صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Q. Who else went with him?
A. Lot.

Q. Who was Lot?

A. His brother's son.

Q. What land did God tell them to go to?

A. Canaan.

Q. Was Abram rich ?

A. Yes; he was rich in cattle, and

in silver, and in gold.

Q. Had Lot cattle too?

A. Yes, a great deal, and


many ser

Q. Did their servants quarrel?
A. Yes.

Q. What did Abram say to Lot? A. Let there be no quarrels between me and you, and between my servants and your servants.

Q. What else did he say?

A. If you go to the left hand, then will I take the right, and if you take the right hand, I will go to the left. Q. Why did Abram want to part? A. That they might not quarrel. Q. Why did he say it would be a shame to quarrel?

A. Because they were brethren,

Q. Were they really brethren?

A. They were as brethren, being nearly related; and besides, we should none of us quarrel, but should act like brethren to one another.

Q. Did not this show an excellent disposition in Abram?

A. Yes.

Q. What place did Lot choose to live in?

A. Sodom.

Q. Was it a good place to live in?
A. No.

Q. Was it not a beautiful town?
A. Yes.

Q. Then why was it a bad place to live in?

A. Because the men of Sodom were sinners against the Lord.

Q. What place was near Sodom?
A. Gomorrah.

Q. Was Gomorrah a wicked place?
A. Yes, as bad as Sodom.

(To be continued.)

The credit that is got by a lie lasts

only till the truth comes out,

[merged small][graphic]


THIS is an enormous creature, generally about twelve feet long. His skin is of a blackish colour. His nose is armed with a hard and solid horn; and, with this strong weapon, he is able to defend himself against the fiercest animal that dares to attack him. The body of the Rhinoceros, too, is defended by a skin so hard that scarcely any weapon can pierce it, excepting in the under parts. It is said, "that, even to shoot a full grown Rhinoceros, it is necessary to use iron bullets, as leaden

ones are sometimes flattened by strik. ing against the skin." This animal is generally of a quiet and harmless disposition, yet, when he is attacked, he becomes extremely dangerous. The eyes of the Rhinoceros are small, and his sight dull; but his sense of hearing is particularly good: he can also run with great swiftness; and, from his vast strength and hard coat, he can rush through the woods in such a way that nothing seems able to stop him, the smaller trees bending like shrubs as he passes them. The Rhinoceros is a native of India and several parts of Africa.


ALMIGHTY God! who hast kept me from every danger the night past, and hast raised me up in health and safety, I humbly thank Thee for this Thy goodness to me.

I beg of Thee, O God, to keep me from harm this day; keep me especially from every thing that is naughty and wicked. May I, in all things, seek

to do Thy holy will; may I be full of thankfulness for all that our blessed Saviour has done for me; may I be dutiful to my parents and teachers, loving to my brothers and sisters, and kind to all my fellow-creatures, and to every creature that Thou hast made. Grant that I may be, in every thing, just and honest; and careful always to speak the exact truth. Bless my pa. rents, my friends, and all mankind: bless me, I pray Thee, and make me a good child, now and for ever, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Our Father, which art in heaven, &c. &c.


O GOD, who hast given me every blessing, and hast kept me in health and safety the day past, I humbly thank Thee for this and all Thy goodness to me. Forgive me, for Jesus Christ's sake, every thing that I have done wrong this day, and grant me Thy grace that I may do so no more. O Lord, my Heavenly Father, bless, I pray Thee, my father and mother, my bro

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