selves implicitly to its Divine influence; remembering that if we have not the Spirit of Christ,' we are 6 none of his.' "Exhausted as our lamented pastor felt himself by his exertions that morning, he again addressed us in the afternoon. It was for the last time and if any subject was more calculated than another to exemplify what it is to be renewed in the spirit of our minds, to be conformed to the image of Christ, it was that which, in the course of his lectures on St. Luke's Gospel, came under his consideration. (Luke xvii. 3—5.) His searching view of the subject swept away that refuge of false feeling which has its source in self-love, and is productive of many dispositions opposed to the spirit of the Gospel, and under the dominion of which we are prone to be too lenient of our own faults, and too susceptible of the failings of others. To me that lecture seemed to inculcate a spirit of accordance with the precepts of his Divine Master, peculiarly elevated, enforced by appeals eloquently touching. He left us, breathing a tenfold portion of humility, peace, love, and charity. May it rest upon us; may the excellence of the standard not discourage, but animate us to · press toward the mark;' and when corruption and temptation incline us to lower its requisitions, may we hear a word behind us, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it."" Tribute, pp. 16-21. ་་ We must here close our remarks. Soon after the period alluded to in this last quotation, Mr. Owen retired into that shade which enveloped him and obscured all his powers to the last. Like another minister, under another dispensation, he was led to a place where the people could not see him die. May another incident of that case find its analogy here; and as the garments of Aaron were taken from him to invest his children, so may the talents, the zeal, the piety, and devotedness to God which distinguished the departed secretary, rest upon his successors, both in his pastoral fold, in his great public office, and in every work of Christian usefulness in which he was engaged *. * Having alluded, in the course of this article, to the mistakes and misrepresenta tions which have been propagated respecting the plan and operations of the Bible Society, it may be worth while to notice, for the sake of correction, one which has met our eye while this sheet was passing through the press, in a recent number of a respectable trans-Atlantic publication, "The Gospel Advocate." A correspondent in that work, speaking of the British and Foreign Bible Society, remarks: "Because the Society had determined to publish the Bible without note or comment, it was inferred that the translations in the margin ought to be omitted; and accordingly the editions published by the several Bible societies, I believe without exception, omit them." He adds, that "the construction put upon without note or comment,' has in fact led to a mutilation of our Bibles," that in addition to the marginal readings, the marginal references also have been systematically omitted; and that, in short, the Bible Society's Bibles are not "the authorized version as it came from the hands of our translators." It is only necessary to state, in reply to these assertions, that the British and Foreign Bible Society took its Bibles as they were currently and customarily issued from the authorized presses, and as they were distributed in all other quarters; among others, the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Long before the Bible Society existed, for a period perhaps of a century and upwards, by far the greater part of the Bibles printed in England had been without the marginal readings and references, and the Bible Society, in commencing its operations, only condeed, its members had no more the power formed to the established practice. Inthan the will to make innovations of any kind, as the two universities and the king's printer could alone furnish them with their copies. In the course of time, however, when applications were made for Bibles with references, they were then provided; and the Society's catalogue exhibits no less than four editions of this description, some list. The references are those of Blayof which have been several years on its ney's 4to Bible, the very standard mentioned by the American objector, in com mon with that of 1611.-The conductors of "The Gospel Advocate," we are persuaded, will thank us for furnishing them with this brief explanation, in reply to their correspondent. LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL INTELLIGENCE, &c. &c. GREAT BRITAIN. PREPARING for publication:-Elegy on the late Rev. Henry Martyn; by J. Lawson; -Letters to my Daughters; by Mr. Huish;-Tour through the Morea; by Sir William Gell;-the Cambrian Plutarch; by J. H. Parry. In the press :-Narrative of the Land Arctic Expedition; by Captain Franklin and Dr. Richardson; a Catalogue of the Ethiopic Biblical MSS. in the Royal Library of Paris, and in some other Collections; with Remarks and Extracts: to which are added, Specimens of the Modern Dailects of Abyssinia; byT. P. Platt, B. A. Cambridge. The subjects for Sir William Browne's medals are-Greek Ode: “In Obitum Viri admodum Reverendi Doctissimique Thos. Fanshawe Middleton, EpiscopiCalcuttensis."-LatinOde: "Africani Catenis Devincti."