صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Matt.xviii 6,7.

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T Teяxnha, & • τῷ τραχήλῳ, Bugos, ev vid in υπάρχη Δια ακρισίας δρομίαν βλέ


rith. Such an one is efteem'd unjuft before God and good Men, as affording Occafion of Scandal to many of the newly Baptiz'dy and to the Catechumens, as alfo to the Youth of both Sexes, to whom a Wo belongs, and 4T Milftone about his Neck, and Drowning, on account of his Guilt. For obferving what a Perfon their Governour is, through his Wickednels and Negled of Jufice they will grow Sceptical, and, indul-OUTEST TOISTOY auging the fame Difcafe, will be compell d to perifh with him. As was the Cafe of the People joining with Jeroboam; Numb. and thofe which were in the Conspiracy with Corah. But if the Offender fees that the Bishop and Deacons are innocent and unblameable, and I aμapton & CGHthe Flock pure, he will either not venture to defpile their Authority, and to enter into the Church of God at all, as one fmitten by his own Confcience; or if he values nothing, and ventures

3 King.



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In aadiod autÿ e to enter in, either he will

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be convicted immediately,
as Uzza at the Ark, when 2 King.
he touch'd it to support it;
and as Achan when he tole fof. v11.
the accursed thing, and as
Gehari when he coveted the
Money of Naaman; and sò
will be immediately punish-
ed; or elie he will be ad-
monish'd by the Paftor, and
drawn to Repentance. For

Tips G T - when he looks round the

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autor Teraz μsuç haw,
aigua deis, ut aid as
monov Sanpuwv & §ead
σεται εἰρωικῶς κατανε-
ngus, & μsse -
καθαρισμον δ' ποίμ-
πιον, προσκλαύση τε
my Dew, & peravonol
epois nμapter
ἐλπίδα, ~ δ ποίμνιον

whole Church, one by one,
and can spy no Blemish, nei-
ther in the Bishop, nor in
the People who are under
his Care, he will be put to
Confufion, and prick'd at
the Heart, and in a peace-
able manner will go his way,
with Shame, and many Tears,
and the Flock will remain
pure. He will apply himself
το God with Tears, and will
repent of his Sins, and have
Hope. Nay, the whole Flock
at the Sight of his Tears,
will be intruded, becaufe a

• Sea Gipfor ca- Sinner avoids Destruction by
28 danpua, vee- Repentance.

σίαν ἕξη, ὅν ἁμαρτών δε μετάνοιαν τὸν ἀπόλλυται.
oiavit, öle

· τὴν συνείδησιν... κ ν. 3 desit. V.

. v.

4 King. v.



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axome avidace ng da es avoy To is epgois, γνωρίζων - τρόπον σε aside, as B:

Upon this account there- Δια τύτο εν επι fore, O Bishop, endeavour to be pure in thy Actions, and to adorn thy Place and Dignity, which is that of one fuftaining the Character of **Pag. God among Men, as being 220 fet over all Men, over Priefts, Kings, Rulers, Fathers, Children, Mafters; and in general over all thole who are fubject to thee: and fo fit in



mov igav Ev dia. mois, Ty TN πολύτων apoi die Twv, Γε péwv, Baanéwv, ap χόντων, πατέρων, υῶν, διδασκάλων, ο πούτων ὑπηκέων. Καὶ


the Church when thou fpeak-ws Ev čudnaço ng

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eft as having Authority to judge Offenders. For to you, u, Matt. G Bishops, is it faid, What111.18. foever ye shall bind on Earth hall be bound in Heaven; and whatfoever ye hall loose on Earth fhall be loofed in Hea

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1 £. Noure, 2 rûïs degroïs. V. 1 deest. V. † wurdexx. V. deest.V.

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vere in their Goodnefs; re-
ceive the Penitent: For the
Lord God has promis'd with
an Oath to afford Remiffion
to the Penitent for what
things they have done amifs.
For He fays by Ezekiel,
Speak unto them, As I live, Ezek.
faith the Lord, I would not the xx
Death of a Sinner, but that the
Wicked turn from his evil way
and live. Turn ye therefore
from your evil ways, for why
will ye die, O House of Ifrael?
Here the Word affords Hope
to Sinners, that if they will
repent they fhall have Hope
of Salvation, left otherwise
out of Defpair they yield
themselves up to their Tranf
greffions; but that having
Hope of Salvation they may
be converted, and may ad-
drels to God with Tears, on
account of their Sins, and
may repent from their Hearts,

Savopixis, am goles and fo appeale his Difplea-
mda Colneías 67spa- fure towards them; fo fhall
they receive a Pardon from

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xveli Deis. V. duest. V. 3 deeft. V. aminte. V.


deeft. V. Confès, v.

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Him, as from a merciful Fa- : Θεῷ αεί η

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τῶν αὐτῶν, καὶ λή ψονται παρ' αυτό ἀμνησιν, ὡς τα πα πρὸς ἀγαθό.

Τις μού το διαμαρ τότες,τοιέτες μεν εν χρὴ, ἢ μὴ είδη έχειν το πεί ἁμαρκῶν, ὅπως

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Yet it is very neceffary
that thole who are yet inno
cent hould continue fo, and
not make an Experiment
what Sin is, that they may
not have Occafion for Trou-
ble, Sorrow, and thole La-
mentations, which are in or-
der to Forgivenels. For how
dont thou know, O Man,
when thou finneft, whether
thou fhalt live any Number
of Days in this prefent State,
that thou mayl have time
to repent? For the time of
rhy Departure out of this
World is uncertain; and if
thou dyeft in Sin, there will
remain no Repentance for
thee; as God fays by David,
In the Grave who will confefs
to thee? It behoves us there-
fore to be ready in the do-
ing of our Duty, that fo we
may await our Pallage into
another World without Sor- 5.

Pfal. v1.6.



μὴ δέονται διώης, λύ
της, ο κλαυθμῶν ἀφέ
σεως. Τί γ οίδας ό
θρωπε άμαρτήσας, ε
ἡμέρας ζήσεις ἐν τῷδε
τῷ βίῳ. ἵνα μετανοή
σης; ὅτι ἄδηλο, ἡ ἔξα
δός σε ἐκ τῇ βία παρε
. * ἐν ἁμαρτίᾳ πο
λατήσαμτι μετάνοια εκ
ἔςα ώς λέγει δια τα
Δαβίδ. Ἐν ἢ τῷ ᾅδη
τίς ἐξομολογήσεται σοι ;
Δε ἓν ἕτοιμον εἶναι ἐν
ἀγαθοῖς ἵνα δδ λύο
της ἢ ὁδὸν ἐκείνῳ δει
λώμεθα. Διό και
va o dão Ú1⁄2Q + Và
Σολομώντα τα οφέ
λέγων (οι"· Ετοίμαζε
εἰς τὰ ἔξοδον τὰ ἔργα
σε κι ασκδυάζει


τῷ ν. * μετανοήσωσιν ἐκ καρδίας, ἐξαμενιστάμενοι αὐτὸν, καὶ ν. ἔξοδον. V. 4 defunt. v. s defunt. να

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