صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


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épes, ai quuni (ovis Babylon fry'd in a Frying-pan, Jer. xxixà 18 dovoμa +++ zaea as fays Jeremiah the Prophet.* Pag. wow iμas eis opaylu We fay these things, not in 399. is Zedeniar, Axiar, Contempt of true Propheὃς ἀπετηγάνισε βασι- cies, for we know that they Ads Babuλw, ws are wrought in holy Men ησιν Ἱερεμίας ὁ προ by the Infpiration of God ρήτης, τοῦτο δέ φα- but to put a Stop to the yu, & ras aands Boldness of vain-glorious wegonTrias e Dev Men, and add this withal, τες, ἴσμου η αὐτὰς That from fuch as thefe God OT' CHITTDOLAN O v takes away his Grace: For, gis dolors crepyriadas, God refifteth the Proud, but Pet.v.5. Ma☎ Jego giveth Grace to the Humble. ina Cardousówr nola- Now Silas and Agabus proEmories. Teaser- phecy'd in our times; yet "Es ČHavo, CTI DI'S T- did they not equal themTWY Dεd's weapfelves to the Apostles, nor javas 28 did they exceed their own Θεὸς ἀντιτάσεται, Meafures, though they were ταπεινοῖς ἢ δίδωσι νά eAv. Zidas "Ayabos ip'nμar Te ONTEVODATES, & See Tewav auTes Tois amo


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xxi. 10.

beloved of God. Now Wo men prophecy'd alfo ; of old Miriam, the Sifter of Mofes Exod. xv. and Aaron, and after her De 20: Judg.iv.4. borah, and after thefe Hub 4 King. sonous, God's Cafébnoav dah and Judeth, the former xxii. 14. Judeth.viii under Jofiah, the latter un

Το θεοφιλείς ὄντες, der Darius.

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γιωαίκες δ' μὲ παλαιὸν

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The Mother Luk. i.

AЯ. xxi. xxi. 9.

of the Lord God did alfo & ii. prophefie, and her Kinfwo Maeraμ Vwüréws @ man Elizabeth, and Anna; and in our Time the Daugh:

Taitiw As66oppaters of Philip: Yet were not



thefe elated againft their Hul- και ταύτας, Ολλα bands, but preferv'd their * Ιεδήθ, ἡ ἐπι own Meafures. Wherefore Ἰωσία, ἡ ἢ Ἐπι' Δα if among you allo there be a Man, or a Woman, and fuch an one obtains any Gift, let him be humble that God may be pleared with Ifalari.2. him For fays He, Upon whom will 1 look, but upon him that is humble and quiet, and trembles at my Words.

ρείν καὶ ἡ μήτηρ ἢ τ
κυρίως προεφήτευσε, ε
'ἡ Ἐλισάβετ ἡ συνεχής
αὐτῆς, καὶ 'Αννα· ἐ ἐφ'
ἡμῶν αἱ Φιλίππε τοιο
γατέρες· ἀλλ ̓ στη
πήρθησαν και
δρῶν αὗται, ἀλλ' ἐφί
λαξαν τα οἰκεία με
τρα. ἐκῖν ἢ ἐν ὑμῖν

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καν ανήρ τις ᾖ, καν γιωή, και τύχη τοιαύτης πιο
geios (πανοφρονείτω, ἵνα ἐπ' αὐτῷ οὐδοκῇ ὁ Θεὸς
ἐπὶ τίνα γ φησίν, ἔπιβλέψω, ἀλλ ̓ ἢ Ἐπὶ ἃ ταπεινὰ
ἡσύχιον, καὶ τρέμοντο με τις λίγες.


E have now finifhed the

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[ΤΑ 2 εν τούτω * λόγο εξεθέα μετά, ει των χαρα σμάτων, ὅσαπερ ὁ Θεὸς κατ' ἰδίαν βέλησιν


First Part of this Dif courfe concerning Gifts,whatever they be which God has beftow'd upon Men,according to his own Will; and how έχεν εὐθρώποις ε He rebuked the Ways of thole who either attempted to speak Lyes, or were moved by the Spirit of the Adverfary; and that God

· deeft. V.

