INDEX. ABWABS. Sce Rent, Ryot. ADAM, REV. MR.- his efforts in the cause of uni- persecuted by the missionaries, ADULTERY. Sve Commandment. Rites.) in the Vedas, 100. Worship of, leads to darknoss, 76. power over, 417 to 434. factum valet in case of alienation power of the father maintained that which is immoral is not rules of succession conventional, ANGIRA-(See Burning of Widows.) 247. difference of opinion between -- the doctrine inconsistent with Justice, human and divine, 195. prophets and angels also made sin forgiven freely according to JESUS- death of--on the cross not the ATONEMENT-Contd. LAMB-the term explained, 708. SACRIFICE- how far it is a divine institution, interpretation of passages show- means spiritual sacrifice in the terms atonement and sacrifice taking away of sins can have no SAVIOUR the application of the term to TEXTS -- In support of-examined, 601 to Job XIX. 24 to 26 examined, 707, BAPTISM- the association of Jesus's name the association of the name of BAPTIST MISSION. See Mission. self leads to, 39. the only homage to God, 198. the Suttee, 475 to 477. BHAGAVADGITA-(See Gayatri, Rites.) BRAHMUNICAL MAGAZINE- BRIBERY. See Court. BRITISH RULE-- praised, 300, 874. BROWN, MR.- explanation of Ephes. IV. 8, 741. BUCKINGHAM, J. MR.- BURNING OF WIDOWS - Isaiah XLII. examined, 717. if righteousness came by the Law, God's promise to Abraham con- the mode enjoined by Harita not BURNING OF WIDOWS-Contd. practice inhuman, 331, 332. sable, 356 to 359. Raghunandana on, 338 to 342. custom, cannot be defended on good onl only for those who do not petition against-to Parliament TEXTS regarding- Angira, 323. Brahma Purana, 324. Gotama, 324. Skanda Purana, 342. Vyasa, 324. Rig Veda, text of, in favour of- its genuineness questioned, 368. CONCREMATION- ceremony described, 371. praised only because it leads to texts in favour of, 323 to 324. POSTCREMATION- text for, 324. CANNING--Mr., 927. CAPITAL- want of, among ryots, 281, 282. CASTLE, Miss, letter to, 931. CHRIST-(See Jesus.) should not be hated, 212. CHRISTIANITY-(see Missions.) corrupted by the polytheistical and Protestants, 611. dogmas not essential to religion, preaching of dogmas no good, dogmas of Trinity polytheistical, converts, condition of, 877 to 879, conversion, motives for, 558, 878. measure of success in India, rejection by the people of India, utility of schools for the spread reasons of a Hindu for rejecting, CIRCUIT COURTS. See Courts. age of, 264, 303. CODIFICATION- want of, 240. of Criminal Laws, principle sug- of Civil Laws, principle suggest- ed, 265, 266. COLLECTOR- qualification of, 282, 283. powers of, 283. duties of, 291, 293. should not have the power of Magistrates, 283. COMMANDMENTS- against murder extended 488. the object of all to teach our COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE, COMPANY. See East India Com- CORNWALLIS, MARQUIS OF-his po- Judicial and Revenue system CORPORAL PUNISHMENT- only the judges of circuit should native lawyers attached to, 242 • English preferable to Persian as corruption and bribery in, 244, 245. COMPANY'S COURTS- defects of, 239 to 241. remedies of the defects, 216 to delays in, 255, 256. causes of and remedy for such delays, 255 to 256. COURT-Contd. general opinion regarding, 245, 246. CIRCUIT COURTS- judges of, 253. See Supreme Court, Sudder De- CRIMINAL LAW (See Codifica- founded on the Muhammadan Criminal Law, 261, 262. COUNCIL OF NICE. always changing in Bengal, 70 when to be followed according to Skanda Purana, 353. DAVID- his name associated with that holy one, called the, 650; 775. Daughter.) Where it differs from the Mitak- DAYATATWA. (Sce Mother.) of the wise, 30. DEITY-(See God, Supreme Being, celestial gods described them- 1 DEVOTION- constant practice necessary, 14. DEVI-MAHATMYA creation of Brahma &c., 111. DIGBY, letter to Mr. John, 928. salvation cannot be attained by, cause of disputes and wars, 556; preaching of, no good, 560. idea of, caused by ignorance, 60. his opinion about the success of DUELLING- over-looked in Courts of Justice, EAST INDIA COMPANY-- rise of, 233, 234. EDUCATION of LETTER on English education, ENAIT AHMED- a convert, his work against ESTLIN, J. В.— EUROPEANS-(See Indigo plan- study of Sanscrit compared with the establishment of Sanskrit study of Sanskrit, of not much Vedanta of not much good, 473. ELLIS, MR.- his opinion about the appoint intercourse with, beneficial to the limited control of courts over, pleaders, 317. possess an undue advantage SETTLEMENT IN INDIA BY-- speech by Rammohan Roy on, 917. to be permitted to settle, 284, in the Hill Stations, 319. jury ought to be composed im- EUROPEAN JUDGES. - See EUROPEAN OFFICERS abstract statement of their nom- pro- FATHER--(See Ancestral its meaning, 699. FIRE- seven names of, 24. worship of, leads to darkness, 76- |