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of Whites and Indians, 41,404 Mulattoes, and 40,336 Negro Slaves: the Mulattoes and Negro Slaves will, doubtless, participate in the benefits of the Liberator's just authority. The United Provinces of La Plata have engaged, by a treaty with Great Britain, ratified on the 19th of February of last year, to co-operate with his Majesty in the entire abolition of the slave trade. -These surely are circumstances which ought to excite British Christians to the utmost zeal and vigour, and the most fervent prayer in behalf of these our Transat lantic brethren, as far as opportunity may be afforded for promoting their welfare.

NORTH-AMERICAN INDIANS. The following is a succinct view of the various plans in operation, for the benefit of the various tribes of North-American Indians. The beneficial effects of them have already begun to be very conspicuous. The different schools among the Indians, established by various societies, and aided by an annual grant from the American Government, are 38, and the scholars 1159, with an appropriation for the year of 13,550 dollars. To the Mosquitos, near the Bay of Honduras, the English Baptists have sent a missionary-Osages, on the banks of the Missouri and Arkansas, in number about 8000; at Harmony, Neosho, Union, and Hopefield, the United Foreign Missionary Society has 4 missionaries, 2 physicians, and 11 assistants there are 59 Indian children in the mission families-Creeks, in the western part of Georgia and the eastern part of Alabama; estimated at 20,000 by Dr. Morse: the American Methodists have two missionaries, with an assistant, and 40 scholars, at Coweta, now called Asbury: the American Baptists have a missionary and two assistants, with 34 scholars, at Withington-Choctaws, in number 20,000; almost entirely in the State of Mississippi: the Board of Missions have stations at Elliot, Mayhew, Bethel, Emmaus, Goshen, and four other places; where there are three missionaries, a physician, 20 assistants, and 222 scholars -Chickasaws, in number, by a late census, 4115; in the States of Mississippi and Alabama: at Monroe, the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia has three missionaries and an assistant, with 56 scholars. The Cumberland Missionary Society has 31 scholars. The tribe, eager for civilization, surrendered their annuity of 35,000 dollars, for one year, to be appropriated to the improvement of their chil dren-Cherokees; nearly 14,000 in number, east of the Mississipi, and 5000 west of that river: among those to the east, the Board of Missions have 4 missionaries, physician, and 13 assistants, with 109 scholars, at Brainerd, Creek-path, Carmel, High-tower, Will's-town, and Haweis: among those to the west, or the Cherokees of the Arkansas, the Board


have, at Dwight, two missionaries and four assistants, with 75 scholars. The United Brethren have two missionaries and an assistant, at Spring-place and Oochgelogy, and from 15 to 20 scholars. The American Baptists have a missionary and six assistants, at Valley Towns and Nottle, with 66 scholars. The Methodists have three stations-Potawatamies, Ottawas, and Miamas, south of Lake Michigan: the Baptists have a missionary and three assistants, with 70 scholars, at Carey-Chippawas, in the Michigan territory: the United Foreign Missionary So ciety has, at Fort Gratiot and Mackinaw, two missionaries and three assistants, with 102 scholas-Wyandots, in the northern parts of Ohio. The Episcopal Church has some promising youths under its care: an account of a highly interesting visit paid by Bishop Chase to some of the Indians of his diocese was given in our last volume: the Government has since appropriated 600 dollars per annum for the maintenance and education of some young Indians under Bishop Chase's care. The Methodists have four missionaries among the Wyandots, of Upper Sandusky and Canara River: they have 57 scholars, large congregations, and many convertsSix Nations. The Episcopal Church has two missionaries and an assistant among the Oneidas and others in the north-west territory: there are 33 scholars. United Foreign Missionary Society has two missionaries, three assistants, and 127 scholars among the Senecas, Onondagas, and Tuscaroras. The Methodists have a missionary and from 25 to 30 scholars among the Mohawks of Upper CanadaDelawares, in Upper Canada: the United Brethren have two missionaries at New Fairfield, with a congregation of 199 persons, of whom 46 are communicantsNorth-west Indians. The Church Missionary Society has two missionaries, an assistant, and 169 scholars, chiefly Indians and Half-breeds, at the Red-river settlement, among Chippawas and other Indians.


