صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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XIV. Concerning Hypocrify, and Obedience to the Laws, and Confeffio, vai top

on of Sins.

XV. Concerning the Obfervance due to Parents.

XVI. Concerning the Subjection due to the King, and to Rulers,

XVII. Concerning the fcience of thole that pray.



XVIII. That the way which was afterward introduc'd by the Snares of the Adverfary, is full of impiety


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Fleeing awardsAll werd zuivan. in "Crn Auburn's T αλλατείν έπεισαχθεί σαν οδός, orGoines is grouías. TEπλήρωται. XIX. That we must not turn from 10" "О un 2 & dive Γείας εκκλίνουν δεξιά ή δώ the way of Piety, either to the Rightmaggives hand or to the Left, An Exhortation, & VOLONTHS. of the Law-giver,

and wickedness.

XX, That we ought not to defpife any of the Sorts of Food that are fet before us, but gratefully and orderly ro partake of them.

XXI. That we ought to avoid the eating of things offer'd to Idols. XXII. A Conftitution of our Lord, How we ought to baptize, and into whose Death.

XXIII. Which Days of the Week we are to faft, and which not, for what Reasons,


XXIV. What fer of People ought to pray that Prayer that was given by the Lord.

XXV. A Myftical Thanksgiving. XXVI. A Thanksgiving at the divine Participation.

XXVII. A Thanksgiving about the myftical Ointment.

XXVIII. That we ought not to be indifferent about communicating. XXIX. A Conftitution concerning Oblations.

n'. "In uv gen cavnilen d'assuranceτο προσφόρων βρωμάτων, αλλ' ευχαρίστως μεταλαμβά ναν καὶ τεταγμόμως

nd Om xenodizein * εἰδωλοθύτων βρώσιν. Xen. Bartiler, xj os κι'. Διάταξις κυριακή

τίνα θάνατον.

u niegs, i tives i κγ'. Ποίας γης ατέν σεβα της Ντέον, και χάριν

routes to Townκαι Οίος είναι χρή της werd είς δοθείσαν προσευχή. κέ. Ευχαρισία μυσική.

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XXX. How we ought to affemble λ' "Owws xp 7 avaratogether, and to celebrate the Fefti- ON THE Nμm sé

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car, ¿cual paloufoss og val-day of our Saviours Refurrection. Lew XXXI. What Qualifications they Ade. Oin Avar xsought to have, who are to be Or χειροτονομβρίας. dain'd. 26. Begiinas del of μελλόντων.

λγ'. Προσευχή εξαίγλη. καστανοίας διαφόρες. λα. Προσευχή εξαγγελη· κή δημιουργίας διαφόρι


XXXII. A Prediction concerning Futurities.

XXXIII. A Prayer declarative of Gods various Providence,

XXXIV. A Prayer declarative of Gods various. Creation.

λέ. Προσευχή με όλα εισίας εξαγγέλλεσα το Θεῖ * εεὶ τὰ ὄντα κηδεμονίαν. λε'. Προσευχή υπομιμνή oxyou froute Xestive of the Incarnation of Chrift; andrannow, my teis Tai ως διάφορον πρόνοιας. λζ'. Περσευχή τειέχεσα uriuli aegroías, ei unny Legpaar Japópar aegro'a Oto da Xes εκχεθεισῶν τοῖς ἁγίοις. λή. Προσευχὴ ἀντιλήψε ως δικαίων.

XXXV. A Prayer with Thank!giving declarative of Gods Provis dence over the Beings he has made. XXXVI. A Prayer commemora

and his various Providence to: the Saints.

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μγ. Περὶ το μυσικα ὕδα To dizausti.

μ... περὶ το μυστικό μύ 88 dijausia

με προσευχή της νεοπ

XXXVII. A Prayer containing the Memorial of his. Providence; and an Enumeration of the various Benefits afforded the Saints by the Providence of God through Chrift.

XXXVIII. A Prayer for the ACfiftance of the Righteous.

XXXIX. How the Catechumens are to be inftructed in the Elements. XL. A Conftitution how the Catechumens are to be bleffed by the Priefts in their Initiation; and what things are to be taught 'em.

XLI. The Renunciation to the Adverfary, and the Dedication to the Chrift of God.

XLII. A Thanksgiving concer ning the anointing with the myftical Oyl.

XLIII. A Thanksgiving concerning the myftical Water.

XLIV. A Thanksgiving conces ning the myftical Ointment..

XLV. A Prayer for the NewFruits


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* Il. Concerning unworthy Bilhops and Presbyters.

