delight, that his forefathers were not the cause of the death of Jesus of Nazareth. He made me a present of the history of the Samaritans, written five hundred years ago, by one of their chiefs, named Sheh Alsuri, who speaks of our Lord with high veneration. "From Jaffa I went to Acre, and there I met with two Jews whose minds had been convinced of the truth of Christianity. They were baptized in secret by a Protestant clergyman, who furnished them with New Testaments and tracts. On mount Lebanon I was visited by several Catholic bishops, who desired Arabic Bibles and Testaments. The Armenians desired to enter into a strict union with Protestants. The convent Rourka, was offered to me for establishing there a Lancasterian School. I met with a settlement of Jews upon the highest top of mount Lebanon. They were in possession of the Hebrew New Testament, published by the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, which was sent to them by a Jew from Saida. They professed their belief in Christ. 66 "I arrived at the holy city, March 9, 1822. There are at Jerusalem the following denominations of Christians: 1. Armenians, called and believed by the Jews of Jerusalem to be the descendants of Amalek. The Jews will have no intercourse with them, because Amalek dared to lift up his hand against the Lord's host in the wilderness. “2. Greeks, called and believed by the Jews to be the descendants of Javan. The Jews will not hold intercourse with them, because Antiochus dared to slay Israel. "3. The Romanists. The Jews do not wish for intercourse with them; because Titus, a Roman, destroyed their temple. "4. The Ethiopians, and Copts, upon whom the Jews look with indifference. The whole number of Christians is supposed to be 7,000; and of Jews 10,000. After mentioning that in a few days I distributed more than 1000 copies of the Scriptures among all these denominations, I will confine my remarks to the Jews. The Jews of Palestine reside principally at Jerusalem, at Hebron, where both Jews and Turks go on a pilgrimage to the graves of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Sarah and Leah, which are there in the cave of Machpelah, and also at Safet and Tiberias. The greatest part of those Jews who composed the Talmud, called Tanaim, lived at Safet and Tiberias. The Jews of Jerusalem, Safet and Tiberias, are jealous of each other; and foolish and stupid are the disputes which divide them. There are in Palestine Spanish Jews, and Turkish Jews, and Polish German Jews, and also Caraites, who are believed by the other Jews to be the descendants of the Sadducees. I found at Jerusalem only three families of Caraites. In their synagogue I heard the following prayer. "I read to them several prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah, and expounded to them without the least objection for an hour the contents of the Gospel. They often called on me, and called me their brother. They have not the least communion with the Talmudist Jews. There are Caraites at Ralaa, in the Crimea, in Poland, at Damascus, Constantinople, and Cairo. The whole number in the world may be about 5000. The Polish Jews called on me, and addressed me thus: We have heard that you are arrived here to converse with us. Verily we can converse with you; for we are wise with great wisdom, and learned with great learning.' I ascertained from them that no Jews lived at Jerusalem in the time of the crusades. Rabbi Moses Bar Nalsman, a famous author among the Jews in Germany, went thither in the twelfth century, and met with only one Jew. I translated from a letter written by him, the following sentences. 'I met with only one Jew, and he was oppressed, and he was afflicted. And in the city of God, in the house of God, where our fathers dwelt, the Gentiles worshipped that which their fingers had made: they worshipped that which is not God, even in the house of God. For these things I weep, because our glorious and our beautiful house is laid waste.' I conversed for several days with one of their high priests, and read the Gospel with him. The Polish Jews are divided into two sects. One sect are Pharisees, who are strictly attached to the literal observance of the ceremonial law, and wear large phylacteries. The other sect are the Hasidim, the spiritual Jews, who say that outward ceremonies are of no use at all, and that we must attend rather to the spirit. The author of this sect was Israel Baal Shem, who died seventy years ago in Poland. They have been excommunicated by many rabbies. They are well inclined to the reading of the Gospel. Among their archives I discovered the following curious circumstance in regard to the cross found by the Empress Helena. Rabbi Abarbanel tells us, that the Jews, fearing that the Empress Helena would persecute them, gave her an old piece of wood, and told her that that was the very cross of Jesus. "I discussed the subject of the Gospel with the Jews in their colleges; and I saw their children reading in the New Testament, as they