In this last-mentioned mission, the Rev. David Jones and the Rev. W. Cockran have the most promising prospect of extending their labours, both in the vicinity of the settlement and on the side of the Rocky Mountains. Governor Simpson, in a late visit to the Columbia, has ascertained some important particulars relative to the Indians of the western coast. Mr. Jones writes-"The climate is healthy-the natives are stationary, and live in villages-the country is rich and productive-the Indians are not only favourably disposed, but are earnestly soliciting the boon of Christian instruction at our hands. Governor Simpson told me, that the only subject of importance with them was, whether they should have missionaries to teach them the knowledge of the Great Master of Life." Two

sons of chiefs at the Columbia are in the Society's school."

Toward the region of the Rocky Mountains, indeed, the tide of increasing population in the United States seems to be rapidly impelling the aboriginal inhabitants. Some of the tribes, however, are on the increase in their present allotments: the Eastern Cherokees, for instance, who were estimated at 11,000 by Dr. Morse, have increased to 13,563. This and some other tribes seem determined to maintain their ground: but others are silently sinking away; and all will, perhaps at no distant period, be either lost or compelled to seek an asylum on the shores of the Pacific. The efforts of missionaries have been, in various cases, greatly blessed of God among the Indians; and rapid improvements, particularly by the Cherokees, are made in the state of society.

BAPTIST MISSION IN INDIA. The last Report of the Baptist Missionary Society contains the following remarks respecting the Society's proceedings in India.

"Our communications from Serampore, during the past year, have been frequent and interesting. Notwithstanding occasional interruptions, the health of our senior brethren who have so long occupied this station, has been so far continued, as to enable them perseveringly to apply to their important labours; the beneficial effects of which are becoming more and more apparent. The brief notices which have been repeatedly published of those natives, male and female, who have expired at this station, exhibiting the genuine influence of the Gospel of Christ, form a refreshing contrast to the tales of horror and of blood with which the Brahminical superstition has rendered us too familiar; while the progress of native education, as ascertained by the annual / examination of the students in the college, and the pupils in the female schools, presents a pleasing prospect in reference to the rising generation. The former of these examinations was conducted by Dr. Carey, in January last, in the presence of his Excellency the Governor of Serampore, and many other respectable_persons, both European and native. The proficiency made by the students in the Sungskrit and English languages, astronomy, geography, and other branches of knowledge, was highly satisfactory. Nor was the examination of the female schools less encouraging. Two hundred and thirty little girls were present, many of whom received rewards for their improvement; and the cheerfulness and animation, visible in their countenances, seemed almost insensibly to fill the company with pleasure and delight. From a statement of the female schools, established in India, by benevolent individuals of different denominations, drawn up and published by our

brethren in June last, it appears that the whole number was seventy-five, containing 1394 pupils-a number which, though small compared to the vast population of the country, sufficiently proves that the system is making sure and steady progress.

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"No distinct memoir on the subject of the translations has arrived since our last meeting; but a recent letter from Dr. Carey states, that no less than fourteen versions are now advancing towards a termination; each of which is under his personal superintendence, and the several proof sheets pass three or four times under his revision, before they are finally committed to the press. In printing the versions of the Bible,' he adds in a subsequent letter, we may go to the very extremity of our funds. The New Testament will soon be published in at least thirty-four languages, and the Old Testament in eight, besides versions in three varieties of the Hindostanee New Testament These varieties excepted, I have translated several of the above, and superintended, with as much care as I could exercise, the translation and printing of them all. The Chinese Bible, which Brother Marshman translated and conducted through the press, is not included in the above number. I am fully conscious that there must be many imperfections in these versions; but I have done my best, and I believe the faults and imperfections will, when party rivalry ceases, be found to be much fewer than might be supposed. I think I can speak with some confidence of them, and yet I am not disposed to magnify my own labours.' We leave this ingenuous statement, remarks the Report, to make its own impression quoting it with the greater readiness, since renewed attempts have lately been made to depreciate these important biblical labours."


