Matt.xviii 6,7. כי བ T Teяxnha, & • τῷ τραχήλῳ, Bugos, ev vid in υπάρχη Δια ακρισίας δρομίαν βλέ 2 rith. Such an one is efteem'd unjuft before God and good Men, as affording Occafion of Scandal to many of the newly Baptiz'dy and to the Catechumens, as alfo to the Youth of both Sexes, to whom a Wo belongs, and 4T Milftone about his Neck, and Drowning, on account of his Guilt. For obferving what a Perfon their Governour is, through his Wickednels and Negled of Jufice they will grow Sceptical, and, indul-OUTEST TOISTOY auging the fame Difcafe, will be compell d to perifh with him. As was the Cafe of the People joining with Jeroboam; Numb. and thofe which were in the Conspiracy with Corah. But if the Offender fees that the Bishop and Deacons are innocent and unblameable, and I aμapton & CGHthe Flock pure, he will either not venture to defpile their Authority, and to enter into the Church of God at all, as one fmitten by his own Confcience; or if he values nothing, and ventures 3 King. $0. XVI. In aadiod autÿ e to enter in, either he will VI. be convicted immediately, Tips G T - when he looks round the 2 autor Teraz μsuç haw, ત whole Church, one by one, • Sea Gipfor ca- Sinner avoids Destruction by σίαν ἕξη, ὅν ἁμαρτών δε μετάνοιαν τὸν ἀπόλλυται. · τὴν συνείδησιν... κ ν. 3 desit. V. . v. 4 King. v. Upon XI: ལ axome avidace ng da es avoy To is epgois, γνωρίζων - τρόπον σε aside, as B: Upon this account there- Δια τύτο εν επι fore, O Bishop, endeavour to be pure in thy Actions, and to adorn thy Place and Dignity, which is that of one fuftaining the Character of **Pag. God among Men, as being 220 fet over all Men, over Priefts, Kings, Rulers, Fathers, Children, Mafters; and in general over all thole who are fubject to thee: and fo fit in او མ ** mov igav Ev dia. mois, Ty TN πολύτων apoi die Twv, Γε péwv, Baanéwv, ap χόντων, πατέρων, υῶν, διδασκάλων, ο πούτων ὑπηκέων. Καὶ με the Church when thou fpeak-ws Ev čudnaço ng eft as having Authority to judge Offenders. For to you, u, Matt. G Bishops, is it faid, What111.18. foever ye shall bind on Earth hall be bound in Heaven; and whatfoever ye hall loose on Earth fhall be loofed in Hea 기 1 £. Noure, 2 rûïs degroïs. V. 1 deest. V. † wurdexx. V. deest.V. 6 vere in their Goodnefs; re- Savopixis, am goles and fo appeale his Difplea- **Pag 221. xveli Deis. V. duest. V. 3 deeft. V. aminte. V. ἀποθνήσκετε. deeft. V. Confès, v. XIII. Him, as from a merciful Fa- : Θεῷ αεί η αμαρ 2. τῶν αὐτῶν, καὶ λή ψονται παρ' αυτό ἀμνησιν, ὡς τα πα πρὸς ἀγαθό. Τις μού το διαμαρ τότες,τοιέτες μεν εν χρὴ, ἢ μὴ είδη έχειν το πεί ἁμαρκῶν, ὅπως Yet it is very neceffary Pfal. v1.6. 1 2 μὴ δέονται διώης, λύ с τῷ ν. * μετανοήσωσιν ἐκ καρδίας, ἐξαμενιστάμενοι αὐτὸν, καὶ ν. ἔξοδον. V. 4 defunt. v. s defunt. να |