صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

A Jew of Venice has explained,
In the language of his nation,
The manner how this fray began,
Of which here is translation.

There was a widow old and poor,
Who scarce herself could keep;
Her stock of goods was very small,
Her flock one single sheep.

And when her time of shearing came,
She counted much her gains;

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When Aaron heard the sheep was shear'd

And gave a good increase,
He straitway sent his tything man

And took away the fleece.

At this the weeping widow went
To Korah to complain,
And Korah he to Aaron went

In order to explain.

But Aaron said, in such a case

There can be no forbearing,
The law ordains that thou shalt give
The first fleece of thy shearing.

When lambing time was come about,
This sheep became a dam;

And bless'd the widow's mournful heart,

By bringing forth a lamb.

When Aaron heard the sheep had young,

He staid till it was grown,

Then he sent his tything man,

And took it for his own.

Again the weeping widow went

To Korah with her grief, But Aaron said, in such a case There could be no relief.

For in the holy law 'tis writ,

That whilst thou keep'st the stock, Thou shalt present unto the Lord The firstling of thy flock.

The widow then, in deep distress,
And having nought to eat,
Against her will she killed the sheep,
To feed upon the meat.

When Aaron heard the sheep was killed,

He sent and took a limb; Which by the holy law, he said, Pertained unto him;

For in the holy law 'tis writ,

That when thou kill'st a beast,

Thou shalt a shoulder and a breast
Present unto the priest.

The widow then, worn out with grief,
Sat down to mourn and weep;

And in a fit of passion said,
The devil take the sheep.

Then Aaron took the whole away,
And said, the laws record
That all and each devoted thing
Belongs unto the Lord.

The widow went among her kin,

The tribes of Israel rose;
And all the widows, young and old,

Pull'd Aaron by the nose.


But Aaron called an earthquake up,

And fire from out the sky;
And all the consolation is-

The Bible tells a lie.



Travelling to Bethlehem, guided by a Star, to see the little Jesus in a Manger, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, c. xxii.

TAREE pedlars travelling to a fair,
To see the fun and what was there,
And sell their merchandize;
They stopp'd upon the road to chat,
Refresh and ask of this and that,
That they might be more wise.

"And pray," the landlord says to them,
"Whence go ye, sirs?" "To Bethlehem,"
The citizens replied.

"You're merchants, sirs," to them said he,
"We are," replied the pedlars three,
"And eastern men beside."

"I pray, what have you in your packs,
If worth the while I will go snacks,"
To them quoth Major Domo;
"We've buckles, buttons, spectacles,
And every thing a merchant sells,"
Replied the travelling trio.

"These things are very well," said he,
"For beaux and those who cannot see,
Much further than their knuckles;

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Our travellers coming to a house,
Scarce fit to entertain a mouse,
Enquired to have a room.

The landlord said he was not able,
To give them any but a stable,
So many folks were come.

"" I I pray, who have you here," say they, "And how much money must we pay

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For we have none to spare."

Why there's one Joseph and a wench, Who are to go before the bench,

About a love affair.

"Some how or other, in a manger, A child exposed to every danger Was found, as if 'twas sleeping.

The girl she swears that she's a maid, says the man, but I'm afraid


On me will fall the keeping.

"Now if you'll set your wits about
To find this knotty inatter out,
I'll pay whate'er it may be."
Then on the trav'lling pedlars went,
To pay their birthday compliment,
And talk about the baby.

They then unpack'd their pack of toys, Some for show and some for noise,

But mostly for the latter;

One gave a rattle, one a whistle,

One a trumpet made of gristle,
To introduce the matter.

One squeaked away, the other blew,
The third played on the rattle too,

To keep the bantling easy;

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