όπως των ψευδή ότι χειρώντων λέγειν, αλλοτρίῳ πνεύματι κι εμβρύων, ἤλεγξε τρόπον * ὅλα του

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often takes away his Grace,
both as to Prophecy, and
the Performance of Wonders,
from the Wicked. But now
our Difcourfe haftens as to
the principal Part, that is,
the Conftitution of Ecclefi-
allical Affairs, chat fo when
ye have learn'd this Con-
fitution from us, ye who

Τέντες δ ̓ ἡμῶν γνώμη are Ordain'd Bilhops by us,

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Αμφ τοίνω ὑπάρ λοντες ἡμεῖς οἱ δεκαδύο οι κυρίε ἀπόςολοι τάσ δε τους θείας ἡμῶν ἐν· τελλόμενα διατάξεις αει πουτὸς ἐκκλησιαςικό τύπο, συμπαρόν. Twv niv & To In Wyn's ondies Hairs Cuna mosódy nμwr, Tanals to mongTs,

at the Command of Christ,
may perform all things ac
cording to the Commands
deliver'd you, knowing that
he that heareth us heareth Luk.x.16.
Chrift, and he that heareth
Chrift heareth his God and
Father, to whom be Glory
for ever. Amen.

· αποχρήσατο. V. * deeft. V.

Wherefore, we the Twelve IV. Apoftles of the Lord, who are now together, give you in charge thole Divine Confitutions concerning every Ecclefiaftical Form ; there being prefent with us Paul the Chofen Veffel, our Fellow Apoftle, and James the Bishop, and the rest of the Presbyters, and the Seven


Deacons. In the first place
therefore 1 Peter fay, That
a Bishop to be Ordain'd

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is to be, as we have al- onu ПéтρQ,] èπicro ready all of us appointed, ov unblameable in all things, a ἐν τοῖς προλαβεσιν felect Perfon, chofen by the ἅμα πούντες διεταξα whole People, who when he μεθα, ἐν πᾶσιν ἀ is named and approved, let μεμπτον, ' ἀρισίνω the People affemble, with wo ToJUTES TO 298 the Presbytery and Bilhops ἐκλελεγμύον. that are prefent, on the Lord's vougadert aptDay, and let them glve their συμτο, συνελθὼν ὁ Confent: And let the Prin- α0's äμα TWS JPEσ• cipal of the Bilhops ask the «υπερίῳ Presbytery and People, whe- a bongnois, &v &• ther this be the Perfon whom pépa nerany, our they defire for their Ruler? oxáτw o * a. and if they give their Con Pag. fent, let him ask farther whe. ther he has a good Teftimony from all Men, as to his Worthiness for fo great and glorious an Authority? Whether all things relating περωτάτω εἰ μάτια to his Piety towards God be right : Whether Juftice towards Men has been ob. ferv'd by him? Whether the Affairs of his Family have been well order'd by him: Whether he has been unblameable in the Courfe of


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po TOT
είναι ἡ μεγάλης 3 ταύ
Ts" à Zamπeas Ång.
gvías, et Tix Es
Θεόν αυτω ευσέβεται
κατώρθων, εἰ τὰ πρὸς
dileciwoss dingia TTE"
φύλακται, εἰ τὰ καὶ


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his Life? And if all the Af
fembly together do according
to Truth, and not accord-
ing to Prejudice witnels that
he is fuch an one, let them
the third time, as before God
the Judge, and Chrift, the
Holy Ghoft being also present,
as well as all the Holy and
Miniftring Spirits, ask again,
Whether he be truly worthy Matt.xviii
of this Miniftry, that fo in 19.
the Mouth of two or three Wit
nefes every Word may be eft dra
blifh'd; and if they agree
the third time that he is
worthy, let them all be de-
manded their Vote,and when
they all give it willingly,

For Eron, aπ- let him be heard; and Si

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lence being made, let one SOITES Dog Jungus, of the principal Bishops, toκέρωσαν σιω ogether with two others, ftand ons suausins, es near to the Altar, the rest of πρώτων όπισκόπων 21 xỳ duar &Tépais, anfor Jameis is, τι λοιπῶν Ἐπισκόπων ὲ πρεσβυτέρων σιωπή Dogod joujśwv, 7 Κακόνων Τα θεία δύας.

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the Bilhops and Presbyters
praying filently, and the Dea-
cons holding the Holy Gof-
pels open upon the Head of
him that is to be Ordain'd,
and fay to God thus ;

για ότι το χειροτονεμήίς κεφαλῆς ἀνεπτυγμγία κατε
λό των, λεγέτω πρὸς Θεόν.


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