Government of Canada. Debates ... in ... 1774, on the bill for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebec, drawn up from the notes of sir H. Cavendish, now first publ. by J. Wright |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
amendment answer apprehend assembly authority believe bill boundary called Canadian law Carleton civil law clause clergy colonies committee complaint conceive conquest consider constitution constitution of Canada criminal law Crown debate desire Edmund Burke English law established evidence extent favour fishery France French law give given governor habeas corpus heard honourable gentleman House of Commons House of Lords inhabitants judge judicature King King's land laws and customs laws of Canada laws of England laws of France learned gentleman legislative council legislature lettres de cachet liberty Lord North Majesty Majesty's Maseres matters ment merchants necessary never noble lord objection officers opinion parliament persons possession present principle proclamation proper proposed Protestant province of Quebec question reason regard regulations respect Roman Catholic Roman Catholic religion settled suppose thing thought tion tithe Townshend trade trial by jury understand wish words
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 250 - I AB do sincerely promise and swear, That I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance, to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary: So help me God.
الصفحة 240 - ... to make ordinances for the peace, welfare, and good government, of the said province, with the consent of his Majesty's governor, or, in his absence, of the lieutenant-governor, or commander in chief for the time being.
الصفحة 298 - Champlain, in 45. degrees of north latitude, passes along the high lands which divide the rivers that empty themselves into the said River St Lawrence from those which fall into the sea; and also along the north coast of the...
الصفحة 206 - ... far as the same relates to the said province of Quebec, and the commission under the authority whereof the government of the said province is at present administered, and all and every the ordinance and ordinances made by the governor and council of Quebec for the time being relative to the civil government and administration of justice in the said province, and all commissions to judges and other officers thereof, be and the same are hereby revoked, annulled and made void, from and after the...
الصفحة 298 - And to the end that the open and free fishery of our subjects may be extended to, and carried on upon the coast of Labrador and the adjacent islands...
الصفحة 299 - ... to make, constitute, and ordain laws, statutes, and ordinances for the public peace, welfare, and good government of our said colonies, and of the people and inhabitants thereof, as near as may be, agreeable to the laws of England...
الصفحة 216 - And, for the more perfect Security and Ease of the. » Minds of the Inhabitants of the said Province, it is hereby declared, That his Majesty's Subjects, professing the Religion of the Church of Rome...
الصفحة 183 - Ohio; and along the bank of the said river, westward, to the banks of the Mississippi, and northward to the southern boundary of the territory granted to the merchants adventurers of England, trading to Hudson's Bay...
الصفحة 299 - ... proclamation, that we have, in the letters patent under our great seal of Great Britain, by which the said governments are constituted, given express power and direction to our governors of our said colonies respectively, that so soon as the state and circumstances of the said colonies will admit thereof, they shall, with the advice and consent of the members of our council, summon and call general assemblies...
الصفحة 240 - That it shall and may be lawful for his Majesty, his heirs and successors, by warrant, under his...