fon; for he is a Tyrant; and the reft of the Clergy, whoever join themselves to him. And let the -Laity be fufpended. But let thefe things be done after one, and a fe. cond, or even a third Admonition from the Bishop. XXXIII. If any Presbyter, or Deacon, be put under Sufpenfion by his Bifhop, tis not lawful for any other to receive him, but him only who put hun under Sufpenfion; unless it happens that he who put him under Sufpen fion dye. was pinapy Vegn so pormi nanes γὰρ ἐσιν καὶ οἱ λοιποί κληρι καὶ ὅσοι ἂν αὐτῷ προθώνται. oxoi ace. Tout μix My SOUTEL ἢ κλείτω τὸ ἐπισκόπε πα· ράκλησιν γινέπω. Εἴ τις πρεσβύτερΘ, ἢ exo, omonims 2 οι αφορισμό, τόπιν με εξείναι παρ' ἑτερα δεχθε και αλλ' ή αρα το αφοεί τα 7O ONION, I μn av xπ συγκυρίαν τελευτήση διαφο είσαι αὐτὸν ἐπίσκοπο Mndeva Eerov ¿masTW, @peσCUTECwv, i dr. axovav ανά συστατικών 28μuator Wego de ZENDE B XXXIV. Do not ye receive any Stranger whether Bithop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, without Commendatory Letters and when fuch are offer'd, let them be examin'd; and if they gav au Tev, àbe Preachers of Piety, let them be receiv'd but if not, fupply their Wants, but do not receive them to Communion: For many Things are done by Surprise. XXXV. XXXVI The Bishops of every Country ought to know who is the Chief among them, and to efteem him as their Head, and not to do any great Thing without his Confent: but every one to manage only the Affairs that belong to his own Parish, and the Places fubject to it. But let him not do any Thing without the Confent of all; for 'tis by this means there will be Unanimity, and God will be glorified, by Chrift, in the Holy Spirit. A Bishop must not venture to Ordain out of his own Bounds, for Ciries or Countries that are not fubject to him. But if he be convicted vanervides an ear we an บ εἰ δ' ἐλεγχθείη τότο πεποιη· κώς, ώρα 7 κατεχόντων τις πόλεις ἐκείνας ἢ τὰς χώ τας γνώμω, καθαιρείπω και αὐτὸς, καὶ ὃς ἐχειροτόνησεν. · Εἴ τις χειροτονηθείς όλες κοπα, μη κατα έχοι το τ λειτεργίαν και να φροντίδα το λαν ἢ ἐγχειριθείσαν αυτών τον αφωρισμον τυγχάνειν, ἕως ἂν καταδέξηται, ώσαν. τως καὶ πρεσβύτερΘ, και διά. κονG εἰ δὲ ἀπελθών, μὴ δεχθείη, ο παρὰ ἢ ἑωτα Συντόμων, ἀλλὰ πα *r λαν μοχθηρίαν, αυτός ως ἔσω επίσκοπο ὁ δὲ κληρ© ο πόλεως αφοριζέπω, ὅτι τις στο λαι ἀνυποτακτο παιδο. το ἐκ ἐγγύοντο · Δεύτερον τὸ ἔτος σύνοδος γινέπω ου επισκόπων, και να κρινέτωσαν αλλήλες τα δόγματα δ' εὐσεβείας, καὶ τὰς εμπιπλέτας ἐκκλησιασικάς αν τιλογίας διαλυτωσαν άπαξ και, τῇ τετάρτη εβδομάδα στην τι κόσῆς άλερον 5. Υ υπερβαρετα δωδεκάτη . Πάντων των εκκλησιασικών πραγμάτων ὁ ἐπισκοπο έχάνω το Φροντίδα διοικείτω αὐτὰ ὡς Θεό ἐφορῶντο μὴ εξείναι η αυτῷ σφετερίζεσαι τι ἐξ αὐτῶν συζυγίαν ιδί, οις τα τὸ Θεὸ χαρίζεθεί ο πένητες διν ὡς πένησιν επιχορηγείται, ἀλλὰ μὴ προ φάσει τέτων, τα δ' ἐκκλησίας απεμπολείπω Οἱ πρεσβύτεροι, καὶ οἱ δια κονοι ανά γνώμης το επισκέ του μηδεν επιτελείτωσαν αυτὸς γάρ ἐσιν ὁ πεπις απ' Η λαὸν τὰ κυρίς κ τ ὑπὲρ * ψυχῶν αὐτῶν λύγον άπω of having done fo, without the Confent of fuch as governed thole Cities or Countries, let him be depriv'd, both he, and thole whom he has ordained. If any Bishop