AND THE TESTIMONY. BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD." Susan !!! auren "Dig further and thou shalt find more " "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things NEW YORK: ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, No. 285 BROADWAY. 1853. KF3318 : HARVARD 1271 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the STEREOTYPED BY THOMAS B. SMITH, PRINTED BY E. O. JENKINS, 114 Nassau Street. A Note of Advisement to the Beader. It must be asked, and it must be answered, What is this big book? and what is anybody's pretence for giving it to the public? The first question only needs any care, and needs not many words. This big book is not another book of reference: nothing less. It is no concordance of subjects, nor collection of beauties. It has not its fellow in the market; or if it have, it is a fellow that nobody knows. It is a gathering of facts for the purposes of induction. It is a setting together of the mass of Scripture testimony on each of the grand points of Scripture teaching; in the hope that when the whole light of the scattered rays is flung on the matter, the truth may be made manifest. In their ordinary arrangement, the Bible forces may be said to charge in "dispersed order;" here they seem to stand as in the old Macedonian phalanx, shoulder to shoulder, with shields locked. Certainly the phalanx order would never have done the Bible work. But it may have its own proper ends. I don't doubt some heads have been shaken at the idea of such work being done by a woman. No woman set about it, in the first place; it was but a girl and a child. And they had little knowledge of the theological world, and certainly no meaning to enlighten anybody except themselves. The thing fell out on this wise. One Sabbath evening, my little sister, in a spirit of weary good intentions, asked of my father to give her something to do on |