صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




Clated ones from Calabria and Sicily. And the various Readings at the bottom of the Pages are taken either from the Margin of that Edition, noted al. for aliter; or from the Two Vienna MSS. now first collated by the Reverend Mr. Anderfon, lately Chaplain to our Ambaffador there, noted v. for the later, but more correct; and V. for the Older, but more interpolated Copy. I have omitted thofe other various Readings which may be fetch'd from ancient Citations, and fpurious Editions or Extracts, fince they are more proper for a diftinct work, and, excepting a few Cafes, will not, I believe, very often afford us the truer Reading. In this Volume I have printed even all the interpolated Texts, even where I knew them to be fuch, but in double Brackets thus [[]] to gratify the Learned: but I have not in that cafe added a Tranflation,that I might not puzzle the English Reader; for whofe fake only the Verfion is made. Yet where I was at all doubtful, I put the Greek into fingle Brackets thus, and have translated it, and left it to every one's own confideration. In one place. indeed I have added a Paffage, which is not in any of our modern Copies, I mean the Genu ine Rule for Eafter, but with Comma's for diftinction; and from the undoubted Authority of Epiphanius, in the Fourth Century. And in the Eight Book, I have put the Spurious x of feve ral Doxologies into the Margin, and infert a fmall into the Text, for Genuine as Dr. Grabe has done in the like Cafes of his Septua gint alfo. I have all along preferv'd the Imal ler Divifion of Chapters in Le Clercs Cotelerian Edition, but have my felf parted the whole into Seventy great Sections, which appears tohave been the original number, thereto belonging. As to the Pages, I have broken through A 4 Cuftom

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Guftom for Convenience,and omitting the nu bers of Leaves, or of Sides, have only fet down the Pages of the laft mention'd Edition in the Margin, that all Quotations may equally fit them both, without any confufion. I have only fer down the Contents at once by themselves, and have not prefix'd them to their respective Chap ters, as was partly done in the Venice Edition allo; fince thofe Contents and that divifion into Chapters, are both of late date, and of very little confequence. I have moreover divided the laft Chapter, or Apoftolical Canons, inco 85 as they were in old time, and as they still are in many Copies, particularly that Ancient one in Joannes Antiochenus of the Sixth Century; nay I once thoughtto have fet down the 85th Canon exactly from his Copy, as beft agreeing with the Original Quotations and Teftimonies, but have not taken that liberty. The English of thefe Conftitutions is my own, but as almost entirely revifed by the fame accurate Hand that revifed Ignatius; and fome of the more difficult places by Dr Smalrige, another very Learned and Judicious Perfon. Nor Lee e did I often truft wholly to my felf in my Tranflamem. blacketion of the Original Teftimonies in the Fourth p. Volume, but had them generally revis'd by the Hand twice intimated, already: So that I hope all the Verfions are tolerably exact, excepting that of Eunomius; fo far I mean as has not been already publish'd; for otherwife even this Tranflation has been revised as far as Bafil, or Dr. Cave could affift us, after the MS. it felf was taken away. When the Oxford, Greek, and Latin, Edition is publifh'd, it will be eafy to correct any miftakes therein. I would alfo, I confefs, willingly have given the unlearned Reader a Tranflation of the Greek and Latin Paffages both in the Differtation on Ignatius

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and in the Essay on the Conftitutions; but perceived it would fwell the Volumes fo much, and be fo m: troublefome to the Learned, and yet not give th the Unlearned the full force of the Evidence; which in fnch cafes frequently depends on a nice comparison of the Originals, not to be eafily exprefs'd in a Tranflation; that I was deterr'd from attempting it. Nor is this, I think, abfolutely neceffary for their fatisfaction; fince f there is, I believe, fufficient evidence for them without it, tho' not for the Learned. For I cannot but think, that thofe Pious, and Honeft, Unlearned Readers, who are lefs prejudic'd by Modern Notions, Difputes, and Diftinctions, are fo much better Judges of plain Reafoning, obvious Teftimonies, and common Senfe, than hmoft of the Learned that a much lefs Degree of Evidence is neceffary for their Conviction. Cos I need not here fay,that the Tranflation of the Second Book of Efdras is the Learned Mr. Ockley's; and that of the Preface to the Doctrine of the Apostles, for the main the Learned Mr. Gagnier's; becaufe.›. the Publick has been already prepar'd by Dr. ni Grabe to expect fuch Translations of the Arabick from them; fince neither Dr. Grabe nor my felf do pretend to underftand that Language. And ho fo much fhall fuffice by way of Advertisement.

