prevent him from going on in his design of goodness and of mercy? No. The very next verse to that which relates the abuse which the Pharisees poured upon him, tells us, that "Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people." Matt. ix. 35. Thus shall we always, if we are true followers of Christ, try to be doing good, however unkind may be the remarks of others upon our conduct. Christians are to persevere in the service of God " through evil report and good report;""not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as the servants of Christ; doing the will of God from the heart." Ephesians vi. 6. CURIOUS ANECDOTES OF DOGS. A blind beggar's dog, besides leading his master in such a manner as to protect him from all danger, learned to know, not only the streets, but the very houses where the poor used to receive assistance. Whenever the animal came to one of these streets, he would not leave it till a call had been made at every house where his master had usually been encouraged. When the beggar began to ask alms, the dog lay down to rest himself, but the master was no sooner relieved, or refused assistance, than the dog rose immediately, and went on regularly to the houses where the beggar had generally been relieved. When a halfpenny was thrown from a window, the dog would immediately set about to search for it, and would then lift it up from the ground, and put it into his master's hat. Even when bread was thrown down, the animal would not taste it, unless his master gave it him with his own hand. Dogs have been taught to go regularly to the butcher's shop, and to carry home the meat in safety. A mastiff, who had often observed his master ringing at the door for admission, had so learned to imitate him, that whenever he was accidentally shut out from any house where his master was visiting, he would himself always ring the bell, There was a dog belonging to a groeer at Edinburgh, who greatly amused and astonished the people in the neighbourhood. A man who went through the streets ringing a bell, and selling penny pies, happened one day to treat the dog with a pie. The next time he heard the pieman's bell, he ran towards him, and seized him by the coat, and would not suffer him to pass. The pieman, who understood what the animal wanted, showed him a penny, and pointed to his master, who stood at the street door, intending to shew the dog that he must ask his master for a penny before he could have a pie. The dog immediately went to his master, and made many signs to him, and directed looks to him as if he was earnestly begging for something. The master, who had seen what had happened, put a penny into the dog's mouth, which the dog instantly delivered to the pieman, and received his pie. This traffic between the pieman and the dog was practised for a long time afterwards. THE National School Magazine. NO. 27.] MAY 15th, 1825. [VOL. II. SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLAND. (No. XIV. Continued from p. 117.) WE last read about brave king Edward the Third, and his gallant son the L Black Prince, and the famous battles of Cressy and Poictiers. We saw that the Black Prince died before his father but this prince left a son whose name was Richard, and he was therefore now to be the king; this was king Richard the Second. This young king was only eleven years of age when he came to the throne; and, being too young to govern, the affairs of his kingdom were left to his uncles, who were his guardians. Many people at that time were very discontented, because of the large taxes which they had to pay, on account of the expensive wars of the last king. A man of the name of Wat Tyler, a blacksmith, went at the head of a great mob, and tried to raise a riot in London. King Richard was then sixteen years of age, and ke agreed to meet Wat Tyler and his people in Smithfield, which was then truly a field just out of the gates of the city of London, This was a bold measure in the young king, but he said he was willing to listen to the complaints of his people, and to relieve them if he could, When they met, Wat Tyler behaved very rudely, and seemed even to threat |