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النشر الإلكتروني

undertook and difcharged it, con. iv. 8. By his perfect obedience, and facrifice of himself, he purchased reconciliation and eternal life for all the elect, con. viii. 5. cat. 38. To whom in all ages the bene. fits of his mediation are effectually applied, con. viii. 6, 8. Chrift's offices of Prophet, Prieft, King, cat. 43, 44, 45. See acceptance, accefs, body of Chrift, church, death of Chrift, exaltation, expiation, humiliation, imputation, interceffion, judge, merit, Meffiah, name of Chrift, perfonal union, propitiation, reconciliation, redemption, refurrection, righteoufnefs, facrifice, falvation, fatisfaction, furety. Christian liberty See liberty. The church is the object of God's fpecial providence, con. vii. 5. cat 63. Chrift the only head of it, con. viii. 1. XXV. 6. The catholic church invifible, what, con. XXV. I. cat. 64. Given to Chrift from all eternity, con. viii. 1. The benefits which the members of it enjoy by Chrift, cat. 65, 66, 69, 82, 83, 86, 90. The catholick church visible, what, con. xxv. 2. cat. 62. Out of it no ordinary poffi. bility of falvation, con. xxv. 2. Its privileges, con. xxv. 3. cat. 63. Particular churches more or less pure, con. xxv. 4. The purest fubject to mixture and error, con. xxv. 5. There fhall always be a church on earth to worthip God according to his will, ibid. Church-cenfures. See Cenfures. Church-government, appointed by the Lord Jefus in the hand of church-officers, diftinct from the civil magiftrate, con. xxx. 1. cat. 45, 108. But they are not exempted from obedience to the magiftrate, con. xxiii. 4. They have the power of the keys committed to them, con. xxx. 2. What that power is, and its ufe, con. Xxx. 2, 3, 4. They are not to be oppofed in the lawful exercife of their powers, upon pretence of Chriftian liberty, See Councils. There are fome circumstances concerning churchgovernment, which are to be ordered by the light of nature and Chriftian pru

con. xx. 4.

dence, according to the general rules of the word, con. i. 6. Circumcifion, one of the ordinances by which the covenant of grace was adminiftred under the law, con. vii. 5. cat.


Civil magiftrate, or civil powers. See Magiftrate.

The Ten Commandments are the fum of

the moral law, con. xix. 2. cat. 98. They are a perfect rule of righteousness, con. xix. 2. Rules for understanding them, cat. 99. The preface explained, cat. 101. The first commandment, cat. 103,106. The fecond, cat. 107,-110. The third, cat. 111,-14. The fourth, cat. 115,-121. The fifth, cat. 123,133. The fixth, cat. 134,-136. The feventh, cat. 137,-139. The eighth, cat. 140,142. The ninth, cat. 143,145. The tenth, cat. 146,-148. The fum of the first four commandments, which contain our duty to God, cat. 102. The fum of the other fix which contain our duty to man, cat. 122. No man is able to keep the commandments of God perfectly, cat. 149.

The Communion, See the Lord's Supper. Communion of Saints, wherein it confifts,

con, xxvi. 1, 2. The enjoyment of it is one of the privileges of the vifible church, cat. 63. In the Lord's Supper, communicants teftify their mutual love and fullowship each with other, cat. 163. That facrament being a bond and pledge of believers communion with Christ, and with each other, as members of his mystical body, con. xxix. 1. The communion of faints doth not infringe a man's property in his goods and poffeffions, con. xxvi.


Communion which the elect have with

Christ, con. xxvi. 1. In this life, cat. 69, 83. Immediately after death, cat. 86. At the refurrection and day of judg ment, cat. 87, 90. It is a confequence of their union with him, con. xxvi. r. It doth not make them partakers of his Godhead, nor equal with him, con xxvi.

3. It is confirmed in the Lord's fupper,

cat. 168.

Unchafte Company not to be kept, cat. 139.
Nor corrupt communications to be used
or listened to, ibid.

Condition. Perfect, perfonal and perpetual
obedience the condition of the covenant
of works, con. vii. z. xix. 1. cat. 20. God
requires faith as the condition to interest
finners in the mediator of the covenant

of grace, cat. 32.
Confeflion of fin always to be made in pri-
vate to God, con. xv. 6. And is to be
joined with prayer, cat. 178. When to
be made to men, con. xv. 6. Upon con-
feffion the offended brother is to be re-

ceived in love, ib.

Confcience, See liberty of conscience. Peace
of confcience, a fruit of the sense of
God's love, con. xviii. 1, 3. cat. 83. Be-
lievers may fall into fins which wound
the confcience, con. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. The
wicked are punished with horror of con
fcience, cat. 28.83.

