this, it comes out with wings, and flies away. Then, in its turn, it lays eggs, and then dies. Those who have kept silk worms, have seen all this process; they might have seen it, by observing any other kind of grub. There is a very curious contrivance to be seen in the crysalis of the water moth. Before they change into moths, they are inhabitants of the water; and, by means of a kind of glue, they cover themselves with pieces of wood, straw, small shells, or gravel. It is necessary that they should be of the same weight as the water in which they live. To manage this, when their habitations are too heavy, they add a piece of wood, and are thus raised; when too light, they add a piece of gravel, and then go downwards. This is a wonderful instance of contrivance in these little creatures. It is the same way by which philosophers have contrived to raise large weights, or vessels that have sunk in the water, by adding to them other light vessels of wood, so that the whole mass together is lighter than the water, and will therefore rise. In the same way when we want any thing to sink, we tie a stone to it, just as the little grub puts on a piece of gravel. SPARROWS. SPARROWS are said to be mischievous creatures, and to eat a great deal of corn. But they are of some use, as every creature probably is if we perfectly understood its nature. A pair of sparrows, it is said, during the time that their young are to be fed, destroy every week, three thousand three hundred and sixty caterpillars. It was discovered by a person who watched them, that two parent sparrows carried to their nests forty caterpillars in an hour. They likewise feed their young ones with butterflies, and other winged insects, each of which, if not destroyed in this manner, would be the parent of several hundred of caterpillars. ANECDOTE OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. THE following anecdote is an example of the mildness of this great and learn ed man. Sir Isaac Newton had a little dog named Diamond; and one day, being called from his study into another room, Diamond was left behind. His master, when he came back, found that the dog had thrown a lighted candle down among some of his papers, which he had been working at for years; they were in flames, and almost burnt to ashes. Newton could not hope to retrieve his loss, for he was not then very young, yet without striking the dog, or being at all in a passion with him, he only said to him, "Oh Diamond, Diamond! thou little knowest the mischief thou hast done." SCRIPTURE. "Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. "Be kindly affectionate one to another, with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another. Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord," Rom. xii. 1. IN what year did Henry the Fifth come to the throne? 2. Did he lay aside his former bad behaviour? 3. How did he treat his old companions? 4. What sort of persons did he encourage now he was king? 5. Who was Sir William Gascoigne? 6. How did the king behave to him? 7. What form of religion had, for some time, prevailed in England? 8. What was one of the great objections to this form of religion? 9. Did nobody ever try to bring about a reformation, and to have the Bible in English? D 10. Who had translated the Bible into our language? 11. Was this translation allowed to be read? 12. What was done to the people who wished to read the Scriptures in their own language? 13. What nobleman suffered for encouraging the reading of the Bible? 14. How was he punished? 15. How did the king try to turn the minds of the people from these 'cruelties? 16. Was the king successful in his war against the French? 17. Where was the great battle fought? 18. Whom did king Henry marry ? 19. What was agreed upon on this marriage? 20. In what year did king Henry die? TWO SCHOOL BOYS. SAM Charnock was reckoned a sharp lad at school, and he thought himself so; he was a conceited boy; and, when a lesson was set him to learn, he |