"Several persons, native and others, have been added to the care of our junior brethren; and their journals furnish abundant evidence that their exertions in proclaiming the Gospel, at Doorgapore and elsewhere, have not been diminished. It is pleasing to learn, from the same medium, that the spirit of active zeal has so far pervaded the religious public of Calcutta, small, comparatively, as that body still is, that institutions, embracing almost every object of spiritual benevolence, have been formed in that city, the anniversaries of which are held in the month of January, and are characterized by much Christian harmony and animation."

"Mr. Statham, whose situation appears to afford him peculiar opportunities to watch the progress of the native mind, in alluding to the misrepresentations of the Abbé Dubois' Statements,' remarks, that they are so glaringly false and invidious, that even the foes of missions, residing on the spot, are obliged to palliate and apologize for them,' and expresses his persuasion, that the real cause of


such opposition is the probable success of missionary efforts. There is, and none can deny it, who knows any thing of these matters, a far greater prospect of the establishment of the Redeemer's kingdom among the Hindoos, than ever presented itself before. I well remember the time when, if I offered a tract or Gospel to a rich Baboo, he would reject it in scorn; and now the same character is continually inquiring for more books. Not two years ago female education was looked upon by the rich natives as a thing derogatory to their caste: now they are desirous to get female teachers for their wives and daughters. I recollect, when in Sulkea Bazaar, the natives would not let myself and the native with me get a place to preach in; now they say, Come often-tell us more

about these things.' I have at this moment thirty-six boys, the sons of natives of good estate, reading the Scriptures in my verandah, who some time ago were afraid to touch a book. I would not anticipate too great things, but I do humbly trust that your hearts will be soon refreshed by intelligence of the most pleasing description.'

At the Society's station at Monghyr, the missionaries state, that a considerable degree of attention is paid to their message. It is by no means uncommon for the natives to call them into their houses and shops, and there sit around, and eagerly listen to the word of God. "Religion," it is stated, "appears to be spreading among the natives, in a way that both astonishes and delights us.'



FRANCE. A powerful struggle still continues in this country between the ultramontane doctrines of Popery on the one hand, and every other shade of opinion on the other. Many of the most devoted members of the Gallican Church are found now, as formerly, in the list of opponents to the bigotted principles which the Jesuit missionaries in particular are urging upon the public; and a powerful remonstrance has been presented to the king in the name of the French cardinals, archbishops, and bishops at present in Paris, against these impolitic and unconstitutional doctrines. These dignitaries remark, in reply to the propositions of such ultra-Catholics as the Abbé de la Mennais, that "a just and good God does not give to sovereigns the right to oppress the people, to persecute religion, and to command crime and apostacy. The princes of the earth are, like other Christians, subject to the spiritual power in spiritual things; but to pretend that their infidelity to the divine law would annul their titles as sovereigns, that the pontifical supremacy might go so far as to deprive them of their crowns, and to deliver them to the mercy of the multitude, is a doctrine which has no foundation either in the Gospel, or in the apostolical traditions, or in the writings of the doctors, and the examples of the holy persons who adorned the brightest ages of Christian antiquity." "We remain inviolably attached," continue they, "to the doctrine of the rights of sovereigns, and of their full and absolute independence in temporal matters of the

authority, whether direct or indirect, of all ecclesiastical power."-The king, who had gained a momentary eclat on his accession to the throne by the abrogation of the censorship and his pledge to support the Charter, is increasingly unpopular from his subserviency to the views of the Catholic priesthood, who are making every where the most zealous efforts to recover their former power.

A work of the Abbé de la Mennais, the first part of which was reviewed in a former Number, and to which a still more inflammatory sequel has since been published, has been prosecuted by the government, and condemned as libellous.

The popular party have obtained a great triumph by the rejection, by the chamber of peers, of the proposed law of primogeniture. It was combated with extraordinary force and eloquence by various peers; and among the rest, by the Duke de Broglio, whose speech has been printed, and throws much light on that most interesting subject.

