be known, we will call him Philander. fable, suited to engage the hearts, and regulate the conduct of woHis natural endowments were men; he even thought it made good; and his prospects in life, them mild and amiable; but pleasing. Being but partially still, considered it as entirely beinstructed in the things of reli- neath the regard of men; who gion; and placing unwarranta- are to be of an unmoved, and indeble dependence upon reason as pendent spirit. Thus he now a guide; he began to entertain lived free from the restraints of doubts concerning the truth of religion; and free from concern. the scriptures. In them, he But by his wife prayer was made found many things which nei- to God for him without ceasing. ther cherished his hopes, nor There took place at length, a flattered his desires; but spoke remarkable providence, which to him in the unwelcome lan- could not be viewed with indifguage of prohibition. These ference by any mortal, however doubts were strengthened, and stupid. This his pious companincreased, and confirmed by na-ion pressed upon his mind eartive depravity. He easily dis-nestly, but with kindness. believed, what he most ardently had taken strong hold of his wished to be false. Hence he heart; but he dissembled his became not only a confirmed infidel; but a champion of infidelity. Against religion he hardened his heart; disputed with success; and gained a number of proselytes. It feelings, and resolved to throw off his convictions if possible.--In this attempt he strove hard; labored to keep up his accustomed cheerfulness and gaiety; and to his wife, who would now But notwithstanding these flat- and then mention the surprising tering and effectual endeavors; event, observed, "My dear, I his conscience would sometimes wish you would never speak of reprove, and make him sorely that foolish to me again." uneasy. Such disturbances how- But notwithstanding his appearever, he considered as the expir-ance of intrepidity, his conscience ing effects of education. By lay- was at this very time, speaking ing aside the Bible, and neglect- to him in the language of terror. ing public, as well as private He now more than ever, sought worship, he became more easy, earnestly for substantial proof and more strong in his infatua- in favor of infidelity; but--he tion. found none. In this racking perplexity of mind, he often said to himself; if the Bible is true-if religion is a realityTo yield is hard. What would his acquaintance, what especially would his disciples say if he should now submit; after having boasted so much fortitude, and fearlessness of God and death? He therefore exerted himself to quiet his spirit, as the mariners did to bring Jonah to The loose opinions, and consequent loose conduct of Philander, were a grief of mind, to his wife; a woman of piety and worth. She often addressed him on the subject; and endeavored in a tender and affectionate manner to win him to the ways of truth and righteousness. But in vain. He ever heard her, indeed, with politeness and attention; but esteemed religion a land; but the more he strove folly of his ways, and his utter the more was his spirit like the inability to help himself; God troubled sea when it cannot rest; was pleased in sovereign mercy whose waters cast up mire and to bring him up out of the hor dirt. Sleep departed from him. rible pit and miry clay; and The force of his conviction, and place his feet, as it is hoped, on his fearful looking for of judg- a rock; on the sure foundation ment, were as a fire shut up in stone of the gospel. If his his bones; he was weary with change from infidelity to conrefraining; and he could not viction was great; his change forbear. Unable to prevent or from conviction to a hope in any longer to conceal the an Christ was unspeakably greater. guish of his heart; he made it In his view the Bible became at known to his dear partner. She once a new book; the gospel could realize his feelings, and scheme of salvation was plain, heartily sympathize with him consistent, and glorious. He in the distress of his mind. This wondered exceedingly that any discovery excited in her heart person should ever favor infidelthe mingled emotions of joy, ity for a moment. His heart hope, and fear. She rejoiced would often enquire, what eviwith trembling. But his tor-dence has deism to boast ; ments were not abated. His soul what rewards has it to offer, was now thoroughly roused from when compared with the gosthe dream of infidelity. He saw pel? that deistical notions are groundless; that they are as contrary to sound reason as they are to the scriptures, and that if not forsaken, they will terminate in the sure and everlasting destruction of the soul. His anguish of spirit was exceedingly great. Is there mercy? Is there any hope for a transgressor so great and so abandoned, as I have been?leged in behalf of religion.This enquiry he made over and over, with a solicitude that surprised his neighbors, and shocked his companions in infidelity. But his convictions became more and more pungent; and his distress rose higher and higher; until he was unable to attend to his worldly business; he went mourning from day to day; and was ready to give up himself for lost. In this state of mind, bowed down with grief, he continued about a quarter of a year. When Philander had been thus awfully shown the VOL. VI. No. 1. To those whom he had made infidels he now went, with confidence that he could turn them all to Christianity. But in his reception he was disappointed. They who had listened with so much eagerness to arguments in favor of infidelity, had now no ears to hear; and no heart to receive the reasons which he al Seeing this, he was grieved at his heart. Here he found by experience that it is easy to kindle a fire; but when the flames have been once enkindled, to extinguish them is a task which very few ever have the success to accomplish. But in his own conduct an entire and universal change was made; he chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. He commenced religious duties, and has to this day practised them in his family; walking in E The briefness of these remarks prevents that particularity which in accounts of this kind is indeed desirable; it must also be confessed that the account itself comes far below the reality. But in review of this subject we see, a good measure according to the | fers, Heb. vii. For this Melchigospel. sedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him. Avoiding all questions concerning this very extraordinary man, as foreign from the present design, the scriptures very obviously exhibiting him as an eminent type of Christ, let us consider wherein the typical representation consists. Does it not consist in the fol 1. The exceeding greatness of divine mercy. The blaspheming and injurious infidel, who has long provoked God, and been contrary to all men, is not be-lowing particulars? yond the reach of sovereign I. His person. grace. 2. Let not the Christian who has an unbelieving companion despair. Though past labors may have been fruitless, yet the human heart is in the hand of God; he turneth it as the rivers of water are turned. R. An Explanation of Scriptural Types. MELCHISEDEC a type of CHRIST. He was without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life. In this did he not peculiarly represent him whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting ?