opposition of heart to God's moral character, and the nature of holmess; that mankind, while in their natural state, do not like the truths contained in the word of God, but are displeased with them, and with all holy things. The truth of these observations is confirmed by what he has left on record in his epistles written to the Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, and others, also, by the doctrine of the atonement. brethren," saith the apostle, "I came not with the excellency of speech or of wisdom, and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power; that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." The apostle, in the next place, did not fail to describe in lively colors, that benevolent spirit which was, and still is, and for essence of Christianity. That it not only taught the sons of men to love God supremely, but that the benevolence taught by the author of the Christian religion, required them to love their neighbors as themselves: to regard the prosperity, the peace, happiness and good of others in all respects as they did their own. Let no man seek his own (is the language of inspiration ;) but every man another's wealth. It teacheth men to be kindly affectioned one to another, to love without dissimulation; for every After this gloomy view of the sinful state in which all the nat-ever will be the ornament and ural descendants of apostate Adam were, the apostle explained the way of life and salvation through the atonement which Christ had made, consistently with the moral character of God and his holy law. This led him to illustrate the character of the Mediator as the Son of God, and Saviour of the world; that thro' him life and immortality were brought to light, and endless life was promised to all who would receive him, and embrace him as their prophet, priest, and king, their hope and portion. He showed them the purity, spiritu-man to look not on his own ality, and extent of the divine things, but on the things of othlaw, that it required the whole ers; in lowliness of mind, let heart, or supreme love to God, each esteem others better than and perfect obedience to the di- themselves. Charity seeketh vine commands. That the atone-not her own, charity never failment which Jesus had made did not make void the law, but mag- Repentance toward God, and nified it, and made it honorable; faith toward our Lord Jesus vindicated the character of God, Christ, as the only method of his justice, and every perfection, pardon and salvation for their and had declared his righteous-perishing souls, he urged in a ness, that he might be just, and most pathetic and solemn manthe justifier of him who believ-ner. eth in Jesus. These interesting truths he recommended to every man's 'conscience, and with more than human energy, urged his audience to embrace them: "My eth. Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was a favorite doctrine with the apostle; it was a necessary part of the Christian system, and that which insured the resurrection of all Adam's race. This led him to discourse on future rewards and punishments; and to impress upon their minds the important truths which he had taught, he introduced the last solemn scene of judgment, when the vail which hides an awful eternity should be lifted up, when they and all men should appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that every one might receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. II. To notice the fitness and propriety of those means which the apostle used, to accomplish the benevolent purpose proposed in the text. Those truths, which the apostle laid before their minds, were well calculated to show them the difference between the true God and their heathen gods ;between idolatry and Christianity. The illustrations which the apostles gave in their hearing, of the character of Jehovah, the simplicity and excellence of the Christian religion, would naturally enlighten their understandings, convince their minds of their folly, and gain their assent to the truth. Truth, addressed to the understanding, affords light and knowledge; it is means the best calculated to open the eyes and turn men from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, of any which can be named. When the Gentiles heard the That the sacred truths which he had taught them, or should teach them, might not be forgotten; that they might understand the whole counsel of God, and feel that they were shut up unto the faith; he showed them, that they were in the hands of God, and were absolutely dependant on sovereign, distin-descriptions which the apostle guishing grace and mercy. That impenitent sinners were so wilfully opposed to God, and; the gospel plan of salvation for their perishing souls, that they would never accept the offer of life. Therefore divine agency was of necessity used, to prevent them from destroying themselves; to change their stubborn hearts, and bring them into that meek, humble, and benevolent spirit which the gospel enjoins. This must be acknowledged right, just, and truly benevolent. This is goodness in its highest exercise; on this principle it is that Jehovah hath mercy on whom he will, that he might accomplish more good in this way, than could be in any other. gave of Jehovah's true character, they must be led to consider him preferable to their gods, and that a being of such attributes and perfections was fit to govern the universe; that the religion which he taught was far superior to their idolatrous worship; that it would enlarge and exalt the human mind, and if they would embrace it, would raise them from their low, groveling state, to be kings and priests to God for ever. It may be observed, also, that those means which the apostle used, were admirably well calculated to accomplish the benevolent purpose mentioned in the text, as they point directly to men's hearts and consciences.Those truths which the apostle taught were in the first place addressed to the understandings of his audience; and then pointed to their hearts and consciences, that they might feel what they were, what God is, and what they must become, to enjoy his blissful presence. that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and an inheritance among them which are sanctified. Has not this been the case in a greater or less degree, in every age since the promulgation of Christianity? Does not the history of the church from its com mencement sufficiently justify the observations which have been made? Will not the age in which we live, clearly confirm them? Particularly, when we find the same truth taught from the highest authority. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. IMPROVEMENT. When those important and interesting truths of the gospel were illustrated before their eyes, and pressed home upon their consciences, with the apostle's usual, conclusive and forcible manner of reasoning; could they avoid reflecting upon their condition in a moral view? that without an influence from the divine Spirit they should never yield to take their seats at the footstool, and place God on the throne in their affections? The conclusion must be, in their moments of cool reflection, that they were justly in the hands of an holy God, and at his disposal. Are not such means calculated in the best manner to bring sinners to see and feel that they are encompassed on every side by an holy God, and their only hope, is immediately to surrender their whole souls to him, through Jesus Christ? Better means cannot be devised to awaken sinners, to open their eyes, and to turn them from darknessly, and acceptable? To repent of to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. Again, the divine blessing and success which have attended the administration of the words of eternal life, show their fitness and propriety. This is a strong evidence that such means were appointed of heaven, therefore were blessed; and they carry their own evidence with them, that they were devised in the highest wisdom to accomplish the purpose mentioned in the text, VOL. VI. No. 1. 