A Narrative by John Ashburnham of His Attendance on King Charles the First from Oxford to the Scotch Army, and from Hampton-Court to the Isle of Wight ... to which is Prefixed a Vindication of His Character ... and Conduct, from the Misrepresentations of Lord Clarendon, المجلد 1

الغلاف الأمامي
Payne and Foss, 1830

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 378 - ... that the King should immediately cause the woman to be sent to the Tower, and to be cast into a dungeon, under so strict a guard that no person living should be...
الصفحة 362 - Dear Robin, our fleshly reasonings ensnare us. These make us say, heavy, sad, pleasant, easy. Was there not a little of this when Robert Hammond, through dissatisfaction too, desired retirement from the Army, and thought of quiet in the Isle of Wight ? 2 Did not God find him out there ? I believe he will never forget this.
الصفحة 273 - ... conceived, and how much it would darken all his glories, if he should become a slave to his own ambition...
الصفحة 376 - It cannot be imagined how wonderfully fearful some persons in France were that he should have made his escape, and the dread they had of his coming thither...
الصفحة 303 - He sent me word, by the same messenger, that he durst not see me, it being very dangerous to us both ; and bid me be assured that he would serve his majesty as long as he could do it without his own ruin ; but desired that I would not expect that he should perish for his sake.
الصفحة 325 - And if his political prudence was not sufficient to extricate him from so perilous a situation, he may be excused; since even after the event, when it is commonly easy to correct all errors, one is at a loss to determine what conduct, in his circumstances, could have maintained the authority of the crown, and preserved the peace of the nation. Exposed, without revenue...
الصفحة 378 - Can love be controll'd by advice? Will Cupid our mothers obey? Though my heart were as frozen as ice, At his flame 'twould have melted away. When he kiss'd me so closely he prest, 'Twas so sweet that I must have complied: So I thought it both safest and best To marry, for fear you should chide.
الصفحة 229 - England that would forsake the royal interest; that he had great courage, industry, and generosity ; that he had many friends who would always adhere to him ; and that as long as he lived...
الصفحة 253 - Capel his majesty imparted all his hopes and all his fears ; and what great overtures the Scots had again made to him ; and that he did really believe that it could not be long before there would be a war between the two nations ; in which the Scots...
الصفحة 292 - Cromwell bent all his thoughts to make his peace with the party that was most opposite to the King ; acknowledging, as he...

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