Contentment, Submiffion to God is our du-

ty, cat. 104. Difcontent at his difpenfa-
tions, is finful, cat. 1o5. A full content-
ment with our condition, is our duty,
cat. 147. Difcontentment with our own
eftate, a fin, cat. 148.

Controverfies. It belongs to fynods and

councils minifterially to determine con-
troverfies of faith, and cafes of confci-
ence, con. xxxi. 3. The Spirit fpeaking
in the fcriptures, is the fupreme judge of
all controverfies in religión, con. i. 10.
The original text of the fcriptures is that
to which the church is finally to appeal,
con. i. 8.

Our converfation ought to be in holiness and

righteousness, answerable to an holy pro-
feffion, cat. 112. 167.
Corruption of nature, What, con. vi. z,

4. cat. 25. A confequence of the fall of
man, ibid. Actual fin a fruit of it, con.
vi. 4. cat. 25. How it is propagated, con.
vi. 3. cat 26. It doth remain during this
life in the regenerate, and all its motions
are truly fin, con, vi. 5. xiii, z. cat. 78.

But it is pardoned and mortified through
Christ, con. vi. 5.

Covenant. No enjoying of God, but by

way of covenant, con. vii. 1.
Covenant of Works, what, and with whom

made, con. iv. 2. vii. 2. xix. 1. cat. 20.
22. Perfect, perfonal and perpetual obe-
dience the condition of it, con. vii. 2.
xix. 1. cat. 20. It is called a law and a
command, con. iv. 2. And a law given
as a covenant, con. xix. 1. and a cove
nant of life, of which the tree of life was
a pledge, cat. 20.
Covenant of Grace, What, con. vii. 3. cat.

30. 32. It was made with Chrift as the
fecond Adam, and with all the elect in
him as his feed, cat. 31. In it God re.
quireth of finners faith in Chrift, that
they may be justified and faved, con. vii.
3. cat. 71. Faith being required as the
condition to intereft them in Christ, cat.
32. Who is the Mediator of this cove-
nant, con. viii. I. cat. 36. Why it is cal
led a teftament, con. vii. 4. It was diffe-
rently adminiftred in the time of the
law, and in time of the gofpel, con. vii.
$. cat. 33. How it was adminiftred un-
der the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34. How

under the gospel, con. vii. 6. çat. 35.
Councils or fynods ought to be, con. xxxi. 1.

They may be called by the civil magiftrate,
con. xxiii. 3. xxxi. 2. When ministers
may meet without the call of the civil
magiftrate, con. xxxi. 2. What power
councils have, con. xxxi. 3. What fub-
miffion due to their decrees, ibid. Not
Infallible fince the apoftles times, con.
xxxi. 4. But there determinations are to
be tried by the scriptures, con. i. 10.
How far they may meddle in civil affairs,
con. xxxi. 5.

Creation of the world, coti. iv. 1. cat. 15. Of

man, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. Of angels.cat. 16.
Creatures. Dominion over the creatures
given to man, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. They
are curfed for our fakes, fince the fall,
cat. 28. Religious worship to be given to
no creature, con. xxi. 2. cat. 105.
Curiofity. Bold and curious searching into


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Dead, not to be prayed for, con. xxi. 4. cat. 183.

Death, being the wages of fm, con. vi. 6.

cat. 28. 84. It is appointed for all men, cat. 84. How it is an advantage to the righteous, cat. 85. The state of believers immediately after death, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86. Of the wicked, ibid.

The death of Christ, con. viii. 4. cat. 49. In it he faw no corruption, con. viii. 4. cat. 52. The divine nature having suf-, tained the human from finking under the power of death, cat. 38. By his obedience and death, he made a proper, real and full fatisfaction to the juftice of the Father, con. xi. 3. cat. 71. Thro' the vir tue of his death and refurrection, believers are fanctified, con. xiii. 1. Believers have fellowship with Chrift in his death, con. xxvi. 1. And from his death and refurrection they draw ftrength for the mortifying of fin and quickning of grace, cat. 167. The Lord's fupper is a memorial of his death, con. xxix. 1. cat. 168. And in that facrament,worthy communicants meditate affectionately on his deathand fufferings, cat. 174. and receive and feed upon all the benefits of his death, con. xxix. 7. The Decalogue, See Commandments. The Decrees of God, the nature, end, extent and properties of them, con. iii. 1, 2. cat. 12. The decree of predestination, con. iii. 3, 4. Of election and reprobation, con. iii. 5, 6, 7. cat. 13. How God executeth his decrees, cat. 14. How the doctrine of decrees is to be handled, and what ufe to be made of them, con, iii. 8,

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Diligence in our calling, a duty, cat. 147. Dipping in baptism, not necessary, com xxviii. 3.