walked about upon Sion, and in the valley of Jehoshaphat. What the result of these inquiries among the Jews will be, time must show ; and I leave it to the reports of my future fellowlabourers to inform you." MERCHANT SEAMAN'S BIBLE This Society was formed in 1818. The Society instructed their agent first to use his influence with seamen to purchase for themselves at a reduced rate; but on their expressing an unwillingness or an inability to purchase, to apply to the captain or owner, if he were on board, to purchase for his men. In the event of failure, the agent was instructed to leave, without payment, a certain number of Bibles and Testaments for the use of the ship's company, which were to be considered a part of the furniture of the ship, and on no account to be removed, unless subsequently paid for on application to the owners. During the first two years of the Society's operations, the unpaid distribution was very considerable; but as there was a lamentable destitution of the Scriptures, and an eagerness expressed on the part of the sailors to possess them, although unable to purchase, the Committee considered themselves fully justified in supplying their wants without payment, rather than allow so many of our brave countrymen to proceed to sea without the word of God. The experience of more than five years has satisfactorily demonstrated the propriety of this large free distribution. Many of the sailors who had never perhaps read the Scriptures before, on having them placed by the Society within their reach, at intervals of leisure were induced to examine them. Hence, in many cases, arose a disposition to possess a Bible; and the agent has found, on revisiting the ships where a gratuitous supply has been left, that many of the sailors, who were for merly indifferent to the subject, crowded round him to buy a Bible or Testament for themselves. In the Fourth Annual Report it was shewn, that although the free distribution of the Scriptures for ships (but not to the men) had been considerable in the commencement of the Society's labours, it had materially lessened in subsequent years, owing to the circumstances above alluded to, and to the formation of Marine Bible Societies in some of the principal out-ports. The Committee now report, that the number of Bibles and Testaments sold to seamen in Gravesend in the past year has been very nearly double the number left without payment. The number sold amounted to 730 Bibles and 79 Testaments, and the number left without payment to 90 Bibles and 356 Testaments. In the First Annual Report, it was stated, that 590 ships, having 6149 men on board, would have proceeded to sea without a single copy of the Scriptures but for the timely bounty of the Society; whereas it appears from the reports of the Society's agent at Gravesend, that the total number of ships found entirely destitute of the Scriptures during the past year, amounted to 14 only, having 100 men on board; and of these fourteen vessels, only one was English. With regard to the copies left without payment, it is grati fying to learn, that on application to the owners, the Society's agent has, during the last year, received payment for 173 Bibles and 352 Testaments (many of which had been supplied by the Society in former years) exceeding by 79 copies the number left, as above mentioned, without payment during the last year. No expense, therefore, during the past year, has arisen from the gratuitous distribution of the Scriptures. The Report proceeds to record a few of the numerous interesting observations made by the sailors and others on board the ships visited by the Society's agent at Gravesend. These observations, though brief and disjointed, satisfactorily prove the benefits arising from widely diffusing the sacred Scriptures among merchant seamen. We copy the following: "No. 1. I think,' said the Captain, I have as steady a ship's company as any going. I never work them on the Sabbath-day if it can possibly be avoided. When in harbour, on Sundays, they attend public worship on shore; and when they are at sea, they are to be found diligently attending to their Bibles, Prayerbooks, and other good books. They are obedient, contented, and happy. Your books are well exercised, and I have added to them at my own expense. "No. 2. More than four years ago the captain of this ship purchased eight Bibles of me for the use of his crew. The same books are now on board excepting one or two. He gave me a pleasing account of his last voyage to Port Jackson, mentioning the great attention the convicts and the crew paid to the Scriptures, and that they were read by both to good purpose; and that the boys got much useful knowledge on the passage at the school established on board for their benefit. "No. 3. The second mate, who was commanding officer, said, I feel much interested in your work, and I have made inquiry amongst the crew in order to learn what Bibles are among them: I find two or three of them only have the Scriptures; and, were