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النشر الإلكتروني
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Εἴ τις κληρικὸς χωλόν, ἤ HADO, TUDO, Tas Bστις πεπληγωθρον χλευάσῃ, appersw. WOUTS ϊκός.

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Επίσκοπο, ἢ πρεσβύτε Saver To xλnps, αμελῶν τὸ κλήρο, ἢ τ λαδι και μή παιδάων αὐτὸς * αντέξειαν, ἀφοριζέσθω, ότι LEGHAN, appe. ρθρων ἢ τὴ ῥαθυμία, καθώς Typing a ενίσθω,

Εἴ τις ὀπίσκοπΘ, ή άρεσα βύτερΘ, τινὸς ἢ κληρικών ENDERS OUT, UN menγῆ τα δέοντα, ἀφοριζέσθω Aulian 5, daugeiota. as φονούσας * ἀδελφὸν αυτό.

Εἰ' τις τα ψαδεπίγραφα * ἀσεβῶν βιβλία, ὡς άγα, bhi & Enxanoras Incondid, εκκλησίας δημοσιεύς, Ti un to λas x T xangs, ne Jagoiola.

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Ει' τις κατηγορία χρηται *m, mogveias, as, ins wrds appons

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partake of Flesh, or Wine, let him be depriv'd; as having a feared Confci- 1 Tim.iv, ence, and becoming a Cause of Scan-2 dal to many.

If any one of the Clergy be ta LIV. ken eating in a Tavern, let him be fufpended, excepting when he is forced to bait at an Inn, upon the Road..


If any one of the Clergy abuses Ex. xxii. his Bishop unjustly let him be de- 28. priv'd: For fays the Scripture, Thou fhalt not fpeak Evil of the Ruler of thy People.

If any one of the Clergy abuses LVI. a Presbyter or a Deacon, let him be feparated.

If any one of the Clergy mocks LVII. at a Deaf or Blind-man, or at one lame of his Feet, let him be fufpended: and the like for the Laity.

A Bishop or Presbyter, who takes LVIII. no Care of the Clergy or People, and does not inftruct them in Piery, let him be feparated; and if he continues in his Negligence, let him be depriv'd.


If any Bishop, or Presbyter, when any one of the Clergy is in want, does not fupply his Neceffity, let him be fufpended, and if he continues in it, let him be depriv'd; as having killed his Brother.

If any one publickly_reads in the Church the fpurious Books of the Ungodly, as if they were Holy, to the Deftruction of the People, and of the Clergy, let him be depriv'd.



If there be an Accufation against LXI, a Chriftian for Fornication, or Adultery, or any other forbidden Action,


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and he be convicted, let him not be promoted into the Clergy.

If any one of the Clergy for fear of Men,as of a Jew,or a Gentile, or an Heretick, fhall deny the Name of Chrift, let him be fufpended: but if he deny the Name of a Clergy-man, let him be deprived; but when he repents, let him be receiv'd as one of the Laity.

If any Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, or indeed any one of the facerdotal Catalogue eats Fleth with the Blood of its Life, or that which is torn by Beafts, or which died of it felf, ler him be deprived: For this the Law it felf has forbidden: but if he be one of the Laity, let him be fufpended

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If any one of the Clergy be found to faft on the Lord's-day, or on the Sabbath-day, excepting one only, let him be depriv'd: but if he be one of the Laity, let him be fuf pended.

If any one either of the Clergy or Laity, enters into a Synagogue of of the Jews or Hereticks to pray, let him be depriv'd, and fufpended. If any of the Clergy ftrikes one in a Quarrel, and kills him by that one Stroak, let him be depriv'd, on account of his Rafhnefs: But if he be one of the Laity, let him be fufpended.

If any one has offer'd Violence to a Virgin not betroth'd, and keeps her, let him be fufpended: But 'tis not lawful for him to take another το Wife, but he muft retain her whom he has chofen, altho' the be poor.

