صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

the orders in each,


persons in the orders,

the priesthood,

the person of the king, of the prince,

the City,

the parish in which I was baptized, All-Hallows, Barking,

My two schools,

my University,

my College,

the parish committed to me, St. Giles's,

the three Churches

of Southwell,

St. Paul's,


the three Dioceses

of Chichester,



my home,

my kindred,

those who show me pity,

those who minister to me ;

my neighbors,

my friends,

those who have a claim on me.

[blocks in formation]

the Church Ecumenical,

Eastern, Western, our own,

Rulers, Clergy, people.

States of the earth,

Christian, neighboring, our own,
the King, the Queen, the Prince,
the nobles.

Parliament, Law Courts, army, police.
The Commons,

farmers, merchants, artisans,

down to mean workmen,
and poor.

Those who have a claim on me,

from kindred,


ministration of things temporal,
charge formerly or now,

• Vide p. 206, edit. 1675.

natural kindness,

Christian love,


promise on my part,

their own desire,

their lack of leisure,

sympathy for their extreme misery;
any good work,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

[blocks in formation]

(To the multitude.)

He who hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none.

He that hath meat, let him do likewise.

(To the publicans.) (To soldiers.)

Exact no more than is appointed you. Do violence to no man; neither accuse any falsely; be content with your wages. Luke iii. 10-14.

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