— The eternity and self-existence of the divine nature of Jesus Christ, who affirms of himself, Prov. viii. 27, When he prepared the heavens I was therewhen he established the clouds above, then was I by him, as one brought up with him, I was daily his delight-who, respecting the two natures, divine and II. In his offices. 1. As king in a twofold respect. concise terms, Gen. xiv. Amra-person as Mediator, as God, phel king of Shinar with his as- had no mother, and no father as sociates, having overcome the man? kings of Sodom and Gomorrah, took Lot prisoner and carried him away with the other captives. Abraham being inform- (1.) His name was Melchiseed of the calamity of his nephew, dec, by interpretation, king of divinely directed no doubt, pur-righteousness, and his character sued the victorious king with his corresponded with his name. confederates, defeated them and Eminently righteous in his perrecovered Lot with the spoil. On son, he administered justice and his return he was met by Mel-judgment on the throne, and chisedec, who brought forth promoted truth and righteousbread and wine for his refresh-ness among all his subjects. In ment, and blessed him and his this office was he not an illustriGod.-To this the apostle re- ous type of that righteous branch produces him, Heb. vii. for the purpose of exhibiting him as an eminent type of the priesthood of Jesus Christ, let us consider this typical representation of him more minutely. which God raised up to the house of David? Who, perfectly righteous in his person, did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth-and by fulfilling all righteousness, becomes the Lord, the righteousness of his people, and who of God is made to them, wisdom and righteousness. Of whom it was proclaimed, Behold, a king shall reign in right-itual priesthood, was without faeousness, and princes shall rulether, without mother; and viewin judgment. (2.) He was king of Salem, that is, king of peace. (1.) He was without descent, had no progenitor, no predecessor in the priesthood—and Christ viewed in his mediatorial, spir ed according to the flesh he was of the seed of David and the tribe of Judah, of which tribe Moses said nothing concerning the priesthood. (2.) Melchisedec was priest of the most high God. God raised him up, qualified him for the office, installed him in it, and he performed the various services of it according to immediate divine direction. In this did he not eminently typify the priesthood of our divine Redeem As a peaceful king and supporting a peaceable kingdom, did he not peculiarly typify him whose name should be called, the everlusting father, the prince of peace-upon whose appearance in the world it was proclaimed, Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men? Who is our peace as the great agent of restoring peace between God and men-er, who was provided and set of slaying the enmity and introducing peace between Jews and Gentiles;-whose benign and peaceful influence tames the ferocious passions of men, so that figuratively, the wolf dwells with the lamb, and the leopard lies down with the kid who blesseth peace-makers-in whom his people find rest and peace a-it-who presented the sacrifice midst all the tribulations of this present evil world--and to whom he hath bequeathed divine, holy, heavenly peace, for their daily refreshment and everlasting consolation? Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 2. As priest. forth of God, to whom he communicated the spirit without measure, furnishing him with those gifts and graces which perfectly fitted him for the sacerdotal office, consecrated him to.. the work, by anointing him with his holy oil-prescribed the manner in which he should perform which he had appointed, and performed the various services of it, as the father gave him commundment? (3.) In the immutability and perpetuity of his office. un Melchisedec had no successor in office. His was an changeable priesthood. In this did he not peculiarly represent the sacerdotal character of As his interview with Abra-him who is consecrated foreverham appears to have been di- more, according to the word of vinely directed, and the apostle the oath, The Lord sware and will perform it, thou art a priest | he hath mingled, the riches of for ever after the order of Melchisedec? grace, with which Christ daily refreshes his fainting people, amidst the trials and conflicts of this present evil world—or that divine repast which will satiate their weary souls, when, returning to heaven victorious, yea more than conquerors over all their spiritual enemies, through him who has loved them and died for them, he will give them to eat of the tree of life, the hidden manna, as their honorable From the transactions between Melchisedec and Abraham, the apostle draws two inferences which are so important and instructive, that it will not be impertinent briefly to suggest them. 1. The dignity and excellence of Christ's person and priesthood. From Melchisedec even Abraham the renowned patriarch, the constituted father of all them that believe, receiv-reward and everlasting portion? ed the blessing; and without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better. To him also Abraham gave tithes as a tribute due to 'his character and preeminence; consider then how great Melchisedec was ; but Melchisedec, great as he was, was only a type, a shadow of Christ. What high and honorable thoughts should we entertain of the substance, of Christ himself, who is exalted far above all heavens and filleth all IV. When Melchisedec met Abraham, he said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth. And doth not Christ bless his people, with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places? and will he not peculiarly bless them when he will make them kings and priests unto God, that they may live and reign with him for ever and ever? Extract. T was Sunday, as I travelled things? Wherefore, holy breth-thro' the county of Orange, ren, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ Jesus. 2. He is infinite in ability to save. that my eye was caught by a cluster of horses tied near a ruinous old wooden house, in the forest not far from the road side. Devotion alone should have stopped me to join in the duties of the congregation; but I confess that curiosity to hear the preach Possessing an unchangeable and everlasting priesthood, and officiating efficaciously in it, he is able to save to the uttermost all them that come to God byer of such a wilderness, was not him, seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them. III. When Abraham was returning from the slaughter of the kings, Melchisedec brought forth bread and wine for the refreshment of the patriarch and his weary troops. May we not understand this bread and wine to represent that royal bounty, that meat indeed, and that wine which the least of my motives. On entering I was struck with his preternatural appearance.-He was a tall and very spare old man; his head which was covered with a white linen cap, his shrivelled hands, and his voice, all shaking under the in-fluence of a palsy, in a few moments ascertained to me that he was perfectly blind. The first |