that every deliberative assembly must possess a certain power over its members, in order to the due discharge of its functions, which would always be liable to derangement if a refractory individual might not be silenced or expelled; but this power should be exercised on something of fixed principle, and should be regulated by known rules. By absenting themselves, however, from the sittings of the chamber, the opposition deprive the public of the benefit of those constitutional discussions which are always, in the end, if judiciously and temperately conducted, serviceable to the progress of truth and liberty, however incapable they may be at the moment of effecting their immediate object. There is nothing which the ultra party so much dread as inquiry, discussion, and the free collision of mind with mind. We see this throughout their whole policy; in education, in religion, and in the affairs of civil government. Even Pestalozzian establishments and independent schools, especially those on the system of mutual instruction, which at one period were making such hopeful progress, have been either discountenanced, or as far as possible drawn within the range of ultra influence. And the government begins to frown even on Protestant Bible Societies. Soon, if affairs proceed as their projectors seem to wish, no author in France will dare to write any thing, no printer to print any thing, no instructor to teach any thing, no individual to whisper any thing, but what the votaries of religious and political bigotry may sanction. And here lies our great fear for that unhappy country; for as we cannot for a moment suppose that "the clock of ages" can be finally put so far back as the ultra party desire, or that the shadows of night will really return on the face of this enlightened nation, we dread the convulsions which may yet ensue, the tremendous struggle, in which may again be agitated--not perhapswithout a long period of bloodshed and suffering all those interests which more than thirty years of fearful confliction have not yet adjusted. The duc d'Angoulême has set off to join the army, which is stated to consist of 90,000 men. The advanced guard of 30,000 men has been for some time on the frontiers of Spain. May the God of battles, who is also the au ther of peace and the lover of concord, avert in his mercy the awful portents of this afflicting crisis! The declarations of the British government in both houses of parliament indicate, that scarcely any rational hope now remains of peace being preserved between France and Spain. SPAIN. Whether Spain is capable at the present moment of resisting the mighty shock which is preparing for her, is a question which cannot be thought of without some considerable apprehension. Neither her finances nor her military establishments would appear equal to the prompt repulse of a powerful invading army, especially when we consider the wide extent of her internal disorders. She has however to calculate, on the other hand, on the civil discontents of France; on the spirit known to pervade the French army, and so strongly demonstrated in the affair of M. Manuel; on the countenance of free governments throughout the world; and, we would hope, in the event of invasion, on the rising enthusiasm of her own population, who are not likely to be effec tually conquered unless it becomes their own wish to be so. The conduct of the legislature and government has continued to be spirited and decisive. The extraordinaryCortes, which closed on the 19th February, provided, before their dissolution, for the transfer of the seat of government from Madrid to some other place, in case the capital should be menaced by a foreign army. The king refused to sign this act, and dismissed his ministers who pressed it; but the public agitation became so great that he was obliged to restore them. They afterwards resigned voluntarily, and new ones were appointed. The ordinary Cortes met on the 1st of March. The speech from the throne, and their reply, were both couched in the strongest language of constitutional patriotism. They place their cause on the broad basis of international justice, declaring most urgently that the fundamental laws of Spain can be dictated only by herself, and that they will resist to the utmost extremity all hostile interference. The regular Cortes quite concur with the extraordinary Cortes in the propriety of removing the king, court, and legislature, should the metropolis be threatened. Seville is spoken of as the most likely place of retreat. The Constitutionalists are stated to have nearly exterminated the "army of the faith," the allies, if not the stipendiaries, of France. -- PORTUGAL. An attempt has been made in the province of Tras os Montes to produce a counter-revolution. The condé de Amarante has raised the standard of rebellion at Villa Real, and is stated to have under his com mand a hardy and desperate band of peasantry. The Cortes thought it necessary, upon the receipt of this intelligence, instantly to pass an act somewhat similar to the suspension of the habeas corpus act in this country. It is to be feared that those who organized or fomented the disturbances in Spain may have found their way to Portugal also; where, however, there is, if possible, still less shadow of reason for interference than in Spain, as the Constitution was effected with the most prompt acquiescence of all the public authorities, the King himself being among the foremost in sanctioning the measure. CHINA-A dreadful conflagration broke out in Canton on the 1st of last November, and continued till the morning of the 3d. The number of houses destroyed is estimated, according to the English account, at 13,700: the Chinese make it 16,000. Five hundred Chinese are calculated to have perished. The East-India Company have lost property, it is said, to a large amount. Their treasure was saved. Forty thousand Chinese are said to be deprived of their habitations; and