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النشر الإلكتروني

it. So every degree of light respecting sin, shews us more and more of its enormity, and proportionally increases our obligations to avoid it. And since every increase of light increases, in this way, our motives and obligations; he, who sins against the greatest light, violates the strongest obligations, and is the most flagrantly sinful.

It may be observed again, that the sentiment under consideration is conformable, probably, to the common sense of all men. When children disobey the just commands of their parents; their offence will be estimated by every reasonable parent, according to their means of knowing and understanding what his pleasure was. And when citizens violate the wholesome laws of the land, their guilt will be rated in the same way. Indeed, could the sentiment of the text be submitted for the consideration of all men; it would commend itself to the consciences and the common sense of all. All would agree other things being equal-that the guilt of wrong actions ever is, and ought to be, in proportion to the degree of light against which they are committed.

Having thus shewn, in few words, the agreement of this sentiment with Scripture, reason and common sense; the discourse will be continued and concluded with a number of inferences and reflections.

1. If what has been said is true, then every mean of increasing our knowledge is attended with an increasing responsibility.-Knowledge is usually and very justly regarded as desirable. The more useful knowledge we can acquire, the better. And the more our means of knowledge are multiplied, the greater are our privileges. Of the correctness of these positions, no person can be more fully apprized


than myself. But let us, my brethren, understand the subject. It results necessarily from the remarks which have been made from Scripture, reason, and common sense that every addition to our knowledge, or our means of knowledge, adds just so much to our responsibility. We must either improve means, or misimprove them. If we improve them properly, they will promote our best good; but if we misimprove them, they can only serve to enhance our guilt, and aggragvate our final doom.-It is a great privilege, for instance, that we have Bibles, and so many opportunities for reading and understanding them. But this privilege brings with it a proportional responsibility. We cannot sin with the Bible in our hands, as we could, had we never seen it. ing from it out Maker's will, if we neglect or refuse to obey, we shall deserve, and must receive, more stripes, than though we had remained in heathenish ignorance. It is a great privilege, that we have Sabbaths, sanctuary enjoyments, and such frequent opportunities of hearing the gospel. But this privilege also brings with it a proportional responsibility. We cannot transgress the law, reject the Saviour, and persist in sin, with the gospel almost daily ringing in our ears, as we might do, had we never heard its joyful sound. It is a great privilege, that the Holy Spirit of God has descended, and is operating among men. But this privilege, like every other, brings with it its responsibility. We cannot sin, under the strivings and teachings of the Holy Spirit, and while God is displaying all around us the power of Divine grace, as we might, had we never felt or witnessed the light and benefits of spiritual influences upon the soul. It is a great privilege that we have books, and tracts, and all the varied means of know

ledge within our reach. But let it never be forgotten by us, that all these means bring with them a proportional responsibility. We should consider every valuable book we read, every meeting we attend, every sermon we hear, every mercy we receive, as furnishing new calls and motives to obedience, and conferring additional and indispensible obligations. Whenever we receive any new light, or means of light, we cald remember that our obligations are thereby increased, and that we cannot sin more without incurring an aggravated guilt.

2. If the sinfulness of wrong actions is in proportion to the light against which they are committed; then the came actions may not be equally sinful at different periods.-Different periods of the world have not been favored with the same degree of light. Duties, which once were obscure, and of doubtful obligation, are now illustrated and rendered plain ; and sins, which in other ages were little known, have since been exhibited in all their deformity. Consequently it must be much more unreasonable at the present day, either to neglect these duties, or commit these sins, than it has ever been before.For example, it was unquestionably wrong in itself for the patriarch Jacob to practise polygamy; but his sin in this matter was a very trifle, compared with what it must be, in our enlightened age, for the head of a family to fall into the same offence.-Persecution for religion, which, two hundred years ago, was practised by nearly all denominations of Christians who possessed the power, was, without doubt, a flagrant sin; but the enormity of it, I think, was much less at that period, than it would be now. Liberty of conscience was not then understood. It was taken for granted that persons in power had the

right to bring the consciences of those who were under them to their own standard. It was in the exercise of this supposed right, that the flames of persecution were so often kindled, and the bodies of the saints consumed.-The slave trade may be cited as a similar instance. This abominable traffic has been followed, within less than a hundred years, even by truly religious people; and without a suspicion on their part that they were doing wrong. The excellent Mr. John Newton was, for several years after he became pious, the commander of a slave ship. It is stated by his biographer, that "he had not the least scruple as to the lawfulness of the trade; considered it as the appointment of Providence ; and his employment in it as respectable and profitable.” The enormities of the slave trade had not been unfolded; and it is not impossible that good people, who engaged in it, might regard it as a lawful and needful occupation. I do not say they conducted right in so doing; still, I think their sin was a trifle, compared with what it would now be for persons to do the same. None who now enlist in this horrible business, can pretend that its enormities are not well understood.

Is it not likely, my brethren, that succeeding generations may regard the subject of war very much as we now do that of burning heretics, and the slave trade? The subject of war has hitherto been involved in amazing darkness. It has been taken for granted, that rulers had a right, whenever they pleased, to bring their subjects together for the purpose of indiscriminate butchery and bloodshed. But the light has begun to shine upon this awful subject; and generations to come may be expected to see its enormity, clearer than we at present can. Upon the wars of

their fathers they will probably look back with astonishment and pity. And when that happy period arrives; the sin of engaging in war will be much greater, than it has been in any former age.

3. If the sinfulness of wrong actions is in proportion to the light against which they are committed; then the same things may not be equally sinful in different places.-Different nations, and different parts of the same nation, are favored with different degrees of light; and in those places, where people enjoy and abuse the greatest light, they must be proportionally most guilty.It is wrong for a heathen to prostrate himself before his idol; but this act is in no comparison so sinful in him, as it would be in one of us. It is wrong for the inhabitants of our Western country, who are in a measure destitute of Christian privileges, to persist in rejecting that Saviour whose name they occasionally hear; but it cannot be so sinful for them to do this, as it is for others, among whom the gospel is faithfully and almost daily preached. Is it not to be believed, my friends, that profane swearing, Sabbath breaking, and the various vices which disgrace our age, are more inexcusable and sinful in New-England than in any other part of the globe; and for this reason, the inhabitants of New-England have had more light, in respect to the enormity of these things, than perhaps any other people.-In estimating the sinfulness of a town, a state, a nation, or a section of country, we are to take into consideration, not only the vices which are practised, but the light and advantages in opposition to which they are practised. One town or nation may be more wicked than another, when their vices are in reality less palpable and glaring; for although their vices are less glaring, this difference in their favor may be more than counter

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