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Only before I conclude, I must here publickly n return my fincere and hearty Thanks to thofe already intimated, and to all others, who have any way contributed to this Work, either by affifting directly this Honeft and Christian Defign it felf, or by fupporting its Author in any es of his Straits and Difficulties. And I do earal neftly pray to God to return an Hundred-fold into their Bofom. As I do with the fame Sincerity and Opennefs forgive all that have any way directly difcourag'd or oppos'd the fame de

First Reply to Dr. AlJix p. 35, 36.

fign, or flander'd and perfecuted its Author; and with the fame Earneftnefs pray that God will mercfully forgive fuch their heinous Offences nay, and open their Eyes to fee the things that truly belong to their own, and the Churches real Peace, Advantage, and Reformation; that fo inftead of fighting against God, or againft one another, we may all unanimously agree in an honeft Enquiry after,and ready Obedience to the Divine Will, as it was entirely reveal'd to the World in the firft and pureft Age of the Gofpel. I conclude with thofe Words which I fometime fince made ufe of in my Fourth Letter to my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, concern ing my felf, and my own Management in these Important Matters; owning that they do still reprefent the Senfe of my Soul, and defiring the Chriftian Reader to attend to them as my folemn Intention and Profeffion before God and Man.

As to the Manner of my Writing upon thefe Subjects, it is, I confefs, too agreeable to the Warmth and Vehemence of my Natural temper, increas'd by an hearty, and, I am fure, an honest Zeal, for what things foever at any time appear to me to be true,and of Importance in Chriftianity. I hope God, who knows the inmoft Receffes of my Soul, will not impute all that appears to be rafh, and affuming, to fuch a proud and conceited Temper as it may feem to others to proceed from and that he will mercifully forgive any Offences of that Nature, where he finds the Heart in the main fincere and upright; and honeftly labouring, to the beft of its knowledge, to promote Truth and Piety in the World. And as I earneftly with that this uncorrupt Faith and Practice of the Gospel, in every part may prevail among us; fo do I heartily defire,


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that I may not be found guilty of breaking any of the Rules of Chriftian Meeknefs, Humility, Modefty, and Deference to Lawful Authority while I am aiming to promote, to the best of my Judgment and Ability, the Purity of Chrift's Religion among Men. And I must own, that I am, upon Reflection fenfible, that in feveral Expreffions, and in many Cir cumftances of my Management, I have not always kept: within thofe ftrict Rules of the Gofpel, which the Meeknefs and Gentleness of Chrift, and of his Religion requires in fuch Cafes ; and that therefore I may fometimes have given Occafion of Offence to my Chriftian Brethren, and to thofe in Authority in particular. For which Faults, wherever they have appear'd, either by Word or Writing, I do heartily beg forgiveness of God, and of Mall good Men. And I now add, that as I have aim'd fince that time, not to break the promise then made, That I would thenceforward


be more careful not to be guilty of the fame Fault afterward, fo do I again promife hereby to keep it, if poffible, ftill more faithfully for the time to come; being heartily defirous, that I may by the Chriftian Manner, as well as Honeft Zeal of my future Procedure, endeavour to recommend thefe Sacred Truths and Books of Genuine Christianity to the World.

And now to conclude the whole, and detain the Reader no longer from the work it felf, I muft ftill add one thing more, viz. That once I have now honeftly discharg'd my Duty, e been faithful to my Truft, and laid my full Thoughts, Difcoveries, and Evidence, before m the Chriftian World in thefe Four Volumes, Volumes

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