some years must elapse before Canton can recover its former condition. DOMESTIC. We have already alluded to the declarations of ministers as to the improbability of peace being preserved between France and Spain. They have engaged to lay before Parliament, soon after the Easter recess, the correspondence between this country and the continental powers on the subject. They appear wisely to have endeavoured to prevent this country from being rashly cominitted as a party in hostilities. The important subject of Irish tithes has been brought under parliamentary discussion. Mr. Hume proposed the appointment of a committee to carry into effect several resolutions; stating, that the property of the bishops, deans, and chapters in Ireland is public pro perty, under the controul of Parliament, either for the support of religion, or for any other beneficial object, due regard being paid to the rights of every person at present in the enjoyment of such property that it is expedient to inquire whether the Irish Church establishment is not greater than is necessary, both as regards the number of persons employed, and the amount of their income; and, if so, whether a reduction should not take place, with due regard to all existing claims: and that the best interests of Ireland require a fair commutation of tithes. In the course of his speech, Mr. Hume stated, that his object was gradually to reduce the members of the Irish bench (as the present possessors die off) to one archbishop and four bishops, instead of four archbishops and twenty-two bishops. The whole remaining body of dignitaries he also considered far too large; and as for deans and chapters he thought them wholly useless, and proposed that such appointments should be left unfilled up as they became gradually vacant. He introduced his resolutions with premising, that Ireland contains 6,800,000 souls, of whom 5,820,000 are Roman Catholics; that consequently only 980,800 Protestants (and of these a large part were Dissenters) remained to be benefited by the ministrations of the Established Church; that the revenues dedicated to this service were far too large; that two-elevenths of the whole of the land is the property of the church; that of 14,800,000l., the annual rental of Ireland, not less than 2,500,000l. (equal, he thought, if duly improved, to 3,250,000/) belonged to the established clergy; that in the year 1819, out of 1289 beneficed clergymen, 531 were non-resident; and that of the remainder, called residents, a large portion lived many miles from their benefices. He proposed that all the clergy should have an income of from 150l. to 500l. per annum; instead of their present great disparity of remuneration. The honourable member's sweeping propositions, we need not say, were rejected by the house; not less on account of some of the fundamental principles upon which they proceeded, than for the exaggeration which evidently prevailed in his details. On a subsequent evening, Mr. Goulburn brought forward the plan proposed by government for the ame lioration of the Irish tythe-system. It consists of two parts. The first is a bill to promote a temporary composition of tithes: the second for a permanent commutation. The first proposes that the Lord-lieutenant shall have the power, upon the requisition of an incumbent or of a certain number of the tithe-payers in his parish, to direct the assembling of a special vestry, to be composed of tithe-payers of a certain amount, who shall be authorized to choose a commissioner on behalf the parish, to negociate with a commissioner chosen by the incumbent; the two commissioners, if necessary, choosing an umpire. The commissioners thus voluntarily appointed by both parties (for the measure is not compulsory on either) are to take the average price of corn for the three preceding years, in order to fix a composition, which is to be renewed in the same manner triennially. The manner of levying the composition is to be by the parish assessors, in the same way as the poors' rates. This is to our minds far the most important part of the plan, as it will prevent the present painful collision between the clergyand their parishioners respecting the payment of tithes; the odium resulting from which is most injurious to the repose of the pastor, and to the spiritual interests of his flock. The second bill proposes, that wherever the mutual consent of a clergyman and his pa rishioners shall be obtained, a permanent contract may be entered into to secure the incumbent an equitable portion of land in lieu of tithes. The national debt commissioners are, if necessary, to advance money to purchase the land; and are to be paid their interest and principal by means of the tithes, at the valuation fixed in the composition, and which the officers of government are themselves to levy. Objections, and strong ones, may doubtless be made to this or any other measure for the commutation of tithes; but, all the circumstances of Ireland considered, we think the plan calculated to be of great utility. The annunciation of it was most cordially received by all parties in the House of Conimons. We are glad to state, that a bill is to be brought before Parliament to relieve the clergy from the well-meant, but injudicious, obligation of reading the act against profane swearing four times a-year during Divine service; and that, from some hints thrown out by several speakers, it seems probable that the similar enactments in the marriage act, and other acts, will be rescinded, and care taken to prevent this interference with the service of God in all future statutes. Another subject is also before Parliament, and one of a most weighty. character, and respecting which the only wonder to every wise and humane mind must be, that the consideration of it has been so long delayed-we mean the state of Slavery in our West India Colonies, with a view to its amelioration and ultimate extinction. That the miseries