeyn made the introductory Prayer, which was followed by an Address by the Rev. Mr. Forrest, a Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Knox, an Address and Prayer by the Rev. Dr. M'Dowell, and Addresses by the Rev. Messrs. Fisher and Marsh, Rev. Dr. Griffin, and Rev. Mr. Vail.

Collections were taken up at both meetings for the benefit of the Mission, amounting to about 600 dollars.

The Mission consists of the following persons: Rev. William F. Vail and wife and four children; Rev. Epaphras Chapman and wife; Dr. Palmer, the physician of the establishment; Mr. Redfield, treasurer of the family, teacher, and carpenter; Mr. Fuller, husbandman; two Messrs. Requeas; Miss Johnston, Miss Lines, Miss Hoyt, Miss Foster, Miss Cleaver, and Miss Beach, to be employed in managing the concerns of the family, and in teaching Indian girls.

On Thursday, about 10 o'clock, the Mission Family assembled on the wharf to embark on board the steam boat Olive Branch. Before the steam boat left the wharf, the Rev. Dr. Milledoler addressed the throne of grace, committing them to the care and protection of God.

They arrived in Philadelphia on Saturday, and on Sabbath evening the Rev. Mr. Vail preached a sermon in the Second

Presbyterian Church, to a numerous audience, after which Mr. Chapman gave a concise narrative of his tour through the country whither they are going. Prayer was offered and addresses made by several of the clergy of Philadelphia, and a collection made in aid of the object.

On Tuesday evening a parting prayer meeting was held in the First Dutch Reformed Church, the appropriate exercises of which were performed by the Rev. Drs. Janeway, Ely, and Neill, and the Rev. Messrs. Hoff, Parker, and M'Cartee.

While the Mission was in Philadelphia, seven hundred dollars in cash, and one thousand three hundred dollars in goods, were contributed to its aid.

The family have resumed their journey to "UNION,"* followed by the prayers of their fellow Christians, and the good wishes of every friend to enlightened benevolence.

The" Weekly Recorder," published at Chillicothe, Ohio, contains an appeal to Christians in that quarter, to come forward with their donations for the Mission, and we have no doubt a liberal contribution will be made.

Summary of the Twenty-third Annual Report of the New-York Missionary Society.

Mr. William Cairns, Treasurer.

The efforts of the Board, during the past year, have been restricted to the Seneca and Tuscarora nations. The Missionaries, still under our employ, are the Rev. James C. Crane, Mr. Jabez B. Hyde, and Mr. James Young.

Mr. Young had been employed as a teacher among the Tuscaroras, up to the date of the last Annual Report; but immediately after the last Anniversary, in consequence of the pressing wants of the Senecas, and the crippled state of our funds, the Board resolved that it was expedient to transfer Mr. Young from the Tuscaroras, as a teacher to the Senecas, provided they would agree to his reception, and provided Mr. Crane would assume the charge of the school, in addition to his other duties. With this request Mr. Crane cheerfully complied; and, agreeably to the directions of the Board, Mr. Young visited the Senecas, to ascertain the state of their minds and their wishes on the subject of the school we wished to have established among them. The chiefs very cordially accepted the offer, and after selecting the site, agreed to assist in erecting a building for a dwelling and a school-house.After some unavoidable delay, this house was, on the 29th November last, so far enclosed, that Mr. Young removed his family from Tuscarora, and continued himself to work at the house and school-room until the middle of February. "I find from expeThis missionary station, we understand, is to be called " Union," VOL. VII. Ꭰ

rience, (says Mr. Young,) that the location of the school is good, on account of its being retired from the highway. It is a spot somewhat elevated, commanding a pleasant view on every side. I find some advantages arising from the school being in the same house in which I dwell. The scholars are more silent, and under more restraint. I can spend more time in the school than I otherwise could." The house, when finished, will be sufficiently large for the use of Mr. Young's family, and furnish a large and light school-room 24 by 28 feet. There is still much work to be done in order to complete the school-room and the dwelling. The building was however so far completed, that on Monday, the 21st February, Mr. Young commenced his school. Ninety have attended. On the day previous, agreeably to the directions of the Board, he commenced a Sunday school, consisting of 32 scholars. On Monday there were 42 scholars.

On the 25th December, Mrs. Young and Miss Low, (a pious female who accompanied Mrs. Young in order to assist in the instruction of those ignorant, perishing heathens) commenced in the tribe a Female Adult school. From 16 to 25 attend, and the order and attention manifested, and the improvement made by the school, is to them very pleasing and encouraging. The women were all unacquainted with knitting. They have commenced instructing them in sewing, marking, knitting, and spinning; and this instruction, which they communicate two afternoons in every week, creates among them much interest, and promises much good. But "the most pleasing part of our employment," says Mr. Young, "is our Sunday school. The number attending on that day is often greater than through the week. The scholars are already orderly and perfectly still. One or two chiefs attend through the day to observe the school and exhort the children, Many of the nation continue anxiously inquiring after the gospel, and manifest a great desire for every kind of improvement."

