Published by JOHN GILLIES, D. D. One of the Ministers of Glasgow. EDINBURGH: Printed for W. GRAY, Front of the Exchange. MDCCLXXIII. gift 1-8-1932 ADVERTISEMENT. THE honourable teftimony given by pious and learned men of different denominations, to Mr Maclaurin's few pieces, printed at Glasgow in 1755, and reprinted at Edinburgh in the year 1771, renders any recommendation of his works unneceffary. It is proper, however, to acquaint the reader, that the Effay on Prophecy, written A. D. 1736, and the Inquiry into Happiness, a compofition of a still earlier date, are printed from the author's manuscripts; the originals of which are in the hands of the publisher; but the Sermons only from copies of what was taken from his mouth in short hand. Though from that circumstance they are lefs accurate and correct than could be wished; yet they contain such a variety of striking, and even original sentiments, on fome of the most important fubjects, that it was judged the presenting them to the public, - may, through the blessing of God, confiderably contribute to promote the interests of religion, which the worthy author had so deeply at heart. |