صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

suburbs thereof, and likewise to secure, detain, and keep them, and every of them by themselves, or by their ministers thereto deputed, and also to give up and deliver or enlarge them so committed to gaol, and imprisoned according to due form of law in bail, or otherwise, according to their direction. And further, of our greater grace, certain knowledge and meer motion, we have given and granted, and as by these our present letters patent, for us, our heirs and successors, as much as in us lyeth, give and grant unto the said mayor or sheriffs, burgesses and corporation of our said town of Galway, and their successors for ever, all and singular such and such like other liberties, franchises, and privileges, preeminences, jurisdictions, authorities, easements, immunities, profits, commodities, advantages, customs and usances, forfeits and forfeitures, fines, redemptions and other hereditaments and things which the mayor, sheriffs, and citizens of our city of Waterford in our kingdom of Ireland aforesaid, or the mayor, sheriffs and corporation of our town of Drogheda in our kingdom of Ireland aforesaid, and every of them have, hold, enjoy or use, or ought to have held, enjoyed or used, by reason, virtue or pretence of any grant or letters patent of ours, or any of our progenitors or predecessors whatsoever, or by reason, virtue or pretence of any use, custom, statute, or any other thing, cause or matter whatsoever, within our said city of Waterford, the franchises, liberties and suburbs thereof, and within our said town of Drogheda, the franchises, liberties and suburbs thereof. And that the said mayor, sheriffs, burgesses and corporation of our said town of Galway, and their successors for ever have full power and authority to do, receive, deliver, administer, exercise and execute all and singular and every thing which

appertaineth and belongeth to the said liberties, franchises, privilege, preeminences, jurisdictions, authorities, easements, immunities, profits, commodities, advantges, customs, usages, forfeitures, fines, issues, redemptions, and other hereditaments and things whatsoever within our town of Galway aforesaid, the franchises, liberties, and suburbs thereof, as well by sea as by land and by fresh waters, in as ample manner and form, and as fully, freely, and entirely and unpunished as the said mayor, sheriffs and citizens of our said city of Waterford, within the said city of Waterford, the franchises, liberties and suburbs thereof, or the said mayor, sheriffs and corporation of our said town of Drogheda, within said town, the franchises, liberties and suburbs thereof, can or ought, or any of them can or ought in any manner to do, receive, deliver, administer, exercise, and execute. And further, of our special grace and certain knowledge and mere motion, we have given, granted, and do by these our present letters patent for us, our heirs and successors, for ever, as much as in us lyeth, give and grant to the said mayor, sheriffs, burgesses, and corporation of our town of Galway aforesaid, and their successors for ever, that all and singular the articles, clauses, sentences and grants in these letters patent, and in all and singular the other letters patent by us, or by any of our progenitors or predecessors, to said mayor, sheriffs, burgesses and corporation of our town of Galway aforesaid, or to their or any of their predecessors granted, be excepted, judged, understood, interpreted and construed in as bountiful and favourable a manner as may be, and not otherwise, nor in any other manner, to the advantage and profit of the said mayor, bailiffs, burgesses and corporation of our said town of Galway, against us, our heirs and

successors, in all our heirs and successors' courts whatsoever, and before all our heirs and successors, judges, justices, barons of the Exchequer, and others our heirs and successors ministers whatsoever; and that express mention of the true yearly value, or of the certainty of the premises of any of them of the other gifts or grants by us or by any of our ancestors aforesaid, made to said mayor, sheriffs, burgesses and corporation of our town of Galway aforesaid, or to any of them from time to time, is not made in these presents, or any statute, act, ordinance, provision, proclamation or restriction to the contrary made, published, set forth, ordained or provided, or any thing, cause or matter whatsoever, in any wise notwithstanding. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters patent to be passed. Witness myself at Grainbury the fourteenth day of July, in the twentieth year of our reign.

Copy of Mr. Cole's certificate of the translation.

I do hereby certify that I have carefully translated the above charter from the original, with due circumspection, correction, and to the best of my skill and knowledge in the Latin tongue. Witness my hand, this 27th day of June, in the year of our Lord God,


(Copia Vera.)



CHARLES the Second, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. to all whom these presents shall come greeting. Whereas by letters patent under our royal signet and sign manual, bearing date at our court at Whitehall the 16th day of August, in the three and twentieth year of our reign, directed to our right trusty and well beloved councellor John Lord Berkelly, our lieutenant general and general governor of our said kingdom of Ireland, and to the chief governor or governors there for the time being, we did signify our royal will and pleasure therein, that whereas many of the charters of the several cities and towns formerly corporate in our said kingdom of Ireland have been by reason of the several misconducts and misdemeanors of the said cities and towns during the time of the late horrid rebellion in that our kingdom forfeited unto us, and other of the said corporations are dissolved or otherwise determined, so that we may justly seize all the said liberties and franchises that have been by any of our royal ancestors granted to the said corporations if we would take the full and utmost advantage that we legally may against them. And that whereas we were graciously pleased, for the encouragement of trade in our said kingdom of Ireland, to extend our favour to such of the said corporations as our said lieutenant general and general governor of our said kingdom of Ireland shall judge best meriting the same, &c. to grant unto them new charters, with such lands and other privileges, liberties, and advantages formerly belonging unto them, as should appear unto our said lieutenant general

and general governor of Ireland to be fit and reasonable to be granted unto them, we did therefore, by our said letters, declare our royal will and pleasure, and did thereby give unto our said lieutenant general and general governor of our said kingdom of Ireland full power and authority to make due inspection unto the several charters formerly granted by any of our royal ancestors to the several cities and towns corporate in our said kingdom of Ireland and upon humble suit made unto our said lieutenant general and general governor of our said kingdom of Ireland, by the members of the said cities and towns, to cause new charters, by the advice of our learned council in that our kingdom, or some of them, to be passed unto the said cities and towns formerly corporate, respectively, and the great seal of our said kingdom of Ireland, in such manner as our said lieutenant general and general governor of our said kingdom of Ireland should think fit, and thereby to grant unto the said cities and towns formerly corporate, respectively, such of the lands, tenements, and hereditaments formerly belonging unto them, and also such liberties, franchises, privileges, and advantages formerly granted unto or conveyed by them, and also such restrictions, limitations, and exceptions as our said lieutenant general and general governor of our said kingdom of Ireland should think fit and most conducing to our service and the better support of the corporation. And whereas the mayor, sheriffs, burgesses, and commonality of our said town and county of our town of Galway, taking notice of our princely grace and favour intended to our cities and towns corporate in our realm of Ireland, by our said letters of the 16th day of August in the twenty-third year of our reign, have humbly petitioned our right trusty and right well beloved cousin and counsellor Arthur Earl of Essex, our lieu

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