was roasted over a slow fire till he was dead, in a manner too barbarous to describe. ... King Henry was very desirous of putting a stop to these cruelties, and he thought that a war against the French would turn the minds of the people from these cruel persecutions of their fellow-subjects. He accordingly went over to France with a large army, determined to try to conquer the French, and to get the crown for himself. The king of France raised a great army to oppose him, and a great battle was fought between them, at Agincourt, in France, where the English gained a complete victory, although their army was very small, compared with that of the French. After this, king Henry * married the daughter of the king of France, and it was agreed that he should himself be king of France after the death of the present king. . The king of England, however, soon died himself; and there was an end of all his ambition. This was in the year 1422. (To be continued.) * See the Picture. LESSON FOR A CHILD. No. XI. (FROM A BRIEF VIEW OF SCRIPTURE HISTORY FOR CHILDREN.) (Continued from p. 8.) SOME time after this, Abraham died ; and Isaac continued to live in the land of Canaan. And God appeared to him, and told him that he would give the land of Canaan to his seed after him. And God made Isaac the same promises which he had made to his father Abraham, and told him that he would bless him, and that from one of his sons should come a great nation, and that in his seed all the families of the earth should be blessed. And, when the two boys were grown up, Esau came one day from hunting in the field; and he was hungry, and his brother Jacob had some pottage; and Esau said to him, "give me, I pray thee, of thy pottage." But Jacob said, "I will give thee some of my pottage, if thou wilt give me thy birthright," and Esau said he would gi him up his birth-right. So Jacob fed him with his pottage: and thus Esau shewed that he despised his birthright; which shewed also that he despised the great promises of God to his family, which promises belonged to the elder by his birth-right. Questions to be asked, after the child has read the Lesson. Q. Where did Isaac live when his father Abraham was dead? A. He lived in the land of Canaan. Q. What did God promise him? A. The same things that he had promised to his father Abraham. Q. What were they? A. That he would bless him, aud his children's children, and give them the land of Canaan for their possession, and make of them a great nation. Q. What else did God promise him? A. That in his seed should all the families of the earth be blessed. Q. What did this blessing mean? Q. How many sons had Isaac? Q. What happened to Esau one day, when he came in from hunting? A. He saw his brother Jacob with a mess of pottage before him. Q. What did Esau ask him for? Q. Did Jacob give him any? A. He said, "Give me up thy birth-right, and I will." Q. What was Esau's birth-right? A. The hope that the great nation should come from him, as well as the Blessing of all the nations of the earth. Q. Did Esau, then, sell his birthright for a mess of pottage? A. Yes. Q. Did it not shew that he despised God's promises, to be so ready to part with them? Q. Did he not wish to get back his birth-right? A. Yes; but he could not, though he sought it earnestly with tears. (To be continued.) NATURAL HISTORY. ON TREES. THE sap-vessels of a tree answer the same purpose as the blood-vessels of the human body. The roots of a tree draw moisture from the earth, and this moisture is carried through an amazing number of small vessels, even to the very end of their leaves. There is one species of the aloe, the leaf of which being cut off will not dry for several weeks. This grows in a hot country where there is but little rain; this plant, for want of rain, would soon be dried up, if it was not full of moisture itself, and if the skin was not so contrived as to hold in the moisture. Dialogues on Natural History. THE CUCKOO. THIS bird does not hatch its own egg, but lays it in the nest of a small bird, as the wagtail or hedge-sparrow. It loes this, because it leaves our couny before its young is strong enough follow it; and then the other bird es care of the young cuckoo. |