صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Ee Baiquam βαλλίσματο


ὦ Ἐπίσκοπε, η πρέσα

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XXII. NOW concerning Baptifm, O Bishop, or Presbyter, we have already. given Direction, and we now fay, That thou shalt fo baprize as the Lord commanded us, faying, Go ye and teach xxviii 19. all Nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft: (teaching them to obferve all things whatso, ever I have commanded you) Of the Father who, Sent, of Christ who Came, of the Comforter who Teftified: But thou shalt before-hand residor Xer Anoint the Perfon with the holy Oil, and afterward Bap-hrs. xela tize him with the Water, and in the Conclufion fhalt Seal him with the Ointment. That the Anointing with Oil may be the Participation of the Holy Spirit; and the Water the Symbol of the Death of op Conor & JavaTe Chrift; and the Ointment the Seal of the Coverants. But

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· το V.


-LOV 54, μÝTE μier, if there be neither Oil nor ka udup, & weg's Ointment, Water is fufficiior, & weys ope- ent both for the Anointing, sae, & wey's ougλg and for the Seal, and for av & Sodavov, the Confeffion of him that De cuvanovicnorlos. is dying together [with Chrift] 295 To Bantiqualos But before Baptifm, let him andout & Baπ- that is to be baptiz'd fast:


Jóμguos &go invers For even the Lord, when

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25 Tor Bantiadeis

scavvy છે લંડ

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He was first baptiz'd by

*** Pag.


ware, y es 7 epn- John, and abode in the Wil- Matt. iii,

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xTas· ibation
Evigdor in auros
τρυπώσεως, η νηστείας
sear exwr, in nadap-
κείαν ἔχων,
ws, o in quod na
e's ¢ ano, a
a è Twávvn dan



dernefs, did afterward faft & iv. Forty Days and Forty Nights.

But He was baptiz'd, and

then fafted, not having himfelf any need of Cleanfing, or of Fafting, or of Purgation, who was by Nature pure and holy; but that he might bear Testimony to his Fore-runner John, and afford μιαν προσμαρτυρήση, an Example to us. Whereἡμῖν ὑπογραμμὸν fore our Lord was not bapDagny exer o μtiz'd into his own Paffion, or μάχηται. ἐκεν Je, s'n as EQT Death, or Refurrection; for none of those things had then happen'd; but for another purpose. Wherefore He by his own Authority fafted after his Baptifm, as being Bantiqua the Lord of John. But le

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1. V.

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who is to be initiated into
his Death ought first to fast,
and then to be baptiz'd.
For it is not reasonable that
he who has been bury'd
with Chrift, and is rifen a
gain with Him fhould ap.
pear dejected at his very
Refurrection. For Man is
not Lord of our Saviour's
Conftitution, fince one is
the Mafter, and the other
the Servant.

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δεσπότης, ὁ 3 υπήκεσα

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πέντε νηςεύσατε εμε
eas, ή τετράδα και


But let not your Fasts be with the Hypocrites; for they faft on the fecond and fifth Days of the Week. But do you either faft the entire five Days, or on the fourth Day of the Week, and on the Day of the Pre-ords ik Thi paration, because on the Fourth Day the Condemna tion went out against the Lord, Judas then promifing to betray Him for Money: Sociar Spondilis, And you must fast on the Day of the Preparation, be- aur cause on that Day the Lord p, fuffer'd the Death of the T. 3 Crofs, under Pontius Pilate. To

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- But keep the Sabbath, and
the Lord's Day Festival; be-

μα, 11⁄2" 5, avasa- caufe the former is the Me-
σεως. ἓν ἢ μόνον σάβ-


morial of the Creation, and

βατον ὑμῖν φυλακτίον the latter of the Refurreciἐν ὅλῳ τῳ ἐνιωτῳ, ὅ on.

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But there is one only

To nue's Taças, o- Sabbath to be obferv'd by TEP never wego you in the whole Year, which Hey, I'm' &x sopra is that of our Lord's Bu. V, 2 Ëત્ર Car & ŏow - rial, on which Men ought prope's an ghe Tu to keep a Faft, but not a gard, iquette Festival. χάνη, ιχυρότερον g For inasmuch as Dei aura él, the Creator was then under αὐτὸ πένθο IT + Inpesugriav ya- the Earth, the Sorrow for δημιεργίαν κα eas ok o inferos Him is more forcible than TS ET Din the Joy for the Creation: aia for the Creator is more honourable by Nature, and Dignity than his own Crea

των φύλ TE τιμιώτερα.

Όπου η προσεύχη

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Matt.vi.5 ** Pag.



Now, When ye pray, be not XXIV. De, μn givende ws of ye as the Hypocrites; but as the onerains Lord has appointed us in venμiv & Seval- the Gospel, fo pray ye, Our v. 9, &c. γελίω διετάξατο, έτω Father which art in Heaven ; προσεύχεθε Πάτερ Hallowed be thy Name; Thy Sμov, o in Tols ea- Kingdom come; Thy Will be vois, azadnтw♂ ovo- done as in Heaven, fo on Má C& indérw i Ba- Earth; Give us this Day our ancia Co. HundŃ T 3 Daily Bread; And forgive us JeanMás Cs, ws Ev - our Debts, as we forg ve our

70 V.

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Debtors ; And lead us not in. 10 Temptation, but deliver us from Evil: For thine is the Kingdom for ever. Amen. Pray thus thrice in a Day, preparing your felves beforehand, that ye may be worthy of the Adoption of the Father ; left when you call Him Father unworthily, you be reproached by Him, as Ifrael once his Firft-born Son was Mal. i. 6. told, If I be a Father, where is my Glory ? And if I be a Lord, where is my Fear ? For the Glory of Fathers is the Holiners of their Chil. dren; and the Honour of Mafters is the Fear of their Servants; as the contrary is Dilonour and Confufion : Ifa. lii. 5. For, fays He, Through you my Name is blafphemed among

the Gentiles.


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Ν "





eανῷ, ο πι ε ς
- ἄρτον ἡμῶν ἢ ὅπω
σιν δὸς ἡμῖν σήμερ
καὶ ἄφες ἡμῖν το ὄφει
λήματα ἡμῶν, ὡς
ἡμᾶς ἀφίεμ τοῖς ἐ
φιλέταις ἡμῶν καὶ
μὴ εἰσενέγκης ἡμᾶς εἰς
πειρασμόν, ἀλλὰ ῥύσα
ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ τὸ πονηρί
k σὲ ἔςιν ἡ βασιλεία,
εἰς τὰς αἰῶνας. αμήν.
Tis ? ημέρας έτω
προσεύχεθε, προπ
σκουάζοντες ἑαυτές ο
ius & yodidas To
πατρός, ἵνα μὴ δία
ξίως ὑμῶν αὐτὸν τιν
reα καλέντων, δικα
υπ' αυτό
ὡς καὶ ὁ Ἰσραὴλ υποτ
πρωτότοκα εις τίχνα
σεν· ὅτι εἰ πατήρ ειμε
ἐγώ, πε όξιν ἡ δόξα με
Ο εἰ κύριός είμι, που


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ἔτιν ὁ φόβω με ; δόξα γδ πατέρων, ἱσιότης παίδων,
τιμὴ δεσποτών, οἰκετῶν φόβω
αδοξία και Ααρχία. Δι ὑμᾶς
με βλασφημεῖται ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσι.

* deeft. V.


ώσσερ εν δ' ἐνδυτίον φησί", δ' όνομα

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