GREECE. Various rumours have been circulated of the fall of the fortress of Missolonghi, and the massacre of its brave defenders, after a protracted and courageous resistance worthy of the ancient Greek name, and of the cause of freedom to which that long, oppressed people have devotedly pledged themselves.-Lord Liverpool, in reply to a question from Earl Grosvenor, has stated, that the above rumour was not authenticated, and was at all events premature; but with respect to the probable fate of Greece, as connected with Russia and Turkey, his lordship added that he could

make no remark consistently with that neutrality to which this country is pledged towards those two empires.


The chief home occurrences of the month relate to the proceedings in Parliament; which however have been somewhat indecisive on several of the principal questions which divide public opinion, in consequence of the approaching election, no party wishing to agitate topics, the discussion of which may be injurious to their views at the approach of that event. On this ground, the friends of the Catholic claims have postponed the introduction of any parliamentary proceeding on this great question: and for the same reason ministers have put off the discussion of the corn laws, though with an explicit declaration of the necessity of a radical revision of the system. Mr. Huskisson in particular, in consequence of a motion by Mr. Whitmore on the subject, supported by that gentleman in a most argumentative and unanswerable speech, repeated his unaltered opinions on the subject of a free trade, especially in an article of such prime necessity as corn; but knowing the opposition which such a proposal would meet with in various quarters, he was unwilling to open such a source of contention on the eve of a general election, and when there would probably not be time to consider the subject maturely before the expiration of the session.

The subject of colonial slavery has again been discussed in Parliament on several occasions; and though Government has resolved to delay the enforcement of its measures, its leading members have continued to express their determination not to shrink from them. In the House of Commons, Mr. Canning in particular has again and again denounced the whole slave-system; and Lord Liverpool, in reply to a remark that the people of England were unjustly prejudiced against the planters, regretted that the conduct of the colonial legislatures had been such as amply to countenance such prejudices. Lord Suffield, in moving an address to his Majesty, praying that in future he will be pleased to appoint to the offices of Governor, Chief Justice, Attorney General, Fiscal, Guardian, and Religious Instructor, such persons only as are not owners of, or otherwise interested in, Slaves, detailed from the papers before parliament a series of atrocities practised on those unhappy and defenceless persons, which cannot but have strengthened in the mind of every noble lord who heard him

those deep feelings of abhorrence which every man of common humanity must instinctively cherish respecting the whole of this unchristian system. His lordship withdrew his motion, in consequence of the opposition of Lord Bathurst; who contended that what the colonists did, had better be their own act than forced upon them by the British Parliament; but the reasonableness and justice of Lord Suffield's suggestion are too obvious to be denied. In the House of Commons, Mr. Smith has brought forward a similar motion; on which occasion Mr. Canning reiterated the determination of Government to carry into effect the reforms proposed in the Orders in Council, and stated his full conviction that Government and Parliament will be able to find both the means and the power to do so, sooner or later, in spite of every opposition. There is no doubt of this fact; but unhappily this saving clause, “ sooner or later," is pregnant with mischiefs to which no date of expiration is at present assigned, and which may, and too probably will, continue in operation till tens of thousands of additional victims have been added to the long catalogue of those who have pined and perished beneath the withering influence of an exterminating slavery. As a proof how little has been hitherto actually effected for the amelioration of colonial bondage, notwithstanding all our zeal and warm professions, our speeches and petitions, our parliamentary resolutions, and official remonstrances, and ministerial pledges, we subjoin the following brief statement of facts on the subject. Those of our readers who wish to go further into detail will do well to consult a very able and convincing pamphlet just published, entitled, "The Progress of Colonial Reform; being a Brief View of the real Advance made since May 15th, 1823, in carrying into Effect the Recommendations of his Majesty, the unanimous Resolutions of Parliament, and the universal Prayer of the Nation, with respect to Negro Slavery; drawn from the Papers printed for the House of Commons, prior to the 10th of April, 1826." The facts to which we advert are the following.

