"The thickest cloud enveloped his abode ; "There grasped he Cacus, spite of all his fires, "Till, crushed within his arms, the monster shows "His bloodless throat, now dry with panting hard, "And his pressed eyeballs start. Soon he tears down
"The barricade of rock, the dark abyss
"Lies open; and the imprisoned bulls, the theft "He had with oaths denied, are brought to light;
By the heels the miscreant carcase is dragged forth, "His face, his eyes, all terrible, his breast
"Beset with bristles, and his sooty jaws
"Are viewed with wonder never to be cloyed. "Hence the celebrity thou seest, and hence "This festal day. Potitius first enjoined
Posterity these solemn rites; he first
"With those who bear the great Pinarian name, "To Hercules devoted, in the grove
"This altar built, deemed sacred in the highest
"By us, and sacred ever to be deemed.
"Come then, my friends, and bind your youthful brows "In praise of such deliverance, and hold forth "The brimming cup; your deities and ours
"Are now the same; then drink, and freely too." So saying, he twisted round his reverend locks
A variegated poplar wreath, and filled His right hand with a consecrated bowl. At once all pour libations on the board,
All offer prayer. And now, the radiant sphere Of day descending, eventide drew near; When first Potitius with the priests advanced, Begirt with skins, and torches in their hands. High piled with meats of savoury taste, they ranged The chargers, and renewed the grateful feast. Then came the Salii, crowned with poplar too, Circling the blazing altars: here the youth Advanced, a choir harmonious; there were heard The reverend seers responsive: praise they sung, Much praise in honour of Alcides' deeds; How first with infant gripe two serpents huge He strangled, sent from Juno; next they sung How Troja and Echalia he destroyed, Fair cities both, and many a toilsome task Beneath Eurystheus (so his stepdame willed) Achieved victorious. "Thou, the cloud-born pair, "Hylæus fierce and Pholus, monstrous twins, "Thou slewest the Minotaur, the plague of Crete, "And the vast lion of the Nemean rock.
"Thee Hell, and Cerberus, Hell's porter, feared, "Stretched in his den upon his half-gnawed bones. "Thee no abhorred form, not even the vast
"Typhoeus, could appal, though clad in arms.
Hail, true-born son of Jove, among the gods "At length enrolled, nor least illustrious thou, "Haste thee propitious, and approve our songs! Thus hymned the chorus; above all they sing The cave of Cacus, and the flames he breathed. The whole grove echoes, and the hills rebound. The rites performed, all hasten to the town; The king, bending with age, held as he went Æneas and his Pallas by the hand,
With much variety of pleasing talk
Shortening the way. Eneas, with a smile,
Looks round him, charmed with the delightful scene, And many a question asks, and much he learns Of heroes far renowned in ancient times. Then spake Evander: "These extensive groves "Were once inhabited by fauns and nymphs "Produced beneath their shades, and a rude race "Of men, the progeny uncouth of elms
"And knotted oaks. They no refinement knew "Of laws or manners civilized, to yoke "The steer, with forecast provident to store
"The hoarded grain, or manage what they had,
"But browsed like beasts upon the leafy boughs, "Or fed voracious on their hunted prey. "An exile from Olympus, and expelled "His native realm by thunder-bearing Jove,
"First Saturn came. He from the mountains drew "This herd of men untractable and fierce, "And gave them laws; and called his hiding-place, "This growth of forests, Latium. Such the peace "His land possessed, the golden age was then, "So famed in story; till by slow degrees "Far other times, and of far different hue, "Succeeded, thirst of gold and thirst of blood. "Then came Ausonian bands, and armed hosts "From Sicily; and Latium often changed "Her master and her name. "Kings, of whom Tybris of gigantic form "Was chief; and we Italians since have called "The river by his name; thus Albula
(So was the country called in ancient days) "Was quite forgot. Me from my native land "An exile, through the dangerous ocean driven,
"Resistless fortune and relentless fate "Placed where thou seest me. Phoebus, and "The nymph Carmentis, with maternal care "Attendant on my wanderings, fixed me here." [Ten lines omitted.]
