shew no extraordinary appearance ; but it will stretch out to such a degree, as to hold a vast quantity of provisions. The pelican lives chiefly upon fish, but when he has been out fishing, and has had a good day, he does not eat all he catches at once; but he carries it home in his bag, and eats it at his leisure. When the bag is filled with fish, it is wonderful to see to what a size it will stretch out. They have a curious way of fishing. They fly about thirty or forty yards above the surface of the sea, turning their heads with one eye downwards; and when they see a fish near enough to the top of the water, they dart down upon him, and catch him to a certainty, and put him into their pouch. Then they try again till they have got a bag full, and after they have got a day's maintenance for their labour, they go home quietly to enjoy it. The pelican's pouch is often for curiosity put on a man's head, like a helmet; this is frequently done by people who carry about collections of wild beasts, &c. There is a strange story, believed in old times, that the pelican feeds its young with its own blood, making a hole in its breast with a pointed hook which it has at the end of its upper bill. Probably this idle fancy may have arisen from the appearance of the bird when hoiding down its head, to pour out the contents of its pouch for its young ones. THE QUICK, AND THE DEAD. WE read in Scripture of the "quick and the dead." The meaning of the word "quick" is not always understood, because it is an old word, not used in our language now in the same sense as it was formerly. It means the "living;" and when we say that Christ will come to judge the " quick and the dead," we mean that every person shall stand before his judgment seat at the great day; not only those who are in their graves, or at the bot. tom of the sea, but those who shall be "alive at his coming;" every eye shall see him. "Watch and pray, for ye know not when the time is.” THERE is, on Salisbury* plain, a number of vast stones, having a very curious appearance; some of them are laid across the others, and have a sort of resemblance to a gallows; and it was probably from this appearance, that the name of "Stonehenge" was given to these celebrated remains of ancient times. The word "Stonehenge" is Saxon, and signifies a "stone gallows." It is not exactly known what this building was originally intended for, or when it was first erected. One opinion is, that it was built as a great monument to the memory of 460 Britons, who were murdered by the Saxons. Some say that it was erected to the memory of an ancient British king. Others think that it is the monument of Boadicea, the queen of the ancient Britons. Some think that it is the remains of a Roman temple; and some consider that it was erected by the Danes, who were for two years masters of Wiltshire. * In Wiltshire. The most common opinion, how. ever, and probably the right one, is, that it was a temple belonging to the Britons of former days, and that in it the Druids performed their worship, and conducted their religious ceremonies. These Druids, as we have already mentioned, (page 15, vol. 1.) were the priests of the ancient Britons. The Druids were accustomed to place one large stone on another for religious memorials, and some of these are so exactly balanced, that the slightest touch will make them move. One such stone remains at Stonehenge, and there are others, in different parts of the country, especially a very curious one near Penzance, in Cornwall, called the rocking stone, or logan. These rocking stones are of such vast size, and so firm in reality, that it has appeared beyond the power of man to move them from their stations, though they may be made to vibrate with a single hand. Not long since, some English sailors, determined to try what they could do, and actually succeeded in removing the logan from its situation. It was, |