The CHRISTIAN LIFE; or, Differta- EDINBURGH: Printed by A. MURRAY & J. COCHRAN. Sold, at Edinburgh, by W. GRAY, J. DICKSON, and other booksel- MDCCLX X II, CONTENTS. 11-27-1923 1. Revelation founded on fact, 2. Ignorance of abstract Nature. Igno- rance of Divine Nature, Power, or Works. Knowledge conveyed by I- mages. The true ftate of creature- 3. Man's Original state and circumftances, Differtations on Galatians ii. 20. Introduction, Diff. 1. I am crucified with Chrift, Diff. 2. Nevertheless I live: yet not but Chrift liveth in me, I; Diff. 3. And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, Diff. 4. Who loved me, and gave him felf for me, 197 225 308 376 465 ERRATUM. Pag. 105. lin. 5. for exerting, read exciting, A TREATISE on the GENERAL PLAN of REVELATIO N. ! T CHAPTER Í Revelation founded on Fact: HE wifdom of the firft ages, for more than two thousand years, confifted in a manner entirely in the knowledge, or rather the belief, of certain facts handed down from one generation to another. Upon these their fentiments, and confequently their affections and paffions, were formed: and thence the whole of their religion, and what is now called morality, the whole of their conduct, both in relation to God and their neighbour, was regulated and directed. It can hardly be imagined, that any ginal, |