—Greek Epigram: Eày no propadne ion hats.—Latin Epigram : "Ος φεύγει παλιν μαχησεται. In the Report from the House of Commons Committee, on the laws relating to prisons (7th May, 1822), we find the following important principles recognized, with a strong recommendation for the immediate passing of an act for enforcing good discipline in all large prisons, there being at present some alleged difficulties in the way of their instant application to some of the smaller gaols. of various classes are allowed to be confined." Among thirty-three items proposed to be made annually in the returns to the Secretary of State, one is," What duties are performed by the chaplain, what provision made for instruction, and whether prisoners are supplied with Bibles and other books? By an act passed last session, for consolidating the Vagrant Laws, it is enacted, that persons going about as gatherers of alms, under any false pretence, as loss by fire, &c.; bear-wards; common stageplayers; persons pretending to be gipsies; persons pretending to tell fortunes; persons playing or betting at any unlawful game; persons running away, and leaving their wives or children chargeable to the parish; pedlars not duly licensed; persons wandering abroad, and lodging in alehouses, barns, outhouses, or in the open air, and not giving a good account of themselves; persons exposing any indecent exhibition; persons begging, or causing children so to do; or endeavouring, by the exposure of wounds or deformities, to effect the same purpose; persons apprehended having in possession any picklock, key, crow, or other implement of housebreaking; or having in possession any gun, pistol, cutlass, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon, with intent to assault or commit any illegal act; persons frequenting any river or canal, or any place of public resort, with intent to commit felony; persons endeavouring to impose upon any churchwarden or overseer of the poor, or upon any charitable institution or private individual, by a false and fraudulent representation, either verbally or in writing, with a view to obtain money or some other advantage or benefit, shall be deemed rogues and vagabonds, and be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding a calendar month. Any person may apprehend offenders, and bring them before a magistrate. Justices by this act may order a portion of their earnings to be paid to offenders when discharged from prison. "It is no less," remark the Committee, "the interest than the duty of every government, to take care that the individuals who by the laws are subjected to imprisonment, do not, by the effect of that sentence, become worse members of society, or more hardened offenders. It is also of much importance, that prisons should be so managed that confinement within them may be an object of terror, and may operate as real punishment upon those for whom it is so intended: at the same time that the exercise of all unnecessary severity is restrained by wholesome regulations. With a view to these objects, the means of a judicious classification of prisoners, and of constant employment and labour, are essentially necesary; and your Committee are decidedly of opinion, that it will be proper to secure by law the providing of such means in every county prison, and in every other prison, in which, by charter or otherwise, prisoners Between 15 and 20 By the late population returns, it appears that throughout England, in every ten thousand of the population there are, upon the average, Males. Females. Under 5 years of age 1538 Between 5 and 10 Between 10 and 15 ...... 1444 1343. 1268 1169...... 1056 towns were, in ten or twelve seconds. entirely destroyed; and 20,000 human beings, it was calculated, perished, being about a tenth of the population. The extreme points where this terrible phenomenon was violent enough to destroy the edifices, seem to be Diabekir and Merkab, Aleppo and Scandaroon, Killis and Sheckoen. The shock was sensibly felt at Damascus, Adeno, and Cyprus. There was nothing remarkable in the weather or the state of the atmosphere. Edifices on the summit of the highest mountains were not safer than buildings situated on the banks of rivers, or on the sea-shore. The spacious mansion, the residence of the British consul at Aleppo for 230 years, and the houses of all the other public agents and private European individuals at Aleppo, have been entirely ruined. Shocks of the earthquake continued to be felt for some weeks after the principal shock. LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. THEOLOGY. The Blessings resulting from Maritime Pursuits a Sermon, preached before the Corporation of the Trinity House; by the very Rev. J. P. Monk, D.D. 1s. 6d. The Duty of Attention to the original Objects of Academical Institutions; a Sermon before the University of Cambridge; by the same. 1s. 6d. The Authorized Version of the Bible revised, for audible or social Reading; with Notes; by W. Alexander. In 3 vols. Vol. I. Part i. Price 4s. Scripture Difficulties; the Hulsean Lectures for 1822; by the Rev. C. Benson, M.A. 1 vol. 8vo. 12s. The Psalms in Metre; by W. Coldwell. 