you to leave the ship a few books, I am confident they will not be thrown away. The captain has a quarto Bible for the ship's use, and I expect we shall have public worship occasionally. I trust there is a general reformation amongst British sailors. I have made it my business to visit different vessels in the pool where Divine worship has been performed, to learn what good effects the various means of grace, which sailors now enjoy, have had upon their general conduct; and I was glad to hear from the captains, and others universally, that the impressions had been powerful and lasting, and that they were in many respects an altered people. It will be some days before we sail, and I hope you will visit us again: some of the crew perhaps may purchase when they get their pay, and I shall be glad to see you.' The Pilot said, Our chief and second officers are fine fellows, real gentlemen, and, I am persuaded, good Christians. They always meet in one of their cabins every morning for prayer, before entering upon the ship's duty.' "No. 4. The books supplied by the Society were on board. The mate, who appeared a sensible well-behaved man, said, 'A change is passing in our sailors; and why not? they have only been waiting for the means they now enjoy to alter their condition: many of them may be compared to rough stones; when polished by instruction they display a good capacity, and become useful to the community in the best way.' "No. 5. One of the crew wanted a Bible; but when making known his wishes, the chief officer, said, We have more hands than we have occasion for, and you are among those who are to be discharged; but you shall have a Bible, and I will give you the money to pay for it: I hope you will accept of it, and read it with much selfexamination and prayer: it will lead you to the cross of Jesus Christ, where alone there is safety.' The second officer said, "I am highly pleased in seeing these men so desirous of possessing the Scriptures: it does my heart good! What an honour in being in any way instrumental in benefiting the souls of men!" "No. 8. The captain hailed the crew when aloft loosing the topsails, saying, 'Are any of you in want of a Bible?' Two of the men came down upon deck, and purchased a Bible each they were the only men in the vessel without the Scriptures. All well behaved, and the vessel in good order. "What a deal of good your Society has done amongst sailors!' said a pilot, who had just returned from the Downs, after navigating the to that place: 'there is nothing of that blackguardism among them now that there used to be; not a quarter so much swearing and such like as formerly now, sailors are reconciled and comfortable; formerly they were disorderly and restless: in short, I have found this alteration in their manners in all the ships I have lately piloted.' "No. 9. On the same service as No. 8, a similar ship with a similar crew. Sold four Bibles. I remember the time,' said the chief officer, when, 'on occasion of the 6 "No. 12. This vessel belongs to Boston, in America. Each of our lads,' said the chief mate, has a Bible. The captain a little while back gave one to each man who could read, and would accept of it.' 'Ah!' exclaimed the black cook, and we do read them too.' One of the sailors said, 'We can always get Bibles in Boston for asking for them, provided the Society has good reason to believe they will be properly used. No. 13. Still well supplied. A religious crew. Prayer in the cabin every evening. The boys regularly read the Scriptures. What great things are doing for sailors now!' cried one of the crew. "No. 14. The Captain said, 'We have a very obedient and steady set of fellows here on the Sabbath-day all are employed in reading their Bibles, or some other suitable books; and they never think of going on shore on Sunday as formerly was the case. We are all very comfortable.'Sold two Bibles.' "No. 16. The crew were well supplied with the Scriptures. The Captain said, There is as much difference between sailors now, and what they were only a few years ago, as there is, in my opinion, between darkness and light; and a great pleasure I have in observing the difference. The ship's duty is carried on much better now than it was formerly in ships in general.' "No. 17. The owner received me with kindness, and said, 'I hope none of my ships will ever proceed to sea without the Scriptures. I am happy in saying, by the exertions of your Society, great good has been done amongst seamen in the merchant's service. I carried out with me, the last voyage, one of the worst of crews, and I brought home one of the best ; and this change in their character was, under God, wrought by the Scriptures, together with the means I used besides." Do,' said he addressing himself to the captain, let the crew have prayers read to them every Sabbath-day, if possible: it will, depend upon it, do your people good: many sailors are well-disposed, they only want to be brought from their evil associates, and to be reasoned with a little.' Then turning to me again, he said, 'Yes, your Society has done much towards altering the moral condition of sailors." 