that is ordain'd, does XXXVII. not undertake his Office, nor take let him be fufpended, untill he do care of the People committed to him, undertake it : and in the like manner a Presbyter and a Deacon, But if he goes, and is not receiv'd; not becaule of the want of his own Confent, but becaule of the ill Temper of the People, let him continue Bilop; But let the Clergy of that City be fuipended: becaule they have not taught that difobedient People better. Let a Synod of Bifhops be held XXXVI. twice in the Year ; and let them ask one another the Doctrines of Piety : and let them determine the Ecclefiaftical Diputes that happen. Once in the Fourth Week of Pentecoft ; and again on the twelfth of the Month Hyperberetzus. Let the Bishop have the Care of XXXIX Ecclefiaftical Revenues, and adminifter them as in the Prefence of God. But tis not lawful for him to appropriate any part of them to himfelf, or to give the Things of God to his own Kindred : But if they be poor let him fupport them as Poor ; But let him not, under fuch Prerences, 3Henare the Revenues of the Church. Let not the Presbyters and Dea- XL; cons do any Thing without the Confent of the Bithop ; for it is he who is entrufted with the People of the Lord, and will be requir'd to give an Account of their Souls. Let the R 3 pro XLI.' proper Goods of the Bishop, if he has os. Es paving tá any, and thofe belonging to the Lord, νεῖς, ἢ οἰκέτας. δίκαιον γ árbgázos, τὸ μὴ τε ἢ ἐκκλησίαν ζημίαν Επισκόπε πραγμάτων, ἢ τὰς ur outres pares TKxanoias Smudicareis πράγματα εμπίπλουν τὸς αὐτῷ διαφέροντας καὶ ὶ' αυτό παρα τον δυσφημία σε βάλλεις. Megsa wouky + Erioni iar 7 RRAN dia weyuÁTORY. IT 28 TH'S τιμίας ἢ ἀνθρώπων ψυχές αυτῷ τις ατέον, πολλῷ ἐν Neo 7 genud TOY ČITÉR Atau, as ours 5σαν πάντα δικεῖς τοῖς δεο das márra Sensing Tois No7 doις διὰ ἢ πρεσβυτέρων κα * διακόνων, καὶ ἐπιχορηγείς Ose, xy mous dira We command that the Bishop have Power over the Goods of the Church; for if he be intrufted with the precious Souls of Men, much more ought he to give Directions about Goods, that they all be diftributed to thofe in want, according to his Authority, by the Presbyters and Deacons, and be usd for their Support, with the Fear of God, and with all Reverence: He is alfo to partake of thole Things he wants, if he does want them, for his neceffary Occafi-isras ons, and thole of the Brethren who live with him, that they may not by univa reónor autis any Means be in Straits for the Law of God appointed, that chore who waited at the Altar, fhould be maintain'd by the Altar: Since not fo much as a Soldier does at any time bear Arms againft the Enemes at his own Charges, βείας μεταλαμβάνων 3 4 a 7 (My Noro) dvaynais our geas, κ τ ἔλεξεν εμβρων ἀδελφῶν, sep. μg în en διετάξατο, τις την θυπαστ idols, on To Duasneis épeng imime i δε τρατιώτης ποτὲ ἰδίοις ἐψωνίοις όπλα και πολεμίων ἐπιφέρεται. Επίς. ΕπίσκοπΘ, η πρεσβύτε ὙποδιάκονΘ- ἢ ἀναγνώσης, * SATAS, SCOICE TO, Tavola, napora σαύτως και λαϊκός Ἐπίσκοπο, η πρεσβύ τερΘ, ἢ διάκονΘ, τόκος α. TOUTOV TÙS FaveCous, - ἢ παυσάσθω ή καθαιρείσθω. ἘπίσκοπΘ, ἢ πρεσβύτε SO, ĥ Nánov, aigennois oundedμw μovov, poet