6s. The Self-interpreting New Testament; by the Rev. J. Platts. Part i. 4s. 6d. A Charge delivered at his Primary Visitation in Dublin; by W. Magee, D.D. Archbishop of Dublin." A Sermon in aid of the Church Missionary Society; by the Rev. E. G. Marsh. Serious Musings; by the Rev. J. Jones, M. A. 2s. 6d. Friday Evening; or an Attempt to prove that we are now living in the Sixth Day of the Millenary Week. 1s. 6d. Historical View of Christianity; by G. Cook, D.D. &c. 3 vols. 8vo. 36s. Sermons, selected and abridged from the Works of Archbishop Tillotson; by the Rev. J. Dakins. 2 vols. 8vo. 20s. A Sermon, preached at Rochester, at the Visitation of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. 8vo. 1s. 6d. A Chart of the Episcopacy of England and Wales, on a roller. 21s. nie. 8vo. 12s. Population of the British Empire in 1821. 5s.; fine paper 7s. Tour from Astrachan to Karass; by the Rev. W. Glen, Missionary at Astrachan. 4s. The Architectural Antiquities of Rome; by G. L. Taylor and Edward Cresy. 2 vols. folio. 181. 18s. Ruins of an Ancient City in Guatemala. 4to. 28s. Part I. of Views of Ancient Castles; by E. W. Brayley, jun. The Revived Architecture of Italy; by G. L. Taylor and Edward Cresy. Nos. 1 and 2. 11. 11. 6d. The Life of John Goodwin, M. A.; by T. Jackson. 1 vol. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Plates to illustrate the Poems of Crabbe. Small 8vo. 21. 2s. Coloured Plates, illustrative of Belzoni's Egypt, &c. Folio. 25s. The Lime Rocks of Plymouth; by the Rev. R. Hennah. 8vo. 12s. History of England; by Mrs. Markham. 2 vols. 12mo. 16s. Pignotti's History of Tuscany; translated by J. Browning, Esq. 4 vols. 8vo. 21. 8s. Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots; by Miss Benger. 2 vols. 8vo. 24. British Ornithology, First Series; by J. P. Selby. 11. 11s. 6d. and 51. 5s. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution; by W. D. Robinson. 2 vols. 8vo. 24s. Horticultural Tour through Flanders, &c. 8vo. 16s. History of the late War in Spain and Portugal; by R. Southey, Esq. 4to. 21. 10s. A Second Series of the Curiosities of Literature; by J. d'Israeli, Esq. 3 vols. 8vo. 36s. Operations of the Allied Armies under Schwartzenberg and Blucher, in 1813-14; by a General Officer. 8vo. 21s. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. THE following are a few passages from the Society's "Monthly Extracts." They relate to the Foreign Department of the Society's proceedings and correspondence. From the Rev. Doctors Carey and Marshman, and Rev. W. Ward, dated Serampore, 1st January, 1822. "We have now in the press, exclusive of the New Testament in various languages before enumerated, 4000 copies of the Bengalee Bible; 3000 of the Sanscrit Bible; 1000 copies each of the Pushtoo, the Kashmeer, and the Assamese; 4000 copies each of the Mahratta and Orissa Testaments; and two books of the Seik. For the completion of these works an outlay of 12,000. sterling will be requisite; and as we cannot venture to expect more than half that sum from the public liberality, we shall be constrained, for the first time, to supply the deficiencies of the translation fund from the proceeds of our personal labour, while the expense we have incurred in erecting the Serampore College will scarcely leave us unembarrassed for several years to come. We know not that we shall be able to meet these expenses; but our reliance is on the God of Missions, who has, for seventeen years, supplied every want, and who will not forsake his own cause in this emergency." From the Secretary of the Auxiliary Bible Society of New South Wales, dated Sydney, 16th Nov. 1821. "The case of books has been safely received. The Reports in particular are a great acquisition; and I have placed them and the History of the British and Foreign Bible Society, as the ground-work of a Biblical Library, for the benefit of Australia. The object of this library is, to collect and preserve any books which may be of service in translating the sacred Scriptures; also to excite a greater attention to Biblical reading and literary pursuits, which among CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 253. us are too little regarded. We hope it may likewise be of no small advantage to the future generations of Australia and the South Sea Islands, in settling the different versions of the inspired volume, that, in their own tongues, the people may read or hear, faithfully narrated, the wonderful works. of God. Our treasurer transmits 1601. which will make the amount of our subscriptions 12001." From a Minister in the Bahama Islands, dated Nassau, 27th March, 1822. Many Bibles and Testaments have been distributed on the out islands, to the joy and comfort of the poor people. Those that had it in their power have purchased at cost-price: some have received at reduced prices, and others gratuitously. Nine Bibles were given to some wrecked seamen, from whom the following note has been received: Sir, We, the people that belonged to the brig Marilaine, of Baltimore, and the schooner Nancy, of Newhaven, do return you our sincere thanks for your goodness, in giving each of us a Bible. May God Almighty bless you for them. One of the men adds; ' I hope they will put me and all of us in the right way to heaven:'-Several Bibles and Testaments have been given to persons in the poor-house, who have received them gladly. Fourteen Bibles, with several Testaments, have been given to the prisoners