393 "No. 21. The mate said every thing to induce the crew to purchase. One bought a Bible; another would have done the same, but could not. 'I bought a Bible of you,' said the mate, when I belonged to the -, and it was the best money I ever spent: in that book I found the pearl of great price. I never was accustomed to gross immorality: having had a religious education, it always acted as a kind of check; but I never prized the Scriptures until lately; now my greatest delight is attending the means of grace. No. 22. The books supplied by the Society were produced neatly covered. The mate said, "Our Captain does all he can to improve all hands: he is a man of prayer, and reads the Scriptures more than any one else on board.' One of the crew bought a Bible; and had the Society made him a present of it, he could not have been more grateful. The custom-house officer said, I have often witnessed with pleasure the good effects of supplying the sailors with the Scriptures. I call your Society a peace-making society; because, since its establishment, there has been so much order and peace on board the different vessels where I have been. It is now no uncommon thing to hear a mate, and others, ask a blessing at their meals, or to hear prayer in the cabin. This was not the case a little while back. "No. 23. This ship, bound to Van Diemen's Land, was mentioned in my last report. Finding she had changed some of her hands, and was about to be paid, I visited her again. Sold five Bibles. I be lieve almost every individual, from the captain to the boys, had either Bible, Testament, or prayer-book. A pleasant ship to visit in every respect. "No. 24. The captain said, 'Almost every one in the vessel, I believe, has either Bible or Testament, or some other good book: they were with me last voyage, and I never heard an oath from the mouth of any of them since we have been together, nor have I seen any thing improper in their conduct.' "No. 26. The chief officer, who was very attentive, said that part of the books supplied were on board. The whole ship's company assembled round me,and the books I had to sell, on the main deck. The chief officer said, I can hardly suppose you ever met with such another crew as this now before you: they are a set of steady fellows. He encouraged them to purchase, and spoke well of the institution. Sold seven Bibles." 66 No. 29. The captain appeared friendly to the cause, and said, I never knew any men peruse the Scriptures with such attention and avidity before, as the crew did in this vessel last voyage.' In consequence of his saying he would readily advance any money the crew might want for the purpose of purchasing the Scriptures, I sold two Bibles. "No. 30. Belonging to Boston, in America. I was well received by the chief officer. The crew were well behaved, and CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 258. scarcely one without a Bible: some said theyprocured them at reduced prices; others said, they obtained them free of expense. The fashion of swearing is dying away fast among sailors,' said the chief mate: 'we have little of it here: some of our men are religiously inclined. You are come to a bad market, for we have all got our Bibles : indeed a boat comes along-side of us with Bibles in America, the same as you do here." "No. 32. The captain, notwithstanding he was anxious to get the anchor, gave directions that all the crew might be ordered aft: he took his standing at the capstan, and mustered the whole of them, putting the question to each man, Have you got a Bible?' and spoke to them, before all hands and many strangers, of the privilege of possessing the sacred volume, and of the happiness of being brought under its heavenly influence. Each man who had not a Bible said, he should be glad to have one; and the captain seemed much pleased with the idea that every individual under his command, who could read, now possessed a Bible. He had so much confidence in his ship's company as to pay them their month's advance, before the ship left London; a circumstance, 1 believe, never known before, as respects a free trader. I never visited a ship of this description where I found the crew so uniformly consistent. The custom-house officers, and others, said they had not heard an oath since they had been on board. This, certainly, was a very extra. ordinary thing when the extent of the crew, amounting to 44 men, is taken into consideration. One man said, 'Our captain is a Christian and a father to us all; and were I to leave this ship, I don't know where I should find such another.' A strange gentleman observed, on seeing so many sailors purchase the Scriptures so readily, and on seeing the captain interest himself so much in their spiritual welfare, This is a sight I never witnessed before, and I never shall forget it.' I sold twenty Bibles in this ship.' It is most gratifying