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النشر الإلكتروني

Think then, when you shall be upon the ocean, how absolutely you depend upon him whom the winds and the waves obey. Recall with gratitude his watchfulness over you in times past, and his deliverances in seasons of peril. Think, as you cast your eyes upon the waves, how many of your fellowcreatures are entombed in their bosom; how many have shrieked, but shrieked in vain, as they sunk in their watery grave! And then ask yourself, To whom is it owing, that while these have perished, I have been preserved? To whom but that God who must still uphold me, or in an hour, in a moment, I also must perish? And to whom should my life be devoted, but to Him who has thus made it his care?

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When journeying upon the land, remember how many have expired far from their homes, and found that separation from their friends which they supposed would have endured but for a few months, to have been a final one upon earth. Remember that you are continually exposed to the operation of some of those thousand circumstances which have cut short the days of others. Each evening then, that you are spared, erect your Ebenezer, and cry, "Hitherto the Lord hath helped me." Each morning that you rise, implore his protection through the day. Engrave on your heart his interpositions. "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your steps."

Attend not only to your preservation, but to all the providential dealings of God to you see him continually guiding and blessing you; here bestowing an unexpected mercy; there, for your good, disappointing your plans: constantly so arranging, combining, and disposing events as to invite you to new degrees of holiness. Extend your observation to those with whom you associate; to the places which you visit.

Every where you will see proofs of a Providence universally extended, constantly operative, constantly kind.

Such views of divine providence deeply impressed, and permanently retained, will render your journey prosperous; but if you are destitute of them, through your ingratitude and insensibility, you offend your God.

III. A Christian may esteem a journey prosperous, in which his conviction of the value and uniformity of the religion of Jesus is increased.

The various objects that will be presented to him will be calculated to produce this conviction; and if he be not wanting to himself, he must return home disposed more ardently to bless God for the revelation of his gospel, and the communication of his grace. Does he in his journeyings enter the house of poverty? He can still find happiness there, if there be true piety in the bosom of its inhabitants. Does he visit the bed of death? He sees the expiring mortal, if the friend of his Jesus, supported by the recollection of the agonies of his crucified Redeemer, and filled with transport from the assurance of the love of his Redeemer, now reigning in glory. Does he in his travels behold every variety of human wretchedness? He sees no wound for which there is not a balm in the gospel, no agonized heart that is beyond the power of its consolations. Does he contemplate the deep degradation of human nature? It is among those wretched persons who have treated with neglect the blessed Redeemer. Is he at any time in danger of sudden death? He is not dismayed if he have the assurance of God's love, and if he feel the gracious presence of his Saviour. Does he think of the friends

and relatives that he has left? How cheering, while

separated, to be able to meet them in spirit at the throne of grace; and to know that they and he are encompassed in the protecting arms of the same gracious Father, and are under the guardianship of the same merciful Redeemer. Yes, he feels more deeply the value of that heartfelt piety which can not only cheer his home, but can attend him in his voyages, and accompany him in his journeys; can shed consolation in every hour of trial, and give new charms to every season of joy.

And as he thus feels the value, so he sees the uniformity of the religion of Jesus. Far from his home, and from those with whom he was accustomed to go to the house of God in company," he meets with the disciples of the Redeemer. They have been brought to a knowledge of the truth by different instruments, and, it may be, in different methods from himself, and from one another; they may belong to different denominations of Christians, and have met from different quarters of the world; yet, though meeting for the first time, when they speak of their common Saviour; of the change that has been wrought in their souls; of the new views, sentiments, and emotions, that are given by regenerating grace, he finds such a similarity, and, in all essential points, such a sameness in the operation on their hearts and his own, as to give him the most unshaken conviction, that it is the same Spirit of God who in all places works in the children of Jesus. He only has made "a prosperous journey," who returns from it thus, feeling more sensibly the value and the uniformity of the religion of Jesus.

IV. That journey cannot be esteemed prosperous by a Christian, in which he does not embrace opportunities of acquiring and doing good.

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Sometimes even believers, during their voyages and journeys, instead of advancing in holiness, have receded; have found their graces withering, because they neglected those means of spiritual improvement to which they habitually attended at home. Carefully guard against this danger. Let the word of God not be disregarded: daily read a portion of it; and let it be your song and rejoicing during your pilgrimage. Reject all pleas from hurry and occupation that would lead you to intermit the offices of devotion and the exercise of prayer; forget not to keep holy the Sabbath of the Lord; always, if possible, attend in the sanctuary when God is wont to meet with his people, and bless them; and when you cannot enjoy public ordinances, be careful to preserve the life of religion in your soul by private prayer, reading, meditation, and spiritual conversation. Think, wherever you may be, of the flock to which you belong, and bear them and their pastor in the arins of faith and prayer to the mercyscat. Avoid as much as possible any intimacy with the enemies of God, and cultivate the friendship of those warm-hearted believers with whom you meet, and whose zeal may animate you. Think what will be the peculiar temptations to which, in your journey, you will be exposed; and beforehand fortify yourself against them. Reflect on the several means you possess of being useful, and seriously inquire what you may do for the glory of God and the honour of the Redeemer. Be not afraid nor ashamed, on all occasions, to avow your attachment to the blessed Saviour: an open, consistent conduct, will be far less likely to excite the sneers and scoffs of the profane, than a timid, temporizing behaviour. Embrace with joy any opportunity of instructing the ignorant,

of comforting the unhappy, and of warning the thoughtless. A word spoken in season may be the means of saving a soul.

Thus act, and "your journey will be prosperous," and remembered by you with pleasure at death, and at the judgment-bar. Forget not that for the occupation of every moment of it you are to render an account. Suppose not that it forms an interstice between your regular duties and habitual employments, that you may spend as you please. God demands your whole life, and he deserves it all.

5. Finally that journey is prosperous in which we constantly feel that our whole life is a journey towards eternity; that we are here pilgrims and strangers; and in which we act in a manner con formed to this persuasion.

Frequently then think, when far from home, that you are only sojourners upon earth: that this world is not your home: that heaven is your country, from which you were new-born; where your best and dearest friends live; where is your inheritance; and where you shall dwell for ever. When during your journey your thoughts turn to your earthly home, say, "Ought I not more frequently to think of that heavenly country where are my chief concerns, my everlasting interests? Ought I not to keep up a constant correspondence with it by prayer and by praise, by the exercise of faith, of love, and of desire ?"


Do you meet with little inconveniences and troubles, which you bear without repining, because they must so soon cease? Say to yourselves, And are not all the afflictions of life also transient? Will they not soon cease for ever to harass me? Let me then endure them without murmuring.' Thus let

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