2 સડ I are"; iva pin παλέψῃ ἡμῖν τι η καλῶν· ὥσπερ καὶ ἢ πέντε Ev TWS datynių θένοις αι μωρίου ἐπέλειπε δ τ' ούσεβείας ἔλαιον, καὶ Σποσβήσασου τας λαμπάδας μmadas & θεογνωσίας" απεβλήθη σαν το νυμφῶν. Διὰ To anivdu pie Tas o padonfuR auro (wns, & ww wang pm onws τὰς προγεροντίας ύπ' αὐτὸ δικαιοσμύας αὖ της συντηρηση. Σὺ ἂν Bow neive, ws e δικάζων Sina ( wv. To jS w eis, onoiv, ʼn xelas. He@ov iv an' σίας + ἔνοχον καταδίrale. imala ut inées Ο οικτιρμέ & προσλή. JEWS, OINEN, Umar fis Q auras Camelow, αὐτῷ É METAJOITO TỔ Ters, sy ways μerowardly 2 ρήση μεταμελόμιμον - εύφων προσδέχε με 3 res to weis e row. Wherefore also the sacred Word fpeaks to thee by the Wife Solomon, Prepare Prov.xxiv thy Works against thy Exit, 27. and provide all before-hand in the Field, left fome of the Things neceffary to thy Journey be wanting; as the Oil of Piety was deficient in the Five foolifh Virgins, mention'd Matt.xxr, in the Gospel, when they, on account of their having extinguifh'd their Lamps of Divine Knowledge, were fhut out of the Briderhamber. Wherefore he who values the Security of his Soul will take care to be out of Danger, by keeping free from Sin, that fo he may preferve the Advantage of his former good Works to himfelf. Do thou therefore fo judge as execu ting Judgment for God. For, as the Scripture fays, The Deut. x. Judgment is the Lord's. In the 7 first place therefore condemn the guilty Perfon with Autho rity; afterwards try to bring him home with Mercy and Compaffion, and Readiness al. &mitas. defunt. v. Luk.! v.7. XIV. to receive him, promifing, ori jaea gihim Salvation ifhe will change νεται ἐν ἐρανῷ ἐπὶ his courfe of Life, and become ἑνὶ ἁμαρτωλῷ μετα a Penitent, and when he does voti. repent, and has fubmitted to 2 his Chastisement, receive him: remembring that our Lord has faid, There is Joy in Heaven over one Sinner that repenteth. But if thou refuseft to receive him that repents, thou expofeft him to thole who lie in wait to destroy, forgetting what David fays, DeliPf. Ixx111. ver not my Soul, which con** Pag. feffes to thee, unto destroying 222. Beafts. Wherefore Jeremiah, when he is exhorting Men to Repentance, fays thus, Shall plas λ Mù o mπ• 19. λοις αὐτὸν ἔκδοτον πα pés 67 μf Q & Aabid. 2 MA Saus Tois Onecois Luxles** *ἐξομολογεμθύην Co. Aid Tα Copμ Δια παρορμών είς μετροισι ὁ Ἱερε 2 Jer. v111.4. not be that falleth arife? Or he that turneth away, cannot be return? Wherefore have my People gone back by a shameless Backfliding? and they are har*11.22. den'd in their purpofe. Turn, ye back Riding Children, and I αιρέσει αὐτῶν ἡ Ἐπιε will heal your Backflidings. Re-edon you dese ceive therefore him that res, Egw iαrough TO pents without any doubting. σωείμματα ὑμῶν. Δέ Be not hindred by fuch un- & I METNOSTα, merciful Men who fay, that μή δικάζων ὅλως, μηδί 1 avesesion. V, v. 2 we must not be defiled with fuch as thofe, nor so much as fpeak to them : For fuch Advice is from Men that are unacquainted with God and his Providence, as from unreasonable Judges and unmerciful Brutes. These Men are ignorant that we ought to avoid Society with Of fenders, not in Discourse, but in Actions: For, The Righte- Ezek. oufness of the Righteous fhall be xvIIL 20. upon him; and, The Wickedness of the Wicked shall be upon him. And again, If a Land xiv. 13. Ginneth again me by_trefpaf fing grievously, and I stretch out my hand upon it, and break the Staff of Bread upon it, and fend Famine upon it, and destroy Man and Beaft therein: Though these three Men, Noah, Job, and Daniel, were in the midst of it, they shall only fave their own Souls by their Righteousness, faith the Lord God. The Scripture molt clearly fhews, that a righteous Man that converfes with a wicked Man, does not perilh with * πονηρῶς ν. ' συναναμίγνυσος. V. 3 τοιαῦταιν. ἡ λόγοις. V. deeft. v. deeft. V. 7 deeft. V. B 3 him 45. αυτων him. For in the present as Joyas autur t ha ading & Cuvaπολλυται με αυτό. ἐν NOWY TITW @ Matt. v. For they do but imitate their Father which is in Heaven, who maketh his Sun to rife on the Righteous and Unrigh. teous and his 2 Tim. $1. 5.! ་་ the Evil and on the Rain on deis pucentoy jap Ho and AUTO Er το πατρὸς ἐν mis parois, to thλior aur AVATÉMOVTO. ET xass & adines, who are conquered are TO AUTO I VE ་ in τὸν ὅτι πονηρές, θές. Torpes, & alaΚαὶ ἐδεν κινδιων the fame Place of running: ἐν γν τῷ ταδίῳ νικηται, ο νικώμιμοι εἶ ow, cv 5 Tas segaves μόνοι οἱ γυναίως αγωνι συμμοι. ἐδείς ἢ ξεφαντ του ἐγὼ μὴ νομίμως αθε λήση. ἕνας απ ἑαυτὸ ἐξομολογήσεται, & μn Cavaπoλion Sinanov p " δίκαιον eos Θεός เ 1 τὰ " ἀδίκε, ἐπείπερ did He drown Noah, nor burn up Lot, nor destroy Rahab for Company. And if you defire to know how this matter was among us, Judas was one of us, and took the like part of the Miniftry which we had; and Simon the Magician received the Seal of the Lord; yet both the one and the other proving wicked, the former hang'd himfelf, and the latter as he flew in the Air, in a manner unnatural, was dafh'd against the Earth. Moreover, Noah and his Sons with him were in the Ark; But Ham, who alone was wicked, receiv'd Punishment in his Son But if Fathers are not punilhed for their Children, nor Children for their Fathers, it is thence clear that neither will Wives be punimh'd for their Hufbands, nor Servants for their Mafters, nor one Relation for another, nor one Friend for another, nor the Righteous for the Wicked. But every one will be requir'd an ac ideeft, V. йalo.v. mgr.v. ton 5. v. deeft.V. deeft.v. 7g.v. ་ 2 |