to learn from the reports of the London agent, that owing chiefly to the efforts made to supply sea men with the Scriptures, in many of the out-ports, and especially in Scotland and the North of England, he has not had occasion to sell during the year more than 162 Bibles, and 66 Testaments, though he has boarded upwards of 4000 ships in various parts of the river. The Committee have the satisfaction to believe that not an individual employed in ships trading to London, of whatever nation, either enters or quits the port without having an opportunity afforded of supplying himself with aBible, upon easy terms, through the instrumentality of this Society. The observations of the London agent confirm the interesting conclusions deducible from the reports from Gravesend. 3 G VIEW OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. FOREIGN. SPAIN. The duc d'Angouleme took possession of Madrid on the 24th of May. A regency was inmediately appointed to govern the kingdom during the detention of the king in the hands of the Constitutionalists. The regency consists of the duke del Infantado, president of the council of Castile; the duke de Montemar, president of the council of the Indies; the bishop of Osuna; baron d'Eroles, a member of the regency of Urgel; and M. Calderon, a member of the provisional junta. This regency has appointed ambassadors, who will doubtless be acknowledged by the powers hostile to Spanish liberty, and by the courts under their influence. Whether any attempt will be made to obtrude new ambassadors on those powers which continue to acknowledge the constitutional government, particularly Great Britain, Portugal, and the United States of America, remains to be seen. It is but too clear, however,that this arbitrary proceeding of setting up one government against another has a tendency to commit every other power on the one side or the other, and thus, unless the contest speedily ceases, to lay a train for innumerable jealousies and disputes. Two divisions of the French army are far advanced on the march from Madrid for Seville; the one under Bourdesoult proceeding by Ciudad Real, Sierra Morena, Cordova, and Ecija; the other under Bourmont by Truxillo, Llerena, and Carmona. It does not appear that the Cortes made any effort to oppose their march. They have, however, adopted the decisive measure of removing the king to Cadiz, at which place it is even stated that he had actually arrived. The most opposite reports naturally prevail respecting the state and prospects of the constitutional army, which the French accounts represent as deplorable and desperate while the patriotic sources of intelligence, on the contrary, represent the spirit of the country to be rising, and that nothing is wanting but military training and the implements of war, to organize an overwhelming national force. Some of our countrymen, and particularly Sir Robert Wilson, have joined the constitutional forces; and subscrip tions have been entered into in this country for assisting the Spanish cause. One thousand pounds have been voted by the Corporation of London towards this object.-Mina's army continues in the neighbourhood of Barcelona, manoeuvring against the forces under Moncey. Ballasteros had collected his forces in the province of Valencia; but that city having been taken possession of by the French, he will now probably move towards Cadiz. The troops which occupied Madrid, under Ahisbal and Zayas, have retired, it is said, in the same direction. If the Spaniards are really disposed to maintain their independence, now seems their time for action. The French armies have advanced to an immense distance from their own frontiers, and they are also very widely dispersed. Should they further engage in the arduous siege of Cadiz, they will be still more exposed to harassing attacks, and to the interception of their convoys. The summer heats will also prove formidable enemies. If then the Spaniards are really in earnest in defending their liberty, which the removal of the king to Cadiz would indicate, we may expect to hear of their at length commencing more active and efficient operations. It is no small presumption in favour of the general dislike to foreign interference, that few or none of the popula tion have been led hitherto to join the ranks of the army of the Faith. PORTUGAL. An attempt has been made to effect a counter-revolution in Portugal. The infant Don Miguel with a few troops, proceeded to a public square in Lisbon, on the 27th of May, and proclaimed the Constitution abulished; after which he fled from the capital to collect forces to consummate his plans. There are no accurate accounts of any farther proceedings; but it will not surprise us to hear that a counter-revolution has actually been effected in that kingdom, although recent rumours speak of the attempt having failed. DOMESTIC. The session of Parliament is drawing towards a close, and will probably be concluded before the end of July. The proceedings duringthe monthhavebeen |