which opium commonly occasions, and I do by no means desire to repeat the nauseous dose, for the sake of the fugitive dream. Shall I tell you that I bear this melancholy situation with that meritorious constancy and resignation which most people boast of? No, for I really cannot help it. I bear it because I must bear it whether I will or no. coarse pullies und dirty ropes which exhibit and move the gaudy machine.. I have seen and smelt the tallow-candles which illuminate the whole decoration, to the astonishment and admiration of an ignorant multitude. When I reflect back upon what I have seen, what I have heard, and what I have done, I can hardly persuade myself that all that frivolous hurry and bustle and pleasure of the world had any reality; but Imine enemy. It is my resolu look upon all that has passed as tion to sleep in the carriage the one of those romantic dreams remainder of the journey." And I think of nothing but killing time, now he is become Donations to the Missionary Society of Connecticut. May 7. Ezekiel Williams, Esq. of Wethersfield, 9. Female Association in Litchfield, Ladies' Society in Norwich, Friend of Missions of Woodbury, 19. A Stranger from Berlin, 20. A Friend of Missions of Cheshire, not to go to 104 00 $353 85 113, 149 the Editors, on New Courtesy, Christian, exemplifi- 318 Death of Rev. Joseph Wash- 279 burn, 321 141, 145, 253, 374 121 21 Dodd, Timothy, anecdote of, 199 91, 401, 452 160 Donations to the Miss. Soc. of Con. 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, Dutton, Rev. Nathaniel, ordin- from, 37, 56, 104, 108, 113, Faithfulness, ministerial, 104, 147, 149, 274, 279, 318 147 |