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Εἴ τις επίσκοπο, } If any Bishop, or Presbyter, or LXVIII. "aped burçC, ĥ diánov, Deacon, receives a fecond OrdinatiASATEN Tovia non from any one, let him be depriv'd, Rd HG, aga and he who ordain'd him; unless he αὐτὸς, καὶ ὁ χειροτονήτας, οι can fhew that his former Ordination un seços, ang aige was from the Hereticks: For those δείξει, παραὶ αἱρετικῶν αὐτὸν ἔχουν 7 χειροπνίων τις that are either baptiz'd or ordain'd 2 THIS TOO Barney by fuch as thefe, can be neither αρα τοιέτων βαπτιθέν τας, ἢ χειροτονηθέντας, ἔτε n το πισις, ότε κληρικὸς εἶναι SSSTE KANCIN'Siva Chriftians nor Clergy-men. δνατόν.

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If any Bishop, or Presbyter, or LXIX. Deacon, or Reader, or Singer, does not faft the Faft of Forry Days, or the Fourth Day of the Week, and the Day of the Preparation, let him be depriv'd; except he be hindred by weakness of Body: But if he be one of the Laity, let him be suspen- ... ded,

Εἴ τις επίσκοπο, ἢ ἄλ If any Bishop, or any other of the LXX. 20 xaneinds, uns Clergy fafts with the Jews, or keep 18daiwy, žoga Tau- the Feftivals with them, or accepts τῶν, ἢ δέχεται αὐτῶν τα of the Prefents from their Feftivals, topths Cerea, ofov uua, as unleavened Bread, or some iuch TRIST, Despois Thing, let him be depriv'd: but if ϋ λαϊκὸς ᾖ, αφοριζέπω. he be one of the Laity, let him be fufpended.


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If any Chriftian carries Oil into an LXXI. Heathen Temple, or into a Synagogue of the Jews,or lights up Lamps in their Feftivals, let him he fufpended.

If any one either of the Clergy or LXXII. Laity, takes away from the Ho ly Church an Honey-comb, or Oil, let him be fufpended; and let him Lev.v.16 add the fifth part, to that which he tookaway.

A Veffel of Silver, or Gold, or LXXIII. Linnen, which is fanctify'd, let no one appropriate it to his own Use: for 'tis unjuft: but if any one be caught, let him be punish'd with Spension,


LXXIV. If a Bishop be accus'd of any Crime by credible and faithful Perfons, tis neceffary that he be cited by the Bithops; and if he comes, and makes his Apology, and yet is convicted let his Punifhment be determind: but if, when he is cited, he does not obey, let him be cited a fecond Time, by two Bilhops fent to him; but if even then he de pifes them, and will not come, let the Synod pals what Sentence they plcafe againft him; that he may not appear to gain Advantage by avoiding their Judgment.


Do not ye receive an Hererick in a Teftimony againft a Bilhop ; nor a Chriftian if he be Gingle: for the Law Deut xix fays, In the mouth of two or three 15. Witnefes, every Word hall be eftablifh'd. LXXVI. A Billop muft not gratify his Bro ther, or his Son, or any other Kinf man with the Epilcopal Dignity, oι ordain whom he pleares ; for 'tis not juft to make Heirs to Epifcopacy,and to gratify human Affe&tions in Divine Matters; for we mult not put the Church of God under the Laws of Inheritance ; But if any one thall do fo, let his Ordination be invalid; and let him be punim'd with Sufpen



If any one be maimed in an Eye, or lame of his Leg, but is worthy of the Epifcopal Dignity, let him be made a Bifop : for tis not a Blemith of the Body that can defle him, but the Pollution of the Soul.


