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النشر الإلكتروني


From June to September 1818.


Letters and Papers on Agriculture, Planting, &c. selected from a Correspondence of the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society, Vol. XIV. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

The Farmer's Magazine. No. 75. 3s.


Conversations on Algebra, being an Introduction to the First Principles of that Science. By W. Cole. 12mo. 7s.

The Algebraist's Assistant, being a Compendium of Algebra, upon the plan of Walkingame's Tutor's Assistant. The whole designed as a Question-book for the use of Schools and private Study. By James Harris. 12mo. 4s.


Adams's (James) Elements of the Ellipse, together with the Radii of Curvature, &c. relating to that Curve; and of Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in Elliptical Orbits; to which is added, the first of Dr Matthew Stewart's Tracts, with numerous Diagrams and Plates. 8vo. 12s. bds.


A List of the Numbers, and of the valuable Library and Collection of Prints, Drawings and Pictures, of W. Roscoe, Esq. which were sold at Liverpool in 1816. 8vo. 7s.


Memoirs of Count de Las Casas, communicated by himself, comprising a Letter from Count de Las Casas at St Helena to Lucien Buonaparte, giving a faithful account of the voyage of Napoleon to St Helena, his residence, manner of living, and treatment on that Island; also a Letter addressed by Count de Las Casas to Lord Bathurst. 8vo. 8s. 6d.

Memoirs of Madame Manson, explanatory of her Conduct with regard to the Murder of M. Fualdes. Written by herself, and addressed to Madame Engelran, her Mother; with a Portrait, &c. Translated from the French. 12mo. 5s. 6d.

Biographical Conversations on the most eminent Voyagers of different Nations, from Columbus to Cooke. By the Rev. W. Bingley. 12mo. 7s.

Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F. R. S. &c. Published by his Grandson, William Temple Franklin. Vol. III. 4to.

Memoirs of an unfortunate Son of Thespis; being a Sketch of the Life of Edward Cape Everard, Comedian, twenty-three years of the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane, London, and pupil of the late David

Garrick, Esq.; with Reflections, Remarks, and Anecdotes, written by himself. 3s.

Historical Memoirs of Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor, including original Notices of Lady Grange, with an introductory sketch, illustrative of the condition of the Highlands prior to the year 1745. By K. M'Leay, M.D. 8s.

Life of James Sharp, Archbishop of St Andrews, with an account of his Death by an Eyewitness.


Part VIII. of Green's Botanical Dictionary, with Coloured or Plain Engravings.


Universal Commerce; or, the Commerce of all the Mercantile Cities and Towns of the World. 8yo. 10s. 6d.

European Commerce; or, Complete Mercantile Guide to the Continent of Europe. By C. W. Rordansz. 8vo. 18s.


The Appeal a Tragedy, in three Acts; as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh. 3s.

The Family Shakespeare; in which nothing is added to the original Text, but those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a family. By Thomas Bowdlin, Esq. F. R. S. & S. A. 10 vol. Royal 18mo. 31. 3s. boards.


D'Oisy's Dictionary of the Difficulties of the French Language Svo.


Gautier's Idioms of the French Language. 12mo. 5$

Praval's French Syntax. 12mo. 4s.

Jamieson's Grammar of Rhetoric and Polite Literature. 12mo. 6s. 6d. bound.

A Sequel to the French Exercises of Chambaud, Hammel Perrin, Wanostrocht, and other Grammars; being a practical guide to translate from English into good French. On a new Plan, with Gramma

tical Notes. By G. H. Poppleton. 12mo. 2s.

A Key to the same Exercises. 12mo. 2s. 6d. bound. Profitable Amusements for Children, or Familiar Tables, combining Useful Instruction with pleasing Entertainment. 18mo. 2s. half


The Metamorphosis, or Effects of Education. A Tale. 18mo. 2s. 6d.