He said, and showed him the Tarpeian rock, And the rude spot where now the capitol Stands all magnificent and bright with gold, Then overgrown with thorns. And yet even then The swains beheld that sacred scene with awe : The grove, the rock, inspired religious fear. "This grove (he said) that crowns the lofty top "Of this fair hill, some deity, we know, "Inhabits, but what deity we doubt. "The Arcadians speak of Jupiter himself,! "That they have often seen him, shaking here "His gloomy ægis, while the thunder-storms "Came rolling all around him. Turn thine eyes, “Behold that ruin; those dismantled walls "Were once two towns, Janiculum,
By Janus this, and that by Saturn built,
"Saturnia." Such discourse brought them beneath The roof of poor Evander; thence they saw, Where now the proud and stately Forum stands, The grazing herds wide scattered o'er the field. Soon as he entered-" Hercules," he said, "Victorious Hercules, on this threshold trod, "These walls contained him, humble as they are. "Dare to despise magnificence, my friend, "Prove thy divine descent by worth divine, "Nor view with haughty scorn this mean abode." So saying, he led Æneas by the hand,
And placed him on a cushion stuffed with leaves, Spread with the skin of a Lybistian bear.
[The Episode of Venus and Vulcan omitted.] While thus in Lemnos Vulcan was employed, Awakened by the gentle dawn of day And the shrill song of birds beneath the eaves Of his low mansion, old Evander rose. His tunic and the sandals on his feet, And his good sword well girded to his side, A panther's skin dependent from his left, And over his right shoulder thrown aslant, Thus was he clad. Two mastiffs followed him, His whole retinue and his nightly guard.
THE winter night now well-nigh worn away, The wakeful cock proclaimed approaching day When Simulus, poor tenant of a farm
Of narrowest limits, heard the shrill alarm, Yawned, stretched his limbs, and anxious to provide Against the pangs of hunger unsupplied, By slow degrees his tattered bed forsook, And poking in the dark explored the nook Where embers slept with ashes heaped around, And with burnt finger-ends the treasure found.
It chanced that from a brand beneath his nose, Sure proof of latent fire, some smoke arose; When, trimming with a pin the incrusted tow, And stooping it towards the coal below, He toils, with cheeks distended, to excite The lingering flame, and gains at length a light. With prudent heed he spreads his hand before The quivering lamp, and opes his granary door. Small was his stock, but, taking for the day A measured stint of twice eight pounds away, With these his mill he seeks. A shelf at hand, Fixt in the wall, affords his lamp a stand: Then, baring both his arms, a sleeveless coat He girds, the rough exuviæ of a goat; And with a rubber, for that use designed, Cleansing his mill within, begins to grind : Each hand has its employ; labouring amain,
This turns the winch, while that supplies the grain. The stone revolving rapidly now glows, And the bruised corn a mealy current flows; While he, to make his heavy labour light, Tasks oft his left hand to relieve his right; And chants with rudest accent, to beguile His ceaseless toil, as rude a strain the while. And now "Dame Cybale, come forth!" he cries; But Cybale, still slumbering, nought replies.
From Afric she, the swain's sole serving-maid, Whose face and form alike her birth betrayed; With woolly locks, lips tumid, sable skin, Wide bosom, udders flaccid, belly thin,
Legs slender, broad and most misshapen feet, Chapped into chinks, and parched with solar heat. Such, summoned oft, she came; at his command Fresh fuel heaped, the sleeping embers fanned, And made in haste her simmering skillet steam, Replenished newly from the neighbouring stream. The labours of the mill performed, a sieve The mingled flour and bran must next receive, Which shaken oft shoots Ceres through refined And better dressed, her husks all left behind. This done, at once his future plain repast, Unleavened, on a shaven board he cast, With tepid lymph first largely soaked it all, Then gathered it with both hands to a ball, And spreading it again with both hands wide, With sprinkled salt the stiffened mass supplied; At length, the stubborn substance, duly wrought, Takes from his palms impressed the shape it ought, Becomes an orb, and quartered into shares, The faithful mark of just division bears. Last, on his hearth it finds convenient space, For Cybale before had swept the place, And there, with tiles and embers overspread, She leaves it reeking in its sultry bed.
Nor Simulus, while Vulcan thus alone His part performed, proves heedless of his own, But sedulous, not merely to subdue
His hunger, but to please his palate too, Prepares more savoury food. His chimney-side Could boast no gammon, salted well, and dried, And hooked behind him: but sufficient store Of bundled anise and a cheese it bore;
A broad round cheese, which, through its centre strung With a tough broom-twig, in the corner hung;
The prudent hero therefore, with address
And quick despatch, now seeks another mess. Close to his cottage lay a garden-ground
With reeds and osiers sparely girt around; Small was the spot, but liberal to produce, Nor wanted aught that serves a peasant's use;
And sometimes even the rich would borrow thence, Although its tillage was his sole expense. For oft, as from his toils abroad he ceased, Home-bound by weather or some stated feast, His debt of culture here he duly paid, And only left the plough to wield the spade. He knew to give each plant the soil it needs,
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