of the Slave should be nearly what they were, before the narrative of those miseries first thrilled through the ears of a British Parliament; that even since the abolition of the Slave Trade, the human being pronounced by that abolition to have been cruelly and unjustly torn from his home, should remain in the same unmitigated state of bitter captivity to which his brutal captors consigned him; that his unoffending infant after him should be condemned to wear his parent's chain, in interminable bondage; that tens and hundreds of thousands of our fellow-beings and fellowsubjects should be suffered to pass though life, foiling beneath the terrors of the lash, destitute of all that makes life valuable; degraded, so far asman, originally created in the image of God,can be degraded, by ignorance and vice, by stripes and oppression; that in the third decade of the nineteenth century such a state of things should exist within the dominions of this free, and happy, and liberalminded, and Christian country, is indeed an anomaly which cannot be contemplated without extreme surprise, as well as pain. It is not necessary to allude to particular instances of cruelty, in order to shew the incalculable mischiefs of such a state of things; and that not to the slave only, but, in the end, to the master, and to the country that allows the uncontrouled perpetuation of slavery. Our readers will have perceived, in the excellent paper which we have inserted in another part of our Number,(see Religious Intelligence,p.186.) that the advocates for the mitigation and gradual extinction of slavery rest their cause upon the inherent and inseparable mischiefs which it involves ; and not upon the frequent and affect 1823.] Public Affairs-Domestic. ing instances (which, however, must ward the subject, and is to submit ternative; for even if the Negro race were as brutish as some who ought to know better represent them; if facts proved, what they clearly disprove, that they cannot be civilized, or christianized, or instructed; still they would deserve, and the more so for this ima gined imbecility, that they should repose under the protectiug arm of a British Legislature, and enjoy the amelio rating privileges of our common Chris tianity. OBITUARY. THE LATE BISHOP AND ARCHDEACON OF CALCUTTA. We have been waiting the publication of such a full and authentic record of the life, character, and writings of the late Dr. MIDDLETON, the proto-bishop of Calcutta, as might enable us to add some interesting notices to those which have at different times appeared in our pages relative to that much-lamented prelate. In the mean time, we are warned by the decease of another respected dignitary of the Indian Episcopal Church-the very individual on whom especially devolved the melancholy office of paying the last tribute to his lordship's memory in his own cathedral-not to delay any longer the brief sketch which we proposed to exhibit. The principal passages of his lordship's literary and public life have already been recorded in our pages. In our volume for 1809, appeared a review, continued during threeNumbers, of his lordship's celebrated and justly valued work on the Greek Article, which we endeavoured strongly to recommend to the attention of the public. In our volume for 1813, p. 674, we gave an account of his truly interesting and excellentCharge to the Rev. Mr. Jacobi, on his proceeding to India as a missionary. Our next volume recorded his own appointment to that country as its proto-bishop. In our volume for 1819, p. 470, we gave entire his lordship's celebrated letter respecting the best methods of promoting Christianity in India; which we ventured to pronounce, and still consider, as 66 one of the most important documents of a religious kind which has ever appeared in our pages In our volumes for 1820, p. 558, and 1822, p. 58, will be found some interesting extracts from two of the ser Archdeacon LORING preached a funeral sermon for the Bishop, in the morning (July 14); and Mr. Parson in the afternoon. Neither of these sermous, we believe, has been published either in India or in this country. mons which his lordship found time amidst his oriental labours to publish for the promotion of Christianity both among the Native and the European population in his diocese. Some of the masterly details respecting what will long perpetuate his name as a most important literary and Christian benefactor to India-the mission college at Calcutta-may be found in our volumes for 1821, p. 456, and p. 843; and 1822, p 59. Our present volume (see Number for January, p. 64,) records the measures taken by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, to honour his memory by the erection of a monument for him in St. Paul's cathedral, and, endowing five scholarships in his college at Calcutta, according to a plan which he himself had suggested. We might mention several other references in our pages to his learning, his anxiety for the promotion of Christianity, his zeal for the welfare of the natives of India, and his indefatigable labours in the high duties of his station. But the passages already alluded to will present to our readers, far better than we could do by a summary mention, the general outline of his lordship's sentiments and conduct. We shall therefore at present confine ourselves chiefly to a list of facts and dates, adding two or three extracts from the testimony of those who knew him intimately both before and after he left this country. Dr. Middleton was born in Jan. 1769, at Kedleston in Derbyshire, and was the only child of the Rev. Thomas Middleton of that place. He was educated at Christ's Hospital, whence he proceeded, upon one of the school exhibitions, to Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, where he took the degrees of B. A. 1792; M. A. 1795; and B. and D.D. in 1808. In March 1792, after taking the degree of B. A. and being ordained deacon by the then Bishop of Lincoln |