Nature Displayed in her Mode of Teaching Language to Man; being a new and infallible method of acquiring Languages with unparalleled rapidity, deduced from the Analysis of the Human Mind, and consequently suited to every capacity, adapted to the French. By N. G. Dufief. 2 vol. 8vo.



The First Volume of the Philosophical Library, being a Collection of the most rare and valuable reprints of ancient Morality, &c. 8vo. 15s. 6d.


Heming's Scripture Geography. Illustrated by a set of Maps and a Chart of the World. Royal 4to. 31. 10s.


A short Introduction to the Study of Geology, comprising a new Theory of the Elevation of the Mountains, and the Stratification of the Earth, in which the Mosaic Account of the Creation and the Delage is indicated. By Joseph Sutcliffe, A. M. 8vo.


Bigland's (J.) Letters on French History, from the Earliest Period to the Battle of Waterloo, and re-establishment of the House of Bourbon: For the use of Schools. 12mo. 6s. boards.

Walpole's (Robt. M.A.) Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, and other Countries of the East. Edited from Manuscript Journals. Second Edition. 4to. 31. 3s.


The Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, for the year 1818. 2s.

A Digest of the Law of the Distribution of the Personal Estates of Intestates. By F. Mascall, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. 6s.

A complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason, and other Crimes and Misdemeanours, from the earliest period to the year 1783, with Notes and other Illustrations; compiled by T. B. Howell, Esq. F. R. S. F. S. A.; and continued from the year 1783 to the present time, by T. J. Howell, Esq. Vol. XXIV. Royal 8vo. 11. 11s. 6d.

Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 1756 to 1766, from the original MSS. of Lord Northington; collected and arranged by the Hon. R. H. Eden. 2 vol. royal 8vo. 31. 35.

Criminal Trials, illustrative of the Tale entitled "the Heart of Mid-Lothian. Published from the original Record, together with a prefatory Notice, including some particulars of the Life of Captain John Porteous. 8s.

Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon. By C. T. Swanston of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. Barrister at Law. Vol. I. Part Ist, commencing in Hilary Term, 58 Geo. III. 1818. The Reports are a regular continuation of Mr Merivale's 3d volume, and will be continued. Royal 8vo. 5s.

Reports of Cases argued and determined on the Equity Side of the Court of Exchequer, before the Lord Chief Baron, commencing in the Sittings before Trinity Term, 57 Geo. III., 1817, to the end of Hilary Term, 58 Geo. III. 1818. By Edmund Robert Daniell, of the Middle Temple, Esq. Barrister at Law. These Reports will be continued regularly. Royal 8vo. 6s.


Observations on the different kinds of Small-pox, and especially

on that which sometimes follows vaccination. Illustrated by a number of cases. By Alexander Monro, M. D. F. R. S. E. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Edinburgh. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Practical Observations on the Extraction of the Placenta. By James Murdoch, M. D. 1s. 6d.

A Lock Hospital recommended to the Inhabitants of Edinburgh. By John Thomson, M. D. Nicholson Street. 1s.

Edinburgh Medical Journal, No. LVI. 3s.

Observations on a Stridulous Affection of the Bowels, and on some Varieties of Spinal Disease, with an Appendix of Cases. By J. Bradley, M. D.

Observations, proving that Dr Wilson's Tincture for the Cure of Gout and Rheumatism is similar in its Nature and Effects to that deleterious preparation the Eau Medicinale. By W. H. Williams, M.D. F. L. S. 4to. 4s.

Medical Tracts read at the College of Physicians, between the years 1767 and 1785. By Sir George Baker, Bart. M. D.; collected and republished by his Son. 18s.

A Treatise on Uterine Hæmorrhage. By Duncan Stewart, Physician-Accoucheur, &c. &c. 8vo. 6s.

