ness in heaven, into which none are allowed to enter but those who are prepared for it. This should teach us the necessity of watchful obedience to the will of our great heavenly Master; it should teach us to seek his constant help to lead us on in the way in which we should walk. On Christ our hopes depend, this is right doc trine; and let us seek, by holy obedience to his will, to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. THE POOR FLY. I. So, so, you are running away, Mr. Fly, But l'l! come at you now, if you don't go too high; There, there, I have caught you,—you can't get away; Never mind, my old fellow, I'm only in play. II. O Charles! cruel Charles! you have killed the poor fly, You have pinched him so hard, he is going to die. His legs are all broken, and he cannot stand; There, now, he has fallen down dead in your hand! I hope you are sorry for what you have done, You may kill many flies, but you cannot make one. No, you can't set it up,-as I told you before, It is dead, and it never will stand any more. IV. Poor thing; as it buzz'd up and down on the glass, How little it thought what was coming to pass, For it could not have guessed, as it frisk'd in the sun, That a child would destroy it, for nothing but fun. V. The spider, who weaves his fine cobweb so neat, Might have caught him, indeed, for he wants him to eat; But the poor flies must learn to keep out of your way, As you kill them for nothing at all but your play. Nursery Rhymes. BODY OF A MAN FOUND IN A COPPER-MINE. IN December, 1719, there was found in one of the copper-mines in Sweden, the body of a man in an uncorrupted state, and changed into a hard horny substance. This man had been killed by the falling in of a part of the mine, in the year 1670, nearly fifty years before. Both his legs, and his right arm and head were fractured; but his face, and the rest of his body, were unhurt. When the body was exposed to view several of the miners recollected the features perfectly. The poor man's name was Matthew Israel; and it was well remembered that he had gone down into the mine at the time before-mentioned, and had been missing ever since. Bodies generally putrify a very short time after death, but the preservation of this body, and the hardness which it had acquired, were said to have been owing to the vitriol in the water of the mine, for the body was found in this vitriolic water, 1 NO. 35.] SEPTEMBER 15th, 1825. [VOL. III. SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLAND. (No. XVIII.-Continued from p. 53.) WE have already said that Edward, the son of the Duke of York, was pro G claimed king in the year 1461. This king was the fourth of the Edwards. He was said to be a fine, tall, and handsome man; but he was a very cruel one, as the following story, which is related of him will prove. He was one day hunting in the park of Sir Thomas Burdett. This gentleman was on very friendly terms with the Duke of Clarence, the king's brother;—but, as the king had a quarrel with his brother, he was glad to do something to injure his friend Burdett. He accordingly killed one of this gentleman's white bucks, which was a great favourite. Burdett was very angry at the loss of his deer; and in his passion, said that "he wished its horns were in the belly of the man who was the cause of its death." For these words, he was tried for his life, and hanged at Tyburn. We may be sure that the Duke of Clarence was very angry at this piece of tyranny and cruelty to his friend, and he said plainly what he thought, that it was an act of savage oppression. For speaking these words, the king ordered the duke himself to be put to death. The manner in which 8 |