II. That to make. Conftitutions

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β'. Περί Η επισκόπων κα πρεσβυτέρων αναξίων

about the Divine Offices to be per- ε'. Ὅτι τὶ διατάσεως τα

form'd in the Churches, is of great - Confequence.

IV. Concerning Ordinations. 3.V. The Form of Prayer for the Ordination of a Bilhop.

VI. The Divine Liturgy, wherein is the Bidding Prayer for the Cate


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Σε εκκλησίαις ἐπιτελέμμα κορυφαιότατόν ἐσ

δ'. Περὶ χειροτονιῶν. ξ. Ἐπίκλησις ἐπὶ χειροτονία ας ἐπισκόπων.

ς'. Η θεία λειτεργία, εν Η προσφώνησις ὑπερ κατήχε μθρων.

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ια. Επίκλησις 7 πιςῶν.

16. Διάταξις Ἰακώβ», τ ἀδελφῆ Ἰωάννο το Ζεβεδαίος.

ιγ'. Προσφώνησις ἐπὶ τ τιών με τα θείαν αναφοράν. ιδ'. Προσφώνησις με την μετάληψιν

' Περί

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και Σίμων ο Κανανίτης, αει τὸ ὑπὸ τόπων οφείλει χειρ το εἶπς ὁ ἐπίσκοπο

κή Τι αυτό κανόνες πε ἐπισκόπων, ωρεσβυτέρων, διακόνων, και λοιπῶν κληρι:


καθ' Περί ευλογίας όλος το κι ελαία, τ Μακ διαλαξις.

γ' Τε αυτὸ πεὶ ἀπαρχῶν καὶ δεκατῶν.

λα. Τα αυτό δεν πετ


XV. The Form of Prayer after the Participation.

XVI. Concerning the Ordination of Presbyters, the Conftitution of John who was beloved by the Lord.

XVII. Concerning the Ordination of Deacons, the Conftitution of Philip.

XVIII. The Form of Prayer for the Ordination of a Deacon.

XIX. Concerning the Deaconefs; the Conftitution of Bartholomew. XX. The Form of Prayer for the Ordination of a Deaconess.

XXI. Concerning the Sub deacons, the Conftitution of Thomas.

XXII. Concerning the Readers, the Constitution of Matthew.

XXIII. Concerning the Confef fors, the Conftitution of James the Son of Alpheus.

XXIV. The fame_ Apoftles Con ftitution, concerning Virgins.

XXV. The Conftitution of Lebe beus, who was furnam'd Thaddeus, concerning Widows.

XXVI. The fame Apoftle concerning the Exorcift.

XXVII. Simon the Canaanite, concerning the Number neceffary for the Ordination of a Bishop

XXVIII. The fame Apoftles Carions, concerning Bulhops, Prients Deacons; and the reft of the Clergy.

XXIX. Concerning the Eulogy of Water and Oil, the Conftitution of Matthias.

XXX. The fame Apoftles Confti tution concerning First Fruits and Ty:hes.

XXXI. The fame Apofties Conftitutions, concerning the remaining Oblations, XXXII.

XXXII. Various Canons of Paul the Apostle,concerning those that offer themselves to be baptized, whom we are to receive, and whom to reject,

XXXIII. Upon which Days Servants are not to work.

XXXIV. At what Hours, and why we are to pray.

XXXV. The Conftitution of James the Brother of Chrift, concerning Evening Prayer.

XXXVI. The Bidding Prayer for the Evening.

XXXVII. The Thanksgiving for the Evening.

XXXVIII. The Thanksgiving for the Morning,

XXXIX. The Impofition of Hands for the Morning.

XL. The Form of Prayer for the Firft-fruits.

XLI. The Bidding - Prayer for thofe departed.

XLII. How and when we ought το celebrate the Memorials of the Faithful departed; and that we ought then to give fomewhat out of their Goods to the Poor.

XLIII. That Memorials or Mandates, do not at all proft the wicked who are dead.

XLIV. Concerning Drunkards. XLV. Concerning the receiving fuch as are perfecuted for Chrifts fake.

XLVI. That Every one ought to remain in that Rank wherein he is plac'd; but not fmatch fuch Offices to himself, which are not intrufted with him.

XLVII. The Ecclefiaftical Carons

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