A Supplement to the Pharmacopæias, including not only the Drugs and Compounds which are used by professional or private Practitioners of Medicine, but also those which are sold by Chemists, Druggists, and Herbalists, and for other purposes. By S. F. Gray. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

An Experimental Inquiry into the Laws of the Vital Functions, with some Observations on the Nature and Treatment of Internal Diseases. By A. P. Wilson Philip, M. D. F.R.S.E. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

On the Nature and Treatment of Tetanus and Hydrophobia; with some Observations on the Natural Classification of Diseases in general. By Robert Reid, M. D. licentiate of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Dublin. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

A Statement of the Results of Practice in continued Fever, as it prevailed in Auchtermuchty and neighbourhood, in 1817; with an Appendix, containing a few Practical Remarks on Measles, Scarlatina, &c. By James Bonnar, Surgeon. 3s. 6d.

Observations on the Symptoms and specific Distinctions of Venereal Diseases; interspersed with Hints for the more effectual prosecution of the present Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Mercury, in their Treatment. By Richard Carmichael, M.R.I.A. 8vo. 9s. boards.

Directions for the Treatment of Persons who have taken Poison, and those in a state of Apparent Death; together with the Means of detecting Poisons and Adulterations in Wine: Also of distinguishing real from apparent Death. Translated from the French by R. H. Black, Surgeon; with an Appendix on Suspended Animation, and the means of Prevention. By M. P. Orfila. 12mo. 5s. boards.

Inquiry into the Influence of Situation on Pulmonary Consump

tion, and on the Duration of Life: Illustrated by Statistical Reports. By J. G. Mansford. 8vo. 5s. boards.

Johnson on Gout. 8vo. 5s. 6d. boards.

Johnson on the Influence of Civic Life, &c. on the Human Health. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Reports of the Practice in the Clinical Wards of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, during the months of November and December 1817, and January 1818; and May, June, July 1818. By Andrew Duncan, junior, M.D. F.R.S.E. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Professor of Medical Police and Medical Jurisprudence in the University of Edinburgh, and one of the Physicians to the Royal Public Dispensary and Lunatic Asylum. "I think, better I had one imperfect account transmitted, than none at all."-KIRKTON. 5s.

The Horse Owner's Guide, containing Valuable Information on the Management and Cure of the Disease called Glanders, with many esteemed recipes. By Thomas Smith, late Veterinary Surgeon in the Second Regiment of Dragoon Guards. 8vo. 5s. 6d. boards.


The System of the Weather, discovered in 1816 and 1817. By George Mackenzie. 21s.

A Letter to Sir Samuel Romilly, M. P. from Henry Brougham, Esq. M. P. F.R.S. upon the Abuse of Charities.

A Concise Description of Endowed Grammar Schools. 2 vol. 8vo. 21. 16s.

On the Safety-Lamp for Coal Miners; with some Researches on Flame. By Sir Humphry Davy. 8vo. 8s.

America and her Resources; or, a View of the Agricultural, Commercial, Manufacturing, Financial, Political, Literary, Moral and Religious Capacity and Character of the American People. By John Bristed. 8vo. 14s.

Essays on the Proximate Mechanical Causes of the general Phenomena of the Universe. By Sir R. Phillips. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Pilpay's Fables. 12mo. 6s.

Tables for Computing the Solid Contents of Timber, from 2 to 48 inches square, and from half a foot to 54 feet in length. Also, of Scantling, Deals, Planks, &c. from 1 inch to 6 inches in thickness, from 4 inches (rising progressively inch) to 24 inches in breadth, and from half a foot to 50 feet in length. By Richard Stoddart, Leith. 10s. boards.

The Edinburgh Review for the year 1755.


The Rhapsodist, or Mes Souvenirs, in an Epistle to Aristus. By R. E. Comeford, Esq. 8vo. 14s. 4to. 11. 1s.

Village Dialogues. By the Rev. R. Hill. 2 vol. 8vo. 11. 6s.12mo. 13s.

An Abridgment of all the Custom Laws in force in Ireland, and of the Laws which regulate the Trade from Ireland, to and from all places in his Majesty's Dominions, and in the Dominions of Foreign Powers, &c. By John Heron. 8vo. 11. 1s.

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