THE MONTHLY RELIGIOUS MAGAZINE. VOLUME XXXI. EDITED BY REV. E. H. SEARS AND REV. RUFUS ELLIS. BOSTON: LEONARD C. BOWLES. 167 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by LEONARD C. BOWLES, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. BOSTON: PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON AND SON, 15, WATER STREET. Rénan's Life of Jesus, 111. The Two Roads, 137. SERMONS. A Leaf from our Ecclesiastical History, 94. Follow Me, 159. Joshua and the Sun, 19. Memorial of Rev. Jared M. Heard, 274. Prayer in the Name of Christ, 341. POETRY. "Adeste Fideles," 141. Died To-day, 260. Spiritual Life, and the Law of its Easter Hymn, 257. Growth, 322. Sunday in Paris, 299. The Decline of Faith in Prayer, 205. The Soul's Beauty, 217. The Story of a Mother, 47. The Story of Joe, 28, 82. The Subordination of Science to Religion, 142. Home and Heaven, 27. Hymn, 378. Hymns from the German, 80, 148, 215, 283, 351. I went to gather Flowers, 114. Life, 385. Loneliness, 226. My Prayer and its Answer, 18. Insincere Praying, 64. Internal Evidence of Christianity, 63. Letter from the Army of the Poto- Living within One's Means, 57. Mistakes and Errors, Helps to the Good and True, 267. New Year of 1864, 54. Our New Year, 52. Our War: the End sure, 129. Popularity, 268. Prayer for the Eternal Calm, 197. Simplicity of Dr. McCrie's Manner, 200. Systematic Beneficence, 201. The New Jerusalem descending, The Supernatural Life of the Soul, 399. The Two Worlds, 405. . Now, 306. Peace, 93. Peace, an Invocation, 169. Rabboni, 9. The Child's Plea, 27.. The Iron Collar, 288. The Seen, Temporal; The Unseen, Eternal, 103. Three Hundredth Anniversary of Shakspeare's Birthday, 256. RANDOM READINGS. A Black Ambulance-Driver, 58. Defect in Theodore Parker's Libra- Divine Providence in War, 400. Glorification through Suffering, 122. Growing Influence of the Young, 266. How long will this War last, 199. Impossible to go to Heaven alone, 129. sippi, 130. Transmutation of Species, 335. William Hickling Prescott, 124. |