1. We may infer that it is the immediate duty of every one, who has heard the gospel, to, embrace it. If the offer of life and salvation has been made to us, to Jews, or heathen, and the conditions upon which they are attainable have been clearly explained and illustrated in our hearing, can it be otherwise than reasonable, and true, that all such ought immediately to comply with those conditions? Is it not their reasonable duty to make a surrendry of their whole souls to God through Jesus Christ immediately; and present their bodies living sacrifices, ho sin, to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and love God with all their hearts? A review of our subject naturally shows us the obligations men are under to embrace the gospel plan with the most cordial affection; especially, from this consideration, that the Most High has extended his arm of mercy to rebellious subjects, when there was none to pity, nor any other possible way of escape. Redemption fer sinners was pro B place to place, from country to cured, at no less expense than precious blood; in this, was in-country, preaching the word of finite benevolence displayed; a God with great success, gatherview of which ought to inspire ing churches and ordaining them every man with gratitude, and Elders in every church. At the lead all to feel the force of the appointed time, they returned, obligations they are under to be- and rehearsed all that God had come immediately religious. done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles. Is there not an high resemblance of these things, in what has, and does still take place in the present age? Particularly in many parts of Christendom, and in parts on which the light of the gospel had never beamed. Many are sent on missions, not only into new and destitute settlements, but into heathen lands. Turn your eyes northerly, southerly, easterly, and westerly, and what pleasing scenes will unfold to view? God is carrying on his work, not only in America and Europe, but in South Africa, and the East Indies. Are not these tidings that God has opened the door of faith unto the heathen? 2. From the light in which this subject hath been considered, and the wonderful events of the present day, may we not conclude there is some resemblance between the present and the apostolic age? From the information given us in our text, men were raised up soon after Christianity had beamed on the world, and sent to preach good tidings of peace and salvation to perishing sinners. Is not this the case at the present day? Those who were raised up in the apostles' days, for this benevolent purpose, were not confined within the limits of Jerusalem nor Judea, but were sent among the Gentiles, to carry them good news from heaven; that good will was proclaimed to mankind through Jesus Christ. Barnabas and Saul appear to have been among the first, who were purposely sent to preach the gospel among the Gentiles. Previously to this there had been a small church formed at Antioch in Syria; and these pious men were members of the same, and by direction of the Holy Ghost, were set apart for this important work. They sailed first to Cyprus, and preached the word of God, at Salamis, then they went to Paphos, to Perga in Pamphilia, from thence to Pisidia. In these places they preached the gospel, but not without much opposition from the Jews who dwelt in those parts. In this manner they proceeded from But another prominent feature in this resemblance is the opposition which the apostles met, and which is now met from the enemies of religion. Is this any thing more than is to be expected from the human heart, if it be as it is described in the pages of inspiration? Has not this always been the case, and will it not continue while the impenitent heart remains the same? Have not error and infidelity always made rapid progress, notwithstanding the increase of light and knowledge, and the clear manner in which divine truth has been illustrated? Was not this the case in the days of the apostles, when the unbeliev ing Jews stirred up the Gentiles and made their minds evil affected against the brethren ? is approaching when the Jews shall have an hearing ear given them, and an understanding heart, and shall be gathered in with the fullness of the Gentiles, and the appearance of this From this view of things as they are now directed by infinite wisdom, will not every one be animated with the pleasing pros 3. When we candidly reflect on the manner in which Christianity has been promulgated among mankind, may we not rest assured, that its author and sup-world, in moral things, shall be porter must be divine, and that like a new creation of God? all the promises of good to the church, which are found in the record of God, will be accomplished. No other weapons have been used to overcome the oppo-pects of Zion's prosperity, and sition made by the depraved readily lend his aid by prayer, heart than light and truth; and and giving liberally as God has these, attended by the divine ef- enabled him, remembering that ficacy, will eventually prevail the earth is the Lord's and the and be completely victorious. fulness thereof; that all having Many promises of good to the freely received ought freely to church have been accomplished, give; for the cause is the Lord's, and others are now accomplish- and the boundless bliss belongs ing, which may be considered to men. May we not when we as the earnest that those which look forward to the future prosremain shall be fulfilled. perity of the church, adopt the language of the prophet, Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. The Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Thoughts on Heb. vi. 4, 5, 6. "FOR it is impossible for those, who have been once enlightened," &c. Has not Jesus come in the flesh, and did not the Jews do unto him as it had been foretold? Do they not now answer the very description given of them by Moses their leader, and lawgiver under God? When we cast our eyes upon the heathen world, does not the wilderness begin to blossom, and Ethiopia to stretch out her hands unto God? Behold, Philistia, and Tyre with Ethiopia, this man was born there. Is it not true that the heathen now testify that they are given to the Son for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his posses-in sion? Is it not evident that he is saying to the north give up, to the south keep not back, bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth? That the river Euphrates is drying up, and the way preparing for the kings of the east to come in? That the time IN N the thoughts on this passage, which were published Vol. V. No. 12. Page 448 of this Magazine, an attempt was made to show, that it must be understood, with reference to real saints. Setting aside the construction there given, it has been urged, that, when saying, in a subsequent verse, Beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, |