During the past year a violent effort has been made to dislodge the gospel from among the Senecas. The Pagan party in the tribe employed every means in their power to overthrow the Christian interest which had been established among them, but without success. At the annual council of the Six Nations in June last, at Seneca village, a warm and interesting debate arose, principally aimed at the covenant which the Senecas had made with this Society. The Onondagas and Tone wantas, joined with the Seneca Pagans in opposing the introduction of the gospel. The chiefs of the Senecas justified their conduct with much candour, moderation, and firmness, and were defended in the same spirit by several of the Tuscaroras, who were also present, such as Cusick, Sacharissa, and Captain William, who severally addressed the council in favour of Christianity. The only abuse and irritation displayed were from the Pagans. But after an animated discussion, the council dissolved without coming to any

other decision on the subject, than that the Christian party among the Senecas should fulfil the engagement they had made with the New-York Missionary Society. This covenant, which seems to have been of such eminent use in retaining the hold of the society upon the Senecas, has been lately engrossed on parchment, and subscribed by the Directors and some of the most aged members of the society, and being enclosed in an ornamented tin box, has been directed to be forwarded to the chiefs of the nation.

Mr. Hyde has finished a new edition of a Spelling Book, in the Seneca language, and is about publishing, in the same language, Christ's Sermon on the Mount, and the first six chapters of the Gospel of the Evangelist John.

The Seneca Hymns, which he formerly published, have been found highly useful in the tribe. Indeed the great test of renouncing Paganism, and becoming a candidate for Christian instruction, is the use of these hymns; and Mr. Hyde has a class, composed of many of the young chiefs of the nation, who meet in the week for religious improvement, and habitually engage in singing these hymns. Their attention to this exercise he finds to be highly profitable, and their anxiety to receive this instruction to be increasing. His dwelling house needing some repairs, the Board have appropriated for that purpose $50.

With respect to the Tuscarora mission, the Board state, that the Pagan part of the tribe have made a vigorous effort to destroy the mission. But by the mild yet firm opposition of the Christian part, tranquillity had been in part restored.

The school among the Tuscaroras appears to be in a promising condition. It has been already observed, that on the transfer of Mr. Young, Mr. Crane cheerfully acquiesced in the proposal of the Board respecting his assuming the duties of the school, in addition to his other engagements. Although he has had no experience in this branch of missionary labour, his services in this department have been highly useful to the children in the tribe. He has altered the former mode and matter of instruction; and has directed his whole attention to the communicating instruction to them in their own language, teaching them all that he knows of it, and using his exertions to progress as fast in the knowledge of its construction, and the meaning of its sounds, as they do in the art of spelling and reading it. He has confined his attention, principally, to the essential branches, and has spent his time in teaching them, not so much to write with elegance, as to read and spell in their own tongue. From 30 to 50 have generally attended during the winter, who have made very encouraging progress in the branches to which he devotes his time. The parents appear pleased with the plan he has adopted and pursued, and they seem to exercise rather more authority over their children than formerly.

During the last year, Mr. Crane has made considerable pro

gress in learning the Tuscarora language, though not so much as he anticipated or desired. He finds greater difficulties than he first apprehended. Besides the great difficulty of pronouncing many of their words correctly, it is impossible, in many instances, to render the orthography a sure guide to a proper pronunciation. He has, however, discovered the principal sounds of which the language is formed; and knowing the necessity of having something written and printed in their language before any thing could be taught to the children, he devoted a very considerable portion of his time, during the last summer, to the preparing something for the school in their own language. He accordingly prepared, and has had printed, 500 copies of Brown's Catechism, and 400 copies of a Spelling Book, both in the Tuscarora language, of which he has sent copies to the Board for their inspection. Nothing, before this, was ever published in their language. He had examined the books written in the Mohawk and Oneida languages, and found nothing to assist, but much to embarrass him, as the Tuscarora language is entirely different from theirs. These productions are small in themselves, but yet they promise much essential benefit to the mission, and are highly useful in leading the Tuscarora children to the knowledge of their own language, and especially of the truths of the gospel, communicated in the catechism, which has been published. They have been, during the past winter, introduced into the school, and the larger children not only read the Catechism fluently, after a little study, but are committing it to memory.

It is with much pleasure the Board inform the Society, that an interesting and promising youth, (Aaron Johnson,) one of the members of the Tuscarora church, has lately gone to the Foreign Mission School, at Cornwall, in Connecticut, to receive his education, and become qualified for the ministry. From his piety and talents we may anticipate much usefulness, and perhaps he may yet be eminently blessed in promoting the spiritual interests of the Tuscarora tribe, not only near Lewiston, but in Canada.

"From the inquiries which I have made," says the Rev. Mr. Crane, "it appears that God is still blessing my poor people. I have written much in my late letters to the Board about our troubles. I had no hope for some time of finding any seeking the salvation of their souls; but by recent inquiries, we are assured that the wrath of man has not restrained the gracious work of God. One female has given the most satisfactory evidence of the conversion of her soul to God, and two or three others are under deep religious impressions. Just while I am writing, another poor soul is discovered with her face towards Zion. says it is her sincere desire to open her heart and receive the Son of God. Such appearances among Indians are encouraging under any circumstances-under the present, are tokens of especial favour."


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