Ciobaci 5 y emisfera Toisas nancerous ceu π, καθαιρείσθω. ΕπίσκοπΘ, η πρεσβύτε Εἴ τις λαϊκὸς ἢ ἑαυτὰ CUTES, X7 A Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacan, XLII, who indulges himself in Dice, or Drinking, either let him leave of thofe Practices, or let him be depriv❜d. If a Sub-deacon, a Reader, or a XLIII Singer does the like, either let him leave off, or let him be fufpended; and fo for one of the Laity. A Bishop, or Presbyter, or Dea- XLIV. con who requires Ufury of thofe he lends to, either let him leave off to do fo, or let him be depriv'd. A Bishop, or Presbyter, or Dea- XLV. con, who only prays with Hereticks, let him be fuipended; but if he alio permit them to perform any Part of the Office of a Clergy-man, let him be depriv'd. We command that a Bishop, or XLVI; Presbyter, or Deacon, who receives the Baptifm, or the Sacrifice of Hereticks be depriv'd: For what Agree- 2 Cor. ment is there between Chrift and Belial? VI. 15. or what Part bath a Believer with an Infidel? If a Bifhop, or Presbyter, rebap- XLVII. tizes him who has had true Baptifm; or does not baptize him who is pol luted by the ungodly, let him be depriv'd, as ridiculing the Cross and the Death of Chtift, and not diftin. guishing between real Priefts and counterfeit ones. If a Lay man divorces his own XLVIII, Wife, and takes another, or one divorc'd by another, let him be fufpended. If any Bishop or Presbyter, does XLIX, not Baptize according to the Lords Πάταξιν μὲ βαπτίσῃ εἰς πιο Conftitution, into the Father, the K4 L. LI. three Beings without beginning, or eis mees yàs, ĥì eis geïs na- If any Bishop, or Presbyter, does Εἴ τις ἐπίσκοπΘ, ἢ ωρες· βύτερΘ, με τρια βαπτίσ dra was junσEMS GISTERE ση, αλλά εν βάπτισμα, το eis JavaTOY TO TWeis drSurvor, nadançoisOW. & 28 TTED & TelC, o's & Suiva Tor US BATTOUTE ama, παραπέντες μαθητεύσατε πάντα τα έθνη, βαπτίζοντες αυτές મડ઼ ὄνομα πα· NTES HIS TO OVOLE TO miμAT Messer, a monogo, to us, to αe má70, is Eva Tee, wor ποι, εἰς ἕνα πατέρα, καὶ ὧν καὶ annua, Teilor BUTTH ἅγιον πνεύμα, βαπτ σατε, και τὰ τὸ κυρίω γνώμίως καὶ ἢ ἡμετέραν ἐν πνεύματο διάταξιν. { ་ Eine Honor, û æpis· CUTE, Náxor, nó. λως της καταλόγο τὸ ἱεραπο 78, jáμs, nai neeœv, x, oire, ionow, and da ἀλλὰ διὰ βδελυρίαν απέχε), έπιλαν Davos of TYTO λίαν, ὅτι apper Sau einer & sds & arbew, disgrios, in drop dirty, ἀλλὰ βλασφημῶν διαβάλλε * δημιεργίας, διορθέσθω, adagoly & caxandia fany Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, or indeed any one of the facerdotal Catalogus, abftains from Flesh, and Wine, not for his own* Exercife, but put of hatred of the Gen. 1,31 Things, forgetting that All things mere very good, and that God made Man male and female, and blafpheminoer o Dedstavte moufly abufes the Creation, either let him reform, or let him be depriv'd; and be caft out of the Church and the fame for one of it. UUTIS ϊκός. V. 26. LII. the Laity. If any Bishop, or Presbyter, does not receive him that returns from his Sin, but rejects him, let him be depriv'd because he grieves Chrift, Luk.xv,7 who says, There is Joy in Heaven over one Sinner that Repenteth. LIII If any Bishop, or Presbyter, or |