That shoot along the briny deep, "Tis He that bids the tempests rise, Through all the earth extends his sway †. His goodness all his creatures share; Then, while they all proclaim his praise, *The sky is called concave, because it appears to us hollow; not that it is so in reality. The word concave means hollow, like the inside of a cup. Convex means the contrary, something coming out like the outside of a cup. 66 + Through all the earth extends his sway," means that his sway (or powers extends through all the earth. Poets change the order of words for the sake of the rhyme and measure, &c. National School Magazine. NO. 19.] JANUARY 15th, 1825. [VOL. II SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLAND. (No. X.-Continued from p. 260.) KING John had got the nation into great trouble by his C very bad manage ment, so that the king of France had, for a long time, power enough to prevent Henry, the king's son, from being crowned. Prince Henry, however, was supported by many powerful friends, and, by their means, after a great deal of difficulty, he got possession of the kingdom. This king seemed to begin well, and he confirmed the charter of liberties which his father had given to the people. He was not, however, able to govern the kingdom in such troublesome times. He wished to be a good king, but his mind was not great and powerful enough for the difficulties which he had to encounter. There was a rich nobleman in those days called Simon Montford, Earl of Leicester; he was an ambitious and discontented man, and he raised an army for the rebellious purpose of fighting against the king. In one battle he took both the king and his son prisoners. This son was named Edward, and he was a very bold and spirited youth; and we are told of a curious method that he contrived of escaping out of the hands of the earl of Leicester. He was not constantly shut up in prison; but, whenever he went out, he was attended by several guards, to prevent him from escaping. One day, when he was riding out with these attendants, he proposed that they should ride races together, and said that he would stand still and judge who won the race. When they had raced till they had tired all their horses, the young prince galloped away on his fresh horse, and left them all in the lurch, knowing that their horses were all too tired to follow him. Young Edward then raised an army to oppose the earl of Leicester, and with the desire of setting the king his father at liberty. A bloody battle was fought, and Leicester was killed. The earl had put the old king, his prisoner, in the front of his army, that he might be killed by the soldiers in the prince's army; for, as he was concealed by his armour, nobody could be expected to know who he was. He was indeed wounded by one of the prince's soldiers, and would have been killed, but he had just time to cry out that he was "the King." The young prince in mediately knew the voice of his father, and rode up instantly to him and took him to his own tent, and had his wound dressed, and was very thankful that he was the means of delivering his father from prison, and rescuing him from death. The king lived for many years after this. He did not indeed die till the year 1272, having reigned for 56 years, the longest of any of the Euglish kings, except good George the Third. (To be continued.) CONVERSATION BETWEEN MARY WILLIAMSON AND JANE MARSON. (Continued from p. 10.) Jane. I suppose you have been very busy lately, Mary, after school-hours; I have hardly been able to see any thing of you for the last fortnight. Mary. Why my mother had a good deal to do, and she wanted me to help her. J. But I suppose she allows you a little time to play, or to walk about, does not she? |