confined in gaol. The following note has been received from the gaoler: Sir, I am requested to thank, through you, the British and Foreign Bible Society for the Bibles and Testaments granted by you for the use of the prisoners; and I shall take the benefit of your kind offer to furnish Bibles and Testaments as they may be wanted here. I have further to state, that I find a greater alteration lately in the minds of the prisoners, from reading the Bible, than I have ever discovered in any others whom I have had in my charge during twelve years.'" I From the Secretary of a Bible Society in Germany. "A few weeks since we distributed 600 Testaments among the Catholic pilgrims. Several were affected to tears on being presented with the object of their wishes, and, although unable to express their feelings in words, yet their silence was a still stronger testimony of deep-felt emotion. Some Christian friends had collected on the spot where the distribution took place, to enjoy so interesting a scene; and they all agreed in the opinion, that incalculable benefit would result to the Catholics by this means; but, at the same time, they lamented, that more than 300 of the pilgrims could not be provided with copies, which they so earnestly wished to possess. We could not bind more than we did. "The demand for Bibles and Testaments, as well as our endeavours to meet it, still continues uninterrupted; and since we last balanced our accounts on the 1st of February, we have dispersed 489 Bibles, 1619 Lutheran, and 1382 Catholic Testa ments. "We understand from the publicans, at whose houses the travelling mechanics put up, that the latter read with great assiduity the Testaments given them by our Society. A Catholic young woman, who bought a Bible a few years back at the reduced price, publicly joined the Protestant Church last year, and now makes it a point of duty to contribute the full value of a Bible to the Society every year. This is really a large donation on her part, as she labours hard to support herself by needle-work, and has, moreover, to struggle with a weakly constitution." From the Sixth Report of the American "There have been issued from the depository, from the 30th of April, 1821, to the 1st of May, 1822, 53,416 Bibles and Testaments, and 54 copies of the Gospel of St. John in Mohawk and Delaware. "In the five preceding years, there were issued, 140,348 copies-making a total of ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN Bibles and Testaments, and parts of the New Testament, issued by the American Bible Society since its establishment. "The Marine Bible Societies have continued their operations during the year, and there has been some increase of the number. The expectations as to their usefulness have not been disappointed. Many seamen have exhibited much interest in the design of the Societies, and derived benefits from them. On one occasion, at a meeting appointed by a Marine Bible Society, all the seamen in port were requested to attend, and the request was very generally complied with. An address was delivered to them; and the immediate consequences were, that in the two following days, one hundred and fifty seamen applied to be furnished with the Scriptures, and eighty became members of the Society. "Further evidence of the Divine blessing on the Society is found in the increase of the number of its Auxiliaries. More have been recognised during the past year than in the two preceding years; making the whole number of Bible Societies, which have been recognised as Auxiliary to the National Society, THREE HUNDRED AND ONE." From the Report of the Wertemberg Bible Society for 1821. "Even some of the convicts, on being supplied with the New Testament, have experienced a sorrow unto repentance, never to be repented of; and several have begun to employ their leisure hours in devout perusal of the Gospel of the Redeemer; and others, confined in the house of correction, have of their own mind made known their desire for the book of life. But the word of salvation has not had free course in our native country only; numerous orders have been received from abroad: 2,162 Bibles have been transmitted to various parts, so that the aggregate amount of copies which have left our Depository since our last Report, is, 9,530 Bibles, and 2,908 Testaments; total 12,438 copies. "If we would present to view the means by which our Society has attained its object, the diffusion of the Gospel of salvation among the poor, we must point, in the first place, to the munificent donation by which our revered sovereign has been pleased to mark his approbation of the Society's object. May he accept the heart-felt gratitude which we offer on this solemn occasion, for this proof of his kind interest in the temporal and spiritual welfare of his subjects! May he be rewarded with the choicest blessings of the Most High. Her Majesty the Queen also, participating in the feelings of her Royal Consort, has transmitted to our Committee the sum of 250 florins." From the Rev. H. D. Leeves, dated "I called upon the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople. He strongly expressed his approbation of the excellent object and benevolent exertions of the British and Foreign Bible Society. The first subject I introduced, was the Turkish version of |