"Only five of the colonies, out of thirteen, having legislatures of their own, have done any thing whatsoever towards carrying the resolutions of the 15th May, 1823, into effect; and of these five, none have done any thing with respect to religious instruction. One only (Tobago) has abolished Sunday markets. only (Tobago, Grenada, St. Vincent's, and Dominica) have given a very limited



protection, in certain cases, to the property of Slaves. Two only (Tobago and Grenada) have lowered the scale of arbitrary punishment by the master. only (Grenada and St. Vincent's) have made a mere show of abolishing the driving-whip. Three only (Tobago, Grenada, and St. Vincent's) have admitted the evidence of Slaves in a very limited degree. None have given to the Slave the power of effecting his manumission by purchase. One only (Baha mas) has legalized marriage, and two (Grenada and St. Vincent's) have permitted it in certain cases. One only (Bahamas) has prohibited the separation of families, either by private or judicial sale; and one only (Grenada) has prohibited it by judicial sale. None have abolished the flogging of females. None have prohibited the sale of Slaves detached from the estate. None have established saving-banks. After reading this statement, let any man look carefully at the vain and inefficient, and often contradictory and unjust, provisions by which it is pretended to ensure even the scanty measure of improvement which the most partial advocate of the colonies can venture to assert; and he must feel convinced, that no useful or consistent legislation is to be expected by continuing to pursue the present course. Delay and disappointment can be its only results.

"In the first place, the great mass of the boasted enactments are framed in direct contradiction to the admirable principle involved in a passage of one of Lord Bathurst's letters to the Governor of the Bahamas, in which he says; Since the superiority of rank and education which belongs to the White inhabitant, is an aggravation of the offence committed by him, there is an injustice in assigning to the aggravated offence the minor punishment.' He also condemns those clauses which enact that a severer punishment should be inflicted on a crime committed by a Slave, 'whose ignorance is an extenuation of his guilt,' than by others, for whose guilt no such extenuation can be presumed.' And yet it is the uniform character of the, so called, meliorating laws which have now been reviewed, that they are built upon this reprobated principle.

"The enactments in question are further at war with the important principle laid down in a late debate, by such high authorities as Mr. Canning and the Attorney General; namely, that it was indispensable to the ends of justice, that there should be, both in form and in sub

stance, an equal administration of it to White and Black. These enactments proceed on a totally different principle.

"Further, even those provisions of law which wear the semblance of amelioration, are almost all destitute of adequate sanctions, or of an executory principle; and they are all confided to the administration of the very men whose power it ought to be their object to controul, and against whom it is the universal feeling of the country, that the Slave requires to be protected.

"But here the colonists, and their friends in this country, meet every call for parliamentary interference, by arguing that it is impossible that Parliament can legislate effectively for the colonies, unless the colonists become the willing and concurrent executors of its enactments. It will, however, be admitted that good laws are better than bad laws. In as far as the colonial statutes are chargeable with a want of uniformity and consistency; with gross inequality and injustice; and with the absence of adequate sanctions and executory provisions; it would clearly be in the power of Parlia


to apply a remedy. The object of Parliament would be to give effect to its own wishes and resolutions: the object of the colonists, in all the colonies, is rather to resist, and, if they cannot resist, to elude, their accomplishment. Here, at least, would be a manifest advantage on the side of parliamentary legislation. If it be doubted whether any good may be done by means of checks and sanctions, introduced into the Colonial Acts by some paramount authority, it is only necessary to refer to the Trinidad Order in Council. It is there provided, that the Protector of Slaves shall not be entitled to receive his salary until the returns which are required from him have been made in a complete and satisfactory manner. This single provision will serve to illustrate what may be effected by the judicious regulations of willing legislatures, in enforcing even those laws which are obnoxious to the general feelings of a community.

"But however well the laws may be framed, as to their letter, it must be admitted, that if the judicial administration of the colonies remains on its present footing; if the judges are still to be planters, and to be dependent for their salaries on assemblies of planters; comparatively little good would result from the improvement. But is it not the duty of Parliament to provide, not only that the laws should be good and just, but

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