THE SEASONS, BY JAMES THOMSON. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, BY PATRICK MURDOCH, D.D. F.R.S. AND AN ESSAY ON THE PLAN AND MANNER OF THE POEM: BY J. AIKIN, M. D. LONDON: Printed by A. Strahan, Printers-Street, For R. Baldwin, F. C. and J Rivington, W. J. and J. Richardson, 1803. D. AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF Mr. JAMES THOMSON. IT is commonly faid, that the life of a good writer is beft read in his works; which can scarce fail to receive a peculiar tincture from his temper, manners, and habits; the diflinguishing character of his mind, his ruling paffion, at leaft, will there appear undif guifed. But however just this observation may be, and although we might fafely reft Mr. Thomfon's fame, as a good man, as well as a man of genius, on this fole footing; yet the defire which the Public always fhew of being more particularly acquainted B with the hiftory of an eminent author, ought not to be disappointed; as it proceeds not from mere curiofity, but chiefly from affection and gratitude to those by whom they have been entertained and instructed. To give fome account of a deceased friend is often a piece of justice likewise, which ought not to be refufed to his memory; to prevent or efface the impertinent fictions which officious Biographers are fo apt to collect and propagate. And we may add, that the circumstances of an author's life will sometimes throw the beft light upon his writings; inftances whereof we shall meet with in the following pages. Mr. Thomson was born at Ednam, in the shire of Roxburgh, on the 11th of September, in the year 1700. His father, minifter of that place, was but little known beyond the narrow circle of his co-presbyters, and to a few gentlemen in the neighbourhood; but highly respected by them, for his piety, and his diligence in the pastoral duty: as appeared afterwards, in their kind offices to his widow and orphan family. The Reverend Meffrs. Riccarton and Gufthart particularly, took a most affectionate and friendly part all their concerns. The former, a man of uncommon penetration and good taste, had very early discovered, through the rudeness of young Thomfon's puerile |