Ἐπίσκοπον κατηγορηθέντα επί τινι ὑπὸ ἀξιοπίςων τιςῶν προσώπων, καλείς αὐτὸν ἀναγκαῖον ὑπὸ τ ἐπισκόπων. καν παρ' ἀπαντί σοι, καὶ ἀπολογήπιτο, ἐλε· χθέντα αυτά, οριζέ που τ ἐπιτίμιον ἐὰν 5 καλάθ δάτερον, δύο ἐπισκόπων μὴ ὑπακίσοι καλοίπω τα αποςαλέντων πρὸς αὐτόν· ἐἂν ἢ καὶ ἔτω μὴ ὑπακέσι, καλούπω και τρίτον, δύο πάλιν ἐπισκόπων

αποςαλέντων πρὸς αὐτόν ἐὰν ἢ καὶ ὅτι καταφρονήσεις με απαντήσει ή συνοδο αποφαινέπω κατ' αυτός τα δοκέντα, ὅπως μὴ δόξη κερδαίνειν φυγοδικών.

Εἰς μαρτυρίαν τίω και όπισκόπε αἱρετικὸν μὴ πειι· χεθε, ἀλλὰ μὴ ἢ πισὸν ἕνα μόνον φησὶ γὰ ὁ νόμΘ' σόμαλα δύο κι τειῶν μαςτί των καθήσεται παν ρήμα

Ὅτι μὲ χρὴ ἐπίσκοποι των αδελφών, ἢ τῷ ὑῷ, ἢ ὁ τέρῳ συγγενείς χαριζόμενον το αξίωμα τ ἐπισκοπῆς, χειρι τονῶν ὃς αὐτὸς βέλεται κλι eivours 8 επισκοπος αυτό

ποιος ο δίκαιον, τὰ τὸ θεῖ χαριζόμενον πάθει ἀνθρωπό

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ν ? το Xesi εκκλη

τιθέναι εἰ δέ τις τότο ποι σαν ὑπὸ κληρονομίαν ὀφείλε σοι, άκυρο και ἔστω ή χει βοτονία, αὐτὸς ἢ ἐπιτιμάθε ἀφορισμῷ.

Εάν τις ἀνάπηρ ὀφθαλμὸν, ἢ τὸ σκέλε π πληγωθG, ἄξιΘ- δέ ἐπι επισκοπῆς, γινέπω και στο «10 αυτόν μιαίνς, ἀλλὰ ψυχῆς μολυσμός.

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But if he be deaf and blind, let him LXXVIII. not be mada a Bishop; not as being a. defiled Perfon, but that the Ecclefiaftical Affairs may not be hindred.

If any one hath a Dæmon, let LXXIX. him not he made one of the Clergy : Nay let him not pray with the faithful: but when he is cleanfed, let him be receiv'd; and, if he be worthy, let him be ordain'd.

Tis not right to ordain him Bishop LXXX. prefently, who is juft come in from the Gentiles, and baptiz'd; or from a wicked Conversation: for 'tis unjuft that he who has not yet afforded any Trial of himfelf hould be a Teacher of others ; unlefs it any where happens by divine Grace.

We have faid that a Bishop ought LXXXI. not to let himself into publick Admi- Can. iv. niftrations, but to attend on all Op prius. portunities upon the neceffary Affairs Either therefore of the Church. let him agree not to do fo, or let him be depriv'd. For, No one can Mat. vi. serve two Mafters, according to the Lords Admonition.


Οἰκέτας εἰς κλήρον προς We do not permit Servants to be LXXX I. Heilsden and I ordain'd into the Clergy, without των γνώμης, ἐκ ἐπιτρέπουν, their Mafters Confent ; for this κι ἐπὶ λύπη ἢ κεκτημθύων οἶ· would grieve thole that own'd κων νὰ ἀνατροπίω τὸ τοις τον them. For fuch a Practice would WE MATERIALETA. A TOTE occafion the Subverfion of Families. a pavein oixés es But if at any time a Servant appears Η χειροτονίαν βαθμό, θ Ονήσιμο ὁ ἡμέτερΘ- άνε- worthy to be ordain'd into an highDave, your apron oi de office, fuch as our Onefimus appear'd Tao Tas, Exd do, to be, and if his Mafter allows of it by TH CINE SANTRY α, and gives him his Freedom, and difNiveda. misses him from their House, let him be ordain'd.


Ἐπίσκοπο, ἢ πρεσβύτε 10, ĥ diánov, spatia

Let a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Dea- LXXXII. con, who goes to the Army, and


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