Difcontent at the difpenfations of God's pro

vidence, finful, cat. 105, 113 Discontentment with our own eftate, finful, cat. 148. Divorce, lawful in cafe of adultery after marriage, or of fuch wilful desertion as cannot be remedied, con. xxiv. 5, 6. A publick and orderly course of proceeding is to be observed in it, con. xxiv. 6. Dominion. See fovereignty, creatures fin. Doubting of being in Chrift, may confift with a true intereft in him, con. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat. 81, 172. And therefore fhould not hinder from partaking of the Lord's Supper, cat. 171. Drunkenness forbidden, cat. 139: Duty to God by the light of nature, con. xxi. 1. Duties required in the first commandment, cat. 104. In the fecond, cat. 108. In the third, cat. 112. In the fourth, cat. 116. Duties of inferiors to their fuperiors, con. xxiii. 4. cat. 127. What is required of fuperiors, con. xxiii. 2. cat. 129 Duties of equals, cat. 131. Duties of the fixth commandment, cat. 135. Of the feventh, cat. 138. Of the eighth, cat. 141. Of the ninth, cat. 144. Of the tenth, cat. 147.


Ecclefiaftical powers not to be oppofed upon pretence of Chriftian liberty, con. xx. 4. Ecclefiaftical perfons not exempted from obedience to the civil magiftrate, con. xxiii. 4.

Effectual Calling, What, con. x. 1, cat. 67.

It is of God's free grace, not from any thing forefeen in man, con. x. 2. cat. 67. All the elect, and they only are effectually called, con. x. 1, 4. cat. 68. The elect united to Christ in their effectual calling, cat. 66.

Election, out of God's mere free grace, con iii. 5. cat. 13. From all eternity in Chrift, ibid. Election not only to eternal life and glory, but also to the means thereof, con. iii. 6. cat. 13. All the elect, and they only, are effectually called and faved, con. iii. 6. x. I, 4. cat. 68. Tho' others may be outwardly called by the word, and have fome common operations of the Spirit, ibid. Elect infants, and other elect perfons who are incapable of being called by the word, how faved, con. x. iii. What use to be made of the doctrine of election, con. iv. 8. And how men may be affured of their eternal election, ibid. See Affurance.

Envy, finful, cat. 128, 136, 142, 145, 148. Equals, their duties and fins, cat. 131, 132. Equivocation, fpeaking the truth in doubt

ful and equivocal expreffions, to the prejudice of truth or justice, finful, cat. 145. Eucharift. See Lord's Supper. Exaltation of Chrift, con. viii. 4. cat. 51.

In his refurrection, cat. 52. In his afcenfion, cat. 53. In his fitting at the right hand of God, cat. 54. In his coming to judge the world, cat. 56. Self-Examination, cat. 171. Excommunication, con. xxx. 2, 3, 4. Expiation. Sin cannot be expiated but by the blood of Christ, cat. 152. F

FAITH, What, con. xiv. 2. cat. 72. God requireth nothing of finners that they may be justified, but faith in Christ, con. xi. 1. cat. 71. Which he requireth as the condition to intereft them in the Mediator of the covenant of grace, cat. 32. It justifies a finner in the fight of God only as it is an inftrument by which be receiveth Chrift and his righteousness, con. xi. 2. cat. 73. Faith is the gift of God, con. xi. 1. cat. 71. It being the

work of the Spirit, con. xiv. 1. cat. 59, 72. It is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the word, con. xiv. 1. Increafed and strengthned by the word, facraments and prayer, ibid. Often weakened, but always gets the victory, con. xiv. 3. Growing up in many to a full affurance, con. xiv. 3. cat. 80. Good works the fruit and evidence of true faith, con. xvi. 2. cat 51. Which is never alone, but al

ways accompanied with all other faving graces, and is no dead faith, but worketh by love, con. xi. 2. cat. 73. Fall of man, the nature and effects of it,

con. vi. cat. 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. Why permitted, con. vi. 1. How all mankind concerned in it, con. vi. 3. cat. 22. Falling away. See Perfeverance. Family-worship daily, required of God, con. xxi. 6.

Fafting. Religious fasting, a duty, cat. 108. Solemn fafting a part of religious worfhip, con. xxi. 5.

Fellowship. See Communion. Foreknowledge, all things come to pass infallibly according to the foreknowledge of God, con. v. 2. Forgiveness, See Pardon.

Fornication committed after contract of marriage, a juft ground of dissolving the contract, con. xxiv. 5.

Fortune. To afcribe any thing to fortune,
is finful, cat. 105.
Free-Will, See Will.
Frugality, a duty, cat. 141.


GAMING. Wasteful gaming forbidden,

cat. 142.

Glory. The communion in glory with

Chrift, which believers enjoy in this life, cat. 83. con. xviii. 1, 2, 3. Immediately after death, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86. At the refurrection and day of judgment, con. xxxii. 3. xxxiii. 2. cat. 87, 90. The glory of God, the end of his decrees, con. iii. 3. cat. 12. The glory of his grace the end of election, con. ii. 5. cat. 13. The glory of his juftice the end of the decree of reprobation, con. iii. 7. cat.

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13. The glory of his eternal power, wifdom, and goodness, the end of the creation, con. iv. 1. The manifestation of the glory of his wifdom, power, juftice, goodness and mercy, is the end of all God's works of providence, con. v. 1. cat. 18. The end of God's appointing the last judgment is the manifeftation of the glory of his mercy and justice, con. xxxii. 10. To glorify God is the chief end of man, cat. 1. God is glorified by good works, con. xvi. 2. Gluttony, a fin, cat. 139.

God. The light of nature fheweth that there is a God, con. xxi. 1. cat. 2. What it declares concerning him, and of our duty to him, con. i. 1. xxi. 1. It is not fufficient to give that knowledge of God and of his will, which is neceffary unto falvation, con. i. 1. cat. 2. The attributes or perfections of God, con. ii. 1, There is but one only

2. cat. 7. 101.

God, con. ii. 1. cat 8. There are three perfons in the Godhead, diftinguished by perfonal properties, con, ii. jo. 3, cat. 9. The co-equality of the perfons proved, cat. 11. To him is due from all his creatures, whatfoever worship, fervice or obedience he is pleased to require, con.ii 2. Our duty to God, cat. 104, 108, 112, 116. What contary to it, cat. 105, 109, 113, 119. Religious worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and to him alone; and that only in the mediation of Chrift, con. xxi. 2. cat. 179.181. God is to be worshipped in that way only which he hath inflituted in the fcriptures, con. xxi. 1. cat. 109. To glorify God, and fully to enjoy him for ever, is the chief end of man, cat. r.

Good works. See Works.

Gofpel. How the covenant of grace is ad

miniftred under the gofpel, con. vii 6. cat. 35. Without the gofpel no falvation, cat. 6o. con. x. 4. In it Chrift doth not diffolve, but ftrengthen the obligation to the obedience of the moral law, con. xix. 5. Believers under the gofpel have a great

er boldness of access to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, con. xx. 1. Government. See Church, Magiftrate. The grace of God. Election, of God's mere free grace, con iii. 5. cat. 13. How the grace of God is manifefted in the fecond Effectual covenant, con vii. 3. cat. 32. calling is of God's free and special grace, con. x. 2. cat. 67. Juftification is only of free grace, con. xi. 3. cat. 70, 71. Adoption is an act of free grace, con. xii. cat. 74. The communion in grace which believers have with Chrift, cat. 69. All faving graces are the work of the Spirit, con. xiii. xiv. and xv. cat. 32, 72, 75, 76, 77. And do always accompany faith, Perfeverance in grace, con. xi. 2. cat. 73. con. xvii. cat. 79. Increase in grace, con. xiii. 1,3. cat. 75. 77. Affurance of grace, con. xviii. cat. 80, 81.


HARDEN. Why and how finners are

hardened, con. v. 6. Believers may have their hearts hardened, con. xvii. 3. Head. The elect are infeparably united to Chrift as their head, con. xxv. 1. xxvi. 1. cat. 64. 66. He is the only head of the church, con. xxv. 6.

Hearing. What is required of thofe that hear

the word preached, con. xxi. 5. cat. 160. Heaven, the fate of the bleffed, con. xxxii.

1. xxxiii. 2. cat. 86. go.

Hell, the ftate of the damned, con. xxxii. 1.

xxxiii, 2. cat. 29, 86, 89. The meaping of these words in the creed, He defcended into hell, cat. 50. Hereticks to be rejected, cat. 105. Holinefs. God is most holy in all his counfels, works and commands, con. ii. 2. Man was created holy after the image of God, con. iv. 2. cat 17. But by the fall he became wholly defiled, con vi. 2. Believers are by the fanctifying fpirit of Chrift, quickened and ftrengthened to the practice of holinefs, con. xiii. 1, 3. cat. 75. And are made perfectly